Pengguna:Andrean182/Bak Pasir/Daftar Rilis Ubuntu: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Andrean182 (bicara | kontrib)
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Andrean182 (bicara | kontrib)
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Baris 25:
The[[Forint]] '''forint'''adalah mata uang ([[currency sign|signHongaria]]: dengan simbol '''Ft'''; [[ISOdan 4217|code]]:kode '''HUF''') is the currency of [[Hungary]]. ItDahulu, was1 formerlyforint divideddibagi intomenjadi 100 [[fillér]], buttapi today,saat fillérini coinskoin arefillér notidak longerlagi in circulationdigunakan. The introduction of theDikenalkannya forint onpada 1 AugustAgustus 1946 wasadalah alangkah crucialpenting stepdalam instabilisasi theekonomi postHongaria pasca-[[WorldPerang WarDunia II]] stabilisation of the [[Economy of Hungary|Hungarian economyKedua]], anddan thesampai currency1980-an remained relatively stable untilforint thetetap 1980sstabil. TransitionPerpindahan to ake [[marketekonomi economypasar]] inpada the1990-an earlymempengaruhi 1990snilai adverselyforint affecteddengan the value of the forintnegatif; inflationinflasi peakedmeninggi atsampai 35% inpada 1991. SinceSejak 2001, inflationinflasi ismenurun inmenjadi singledigit digitstunggal, and thedan forint hasmenjadi beendapat declared fully [[Convertibility|convertible]]dikonversi.<ref>[{{Cite news|title=Hungary lifts last currency restrictions|url= BBC News] Hungary lifts last currency restrictions. |date=2001-06-18 June 2001|access-date=2019-12-28|language=en-GB}}</ref> AsSebagai aanggota memberUni of the [[European Union]]Eropa, thepemerintah long-termHongaria aimberniat ofmengganti theforint Hungarian government may be to [[Hungary and thedengan euro|replace]] thedalam forintjangka with the [[euro]]panjang, butnamun thatsepertinya doesbelum notbisa appeardilakukan tosampai besekitar likely until some time during the 2020s2020-an.<ref>{{citeCite web|url=|title=Hungary'sHungary’s New Notes Speak of Late Conversion to Euro|publisherlast=Gulyas|first=TheMargit WallFeher Streetand JournalVeronika|date=1 September 2014 -09-01|accessdatewebsite=24 May 2015 WSJ|language=en-US|access-date=2019-12-28}}</ref><ref>{{citeCite web|url=http|title=HUNGARYHungary'Ss ECONOMYeconomy MINISTERminister SEESsees POSSIBILITYpossibility FORfor ADOPTINGadopting EUROeuro BYby 2020 - UPDATE|publisherdate=2016-07-19|website=Daily News Hungary|language=en-US|access-date=3 June 20152019-12-28}}</ref><ref>{{citeCite web|url=|title=Hungary mulls euro adoption by 2020 – Business Recorder|publisherlanguage=BRen-epaperUS|access-date=19 July 20162019-12-28}}</ref>
{{Coin image box 1 double
| header = 2 Hungarian forint (1989).
Baris 37:
{{more citations needed section|date=February 2015}}
[[File:Lajos I florint 768761.jpg|thumb|Forint from [[Louis I of Hungary]] (1342–1382). Reverse: {{sc|LODOVICVS DEI GRACIA REX}}. Obverse: {{sc|S[ANCTVS] IOHANNES B[APTISTA]}}.]]