* Sebuah ringkasan kronologi yang mengindikasikan rentang 5149 tahun dari [[Adam]] sampai tahun ke-5 pemerintahan [[:en:Demetrius I of Syria|Demetrius]] (''Strom.'' 1.141,4).
==Writing ofTulisan Pseudo-Eupolemus ==
TheFragmen fragmentyang usuallybiasanya knowndikenal assebagai ''Pseudo-Eupolemus'' (''Praep.'' 9.17.2–9) relatesmengisahkan:
* Kota Asyur, [[Babel]], [sic] dibangun oleh para raksasa yang lolos dari [[air bah (Nuh)|air bah]] dan mereka juga membangun menara Babel. Setelah kehancurannya, para raksasa itu tercerai berai.
* The Assyrian city of [[Babylon]] [sic] was built by giants who escaped the [[Deluge (mythology)|Flood]] and they also built the tower. After its destruction the giants were scattered.
* ThereSelanjutnya followsada aringkasan summary ofriwayat [[Abraham]]'s careerberdasarkan basedcatatan onAlkitab thedengan Biblicalsejumlah accountperubahan withdan somedetail changesyang andmirip detailsdengan similaryang totertera those found in thedalam ''[[Genesis Apocryphon]]'' andmaupun tulisan [[JosephusYosefus]] andserta indalam tradisi [[:en:Enoch (ancestor of Noah)|Enochitekaum Henokh]] tradition.<!-- Abraham is particularly knowledgeable about [[astronomy]] and when he goes down to Egypt he teaches [[astrology]] to the Egyptian priests and explains that Enoch first discovered astrology.
* Then follows a puzzling passage which seems to have little to do with the context and may be garbled:
::For the [[Babylonia]]ns say that the first was [[Belus (Babylonian)|Belus]], who is the same as [[Cronus]], and that of him were born sons named Belus and [[Canaan]]. This Canaan fathered the father of the [[Phoenicians]], whose son was Chum/Chus, called by the Greeks Asbolus and was the father of the [[People of Ethiopia|Ethiopians]] and the brother of Mestraim, the ancestor of the [[Ancient Egypt|Egyptians]].
* The account concludes by indicating that the Greeks relate that [[Atlas (mythology)|Atlas]] discovered astrology but that Atlas is really Enoch and that Enoch learned from the angels of God.
R. Doran givesmengemukakan reasonalasan foruntuk believingmeyakini thatbahwa thisfragmen fragmentini maymungkin beadalah partbagian ofdari thekarya genuineasli workEupolemus ofmeskipun Eupolemusada keraguan seperti despitedisebutkan earlierdi doubtsatas.<ref>Cf also Łukasz Niesiołowski-Spano, (Pseudo-)Eupolemus and Shechem: Methodology Enabling the Use of Hellenistic Jewish Historians' Work in Biblical Studies, in: Lester L. Grabbe (ed.), Enquire of the Former Age. Ancient Historiography and Writing the History of Israel (ESHM 9; LHB/OTS 554), New York: T & T Clark 2011, 77-96</ref>