UY Scuti: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 1:
{{short description|Star}}
[[Berkas:UY_Scuti_zoomed_in,_Rutherford_Observatory,_07_September_2014.jpeg|300px|jmpl|Lokasi UY Scuti (terlihat paling terang dalam gambar) serta bintang bintang padat disekitarnya. Gambar diambil dari [[Observatorium Rutherfurd]] di [[Universitas Columbia]] di [[New York]], [[Amerika Serikat]] pada tahun 2011.]]
{{Starbox begin
| name = UY Scuti}}
{{Starbox image
| image = [[Berkas:UY Scuti zoomed in, Rutherford Observatory, 07 September 2014.jpeg|240 px]]
[[Berkas:UY_Scuti_zoomed_in,_Rutherford_Observatory,_07_September_2014.jpeg|300px|jmpl| caption =Lokasi UY Scuti (terlihat paling terang dalam gambar) serta bintang bintang padat disekitarnya. Gambar diambil dari [[Observatorium Rutherfurd]] di [[Universitas Columbia]] di [[New York]], [[Amerika Serikat]] pada tahun 2011.]]}}
{{Starbox observe
| epoch =[[J2000]]
| equinox =[[J2000]]
| constell = [[Scutum (constellation)|Scutum]]
| ra = {{RA|18|27|36.5334}}<ref name=tycho>{{cite journal |bibcode=1998A&A...335L..65H |title=The TYCHO Reference Catalogue |journal=Astronomy and Astrophysics |volume=335 |pages=L65 |last1=Hog |first1=E. |last2=Kuzmin |first2=A. |last3=Bastian |first3=U. |last4=Fabricius |first4=C. |last5=Kuimov |first5=K. |last6=Lindegren |first6=L. |last7=Makarov |first7=V. V. |last8=Roeser |first8=S. |date=1998}}</ref>
| dec = {{DEC|-12|27|58.866}}<ref name=tycho/>
| appmag_v=8.29 - 10.56<ref name=aavso-uy-sct/>
{{Starbox character
| class= M2-M4Ia-Iab<ref name=aavso-uy-sct>{{cite web |title=VSX: Detail for UY Sct |publisher=[[American Association of Variable Star Observers]] |url= |accessdate=2018-09-20}}</ref>
| b-v=+3.00<ref name=ducati>{{cite journal |bibcode=2002yCat.2237....0D |title=VizieR Online Data Catalog: Catalogue of Stellar Photometry in Johnson's 11-color system |journal=CDS/ADC Collection of Electronic Catalogues |volume=2237 |pages=0 |last1=Ducati |first1=J. R. |date=2002}}</ref>
| u-b=+3.29<ref name="Torres2013"/>
| variable=[[Semiregular variable star|SRc]]<ref name=gcvs/>
{{Starbox astrometry
| radial_v={{val|18.33|0.82}}<ref name=gaia>{{cite DR2|4152993273702130432}}</ref>
| prop_mo_ra=1.3<ref name=tycho2>{{Cite book |bibcode=2000A&A...355L..27H |title=The Tycho-2 catalogue of the 2.5 million brightest stars |journal=Astronomy and Astrophysics |volume=355 |pages=L27 |last1=Høg |first1=E. |last2=Fabricius |first2=C. |last3=Makarov |first3=V. V. |last4=Urban |first4=S. |last5=Corbin |first5=T. |last6=Wycoff |first6=G. |last7=Bastian |first7=U. |last8=Schwekendiek |first8=P. |last9=Wicenec |first9=A. |date=2000 |doi=10.1888/0333750888/2862|isbn=978-0333750889 }}</ref>
| prop_mo_dec=−1.6<ref name=tycho2/>
| parallax = 0.6433
| p_error = 0.1059
| parallax_footnote = <ref name=dr2>{{cite DR2|4152993273702130432}}</ref>
| dist_ly =
| dist_pc =
|absmag_v = &minus;6.2<ref name=lee>{{cite journal|bibcode=1970ApJ...162..217L|title=Photometry of high-luminosity M-type stars|journal=Astrophysical Journal|volume=162|pages=217|last1=Lee|first1=T. A.|year=1970|doi=10.1086/150648}}</ref>
{{Starbox detail
| source=
| mass=7–10<ref name="Torres2013">{{Cite journal | last1 = Arroyo-Torres | first1 = B. | last2 = Wittkowski | first2 = M. | last3 = Marcaide | first3 = J. M. | last4 = Hauschildt | first4 = P. H. | title = The atmospheric structure and fundamental parameters of the red supergiants AH Scorpii, UY Scuti, and KW Sagittarii | doi = 10.1051/0004-6361/201220920 | journal = Astronomy & Astrophysics | volume = 554 | pages = A76 | year = 2013 | pmid = | pmc = | bibcode = 2013A&A...554A..76A |arxiv = 1305.6179 }}</ref>
| radius=755<ref name=messineo2019>{{cite journal |bibcode=2019AJ....158...20M |title=A Catalog of Known Galactic K-M Stars of Class I Candidate Red Supergiants in Gaia DR2 |last1=Messineo |first1=M. |last2=Brown |first2=A. G. A. |journal=The Astronomical Journal |year=2019 |volume=158 |issue=1 |pages=20 |doi=10.3847/1538-3881/ab1cbd |arxiv=1905.03744 }}</ref>
| luminosity=86,300–87,100<ref name=messineo2019/>
| temperature={{val|3,605|170|fmt=commas}}<ref name=messineo2019/>
| gravity=−0.5<ref name="Torres2013"/>
{{Starbox catalog
| names=UY&nbsp;Sct, [[Bonner Durchmusterung|BD]]-12°5055, [[IRC]]&nbsp;-10422, [[RAFGL]]&nbsp;2162, HV&nbsp;3805
{{Starbox reference
| Simbad=UY+Sct
{{Starbox end}}
'''UY Scuti''' adalah bintang [[Hyper Raksasa|hyper raksasa merah]] yang terletak di rasi bintang [[Scutum (rasi bintang)|Scutum]]. Dengan perkiraan radius 1.708 jari-jari [[Matahari]], UY Scuti merupakan salah satu bintang terbesar yang pernah diketahui oleh manusia karena radiusnya serta merupakan bintang [[Variabel]] dengan kecerahan maksimum sekitar 8,29 dan paling sedikit sekitar 10,56.<ref>{{Cite web|url=|title=UY Scuti Bintang Terbesar Sejagad Raya|last=Muharram|first=Riza Miftah|website=Info Astronomy|access-date=2020-02-14}}</ref> Karena ukurannya yang ke-9 bahkan pada tingkat yang paling terang, UY Scuti tidak terlihat oleh mata telanjang.