Zona Otonom Capitol Hill: Perbedaan antara revisi
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Baris 51:
<ref name="City Journal">{{Cite web|last=Rufo|first=Christopher F.|date=June 10, 2020|title=Anarchy in Seattle|url=https://www.city-journal.org/antifa-seattle-capitol-hill-autonomous-zone|url-status=live|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20200611021201/https://www.city-journal.org/antifa-seattle-capitol-hill-autonomous-zone|archive-date=June 11, 2020|accessdate=11 June 2020|work=[[City Journal]]}}
</ref> dideklarasikan oleh para pemrotes [[unjuk rasa George Floyd
<ref name="KIRO-Jun9" />
Baris 111:
# [[gerakan penghapusan polisi|penghapusan]] atau [[pengurangan dana polisi|pengurangan dana]] kepolisian,
# pendanaan [[kesehatan komunitas]],
# pembebasan tahanan penjara yang dihukum karena keterkaitan dengan [[
Setelah zona otonom ini dideklarasikan, bentuk "pemerintahannya" menyerupai konsensus atau [[musyawarah]] di antara para pengunjuk rasa, dengan tujuan utama untuk membuat wilayah tanpa [[polisi]]. Di zona tersebut banyak yang menyediakan makanan dan minuman bagi para pemrotes.
Baris 157:
[[File:A memorial to black lives in CHAZ.jpg |thumb|Memorial bagi korban kekejaman polisi, di depan kantor polisi yang ditelantarkan.]]
Pada tanggal 9, sebuah blog ditulis yang berisi 30 tuntutan yang dibagi menjadi 4 kategori,<ref name="medium">[https://medium.com/@seattleblmanon3/the-demands-of-the-collective-black-voices-at-free-capitol-hill-to-the-government-of-seattle-ddaee51d3e47 The Demands Of The Collective Black Voices At Free Capitol Hill To The Government Of Seattle, Washington]</ref> termasuk penghapusan Departemen Polisi Seattle dan sistem pengadilan; [[pengurangan dana polisi|pengurangan dana DPS]] dan mengalihkannya ke [[kesehatan masyarakat]]; pelarangan penggunaan senjata api, tongkat, tameng antihuru-hara, dan zat-zat kimia; pembebasan tahanan yang dipenjara karena [[
<ref name="Daily Dot demands">{{cite web |url=https://www.dailydot.com/debug/seattle-capitol-hill-autonomous-zone-demands/ |title=Seattle's 'Autonomous Zone' releases list of demands |work=[[The Daily Dot]] |date=June 10, 2020 |accessdate=June 10, 2020 |author=Thalen, Mikael |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20200610234919/https://www.dailydot.com/debug/seattle-capitol-hill-autonomous-zone-demands/ |archive-date=June 10, 2020 |url-status=live }}
Baris 177:
Hingga akhir Juni, terdapat setidaknya 4 penembakan lain di zona ini.
Tanggal 20, terdengar setidaknya tujuh tembakan dalam beberapa detik.
<ref name="New normal">{{cite web |url=https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/after-early-morning-shooting-in-chop-occupied-area-returns-to-its-new-normal/ |title=After early morning shooting in CHOP, occupied area returns to its new normal |work=[[The Seattle Times]] |date=June 20, 2020 |accessdate=June 20, 2020 |last1=Gutman |first1=David |last2=Kiley |first2=Brendan |last3=Furfaro |first3=Hannah |last4=Carter |first4=Mike}}
Baris 213:
Kurang dari dua hari kemudian, seorang pria berusia 17 tahun ditembak dan dilarikan ke rumah sakit. Namun ia menolak untuk diperiksa detektif DPS.
<ref name="Another shooting">{{cite web |url=https://apnews.com/4dcff8f062bae9e1fe3885c346b44847 |title=Seattle to move to dismantle protest zone, mayor says |publisher=[[Associated Press]] |date=June 22, 2020 |accessdate=June 22, 2020 |author=Johnson, Gene}}
Baris 220:
Kurang dari dua hari kemudian, terjadi penembakan lagi, kali ini pria berusia 30-an terluka tembak, namun tidak mengancam nyawanya. Korban menolak memberikan informasi ke polisi atau mendeskripsikan pelakunya.
<ref name="Third shooting">{{cite web |url=https://apnews.com/ee8ed2680ebbda15cef8b3b899d2b7c1 |title=Police investigate 3rd shooting near Seattle protest zone |publisher=[[Associated Press]] |date=June 23, 2020 |accessdate=June 23, 2020}}
Penembakan keempat terjadi pada tanggal 29 pagi. Dua orang remaja pria berusia 14 dan 16 tahun ditembak dan satu meninggal.
<ref name="Shooting at CHOP site">{{cite web|last1=Brownstone|first1=Sydney|last2=Clarridge|first2=Christine|date=June 29, 2020|title=Shooting at Seattle's CHOP protest site kills one, leaves another in critical condition|url=https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/crime/shooting-at-seattles-chop-protest-site-leaves-2-in-critical-condition/|url-status=live|archive-url=|archive-date=|accessdate=June 29, 2020|work=[[The Seattle Times]]|quote=A 16-year-old boy was killed and a 14-year-old boy was wounded early Monday morning when they were shot at 12th Avenue and Pike Street in the protest area known as CHOP, in Seattle’s Capitol Hill neighborhood.}}
<ref name="Fourth shooting">{{cite web |url=https://www.king5.com/article/news/crime/seattle-shooting-capitol-hill-chop-chaz/281-48392a9e-d760-42f3-9469-c99466ed7a9f |title=1 man killed, another injured in shooting near Seattle's 'CHOP' zone Monday morning |publisher=[[KING-TV]] |date=June 29, 2020 |accessdate=June 29, 2020}}
<ref name="Another fatal shooting">{{cite web |url=https://www.nytimes.com/2020/06/29/us/seattle-protests-CHOP-CHAZ-autonomous-zone.html |title=Another Fatal Shooting in Seattle's 'CHOP' Protest Zone |work=[[The New York Times]] |date=June 29, 2020 |accessdate=June 29, 2020 |author=Johnson, Kirk |quote=Two more people have been shot, one fatally, in the fourth shooting in 10 days within the boundaries of the free-protest zone.}}
<ref name="14-year-old injured">{{cite web |url=https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/one-dead-one-injured-shooting-near-seattle-s-capitol-hill-n1232390 |title=One dead, 14-year-old injured in shooting near Seattle's Capitol Hill Organized Protest zone |publisher=[[NBC News]] |date=June 29, 2020 |accessdate=June 29, 2020 |author=Fieldstadt, Elisha}}
</ref> Kepala polisi DPS mengatakan bahwa situasi sudah berkembang menjadi berbahaya dan tidak dapat diterima lagi. Ia ingin supaya polisi dapat kembali ke area tersebut.
<ref name="Enough is enough">{{cite web |url=https://apnews.com/3b3ff66474e05309a136ff24780dd4a5 |title=Another shooting in Seattle's protest zone leaves 1 dead |publisher=[[Associated Press]] |date=June 29, 2020 |accessdate=June 29, 2020}}
</ref> Ia menambahkan, "Dua orang kulit hitam meninggal, di tempat yang mengklaim Nyawa Kulit Hitam Penting."
<ref name="Shooting at CHOP site"/>
Dalam keempat penembakan, tidak ada satu tersangka pun yang ditangkap oleh polisi.