Konten dihapus Konten ditambahkan
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Baris 3:
| title =
| logo = [[Berkas:Git-logo-2012.svg|x60px]]
| logo caption = GitLogo logoGit
| screenshot = [[Berkas:Gitweb.png|jmpl]]
| caption = gitweb, asebuah Webantarmuka interfaceweb foruntuk git
| collapsible =
| author = [[Linus Torvalds]]
| developer = [[Junio Hamano]], Linus Torvalds, [https://github.com/git/git/contributors anddan many otherslain-lain]
| released = {{Start date|2005|04|07|df=yes/no}}
| discontinued =
Baris 16:
| latest preview date = <!-- {{Start date and age|YYYY|MM|DD|df=yes/no}} -->
| frequently updated = yes<!-- DO NOT include this parameter unless you know what it does -->
| programming language = [[C (programmingbahasa languagepemrograman)|C]], [[Bourne Shell]], [[Tcl]], [[Perl]]<ref>{{cite web|url=http://git.kernel.org/?p=git/git.git;a=tree |title=git/git.git/tree |publisher=git.kernel.org |date= |accessdate=2009-06-15}}</ref>
| operating system = [[POSIX]], [[Windows]]
| platform =
Baris 22:
| language =
| status =
| genre = [[RevisionKendali controlversi]]
| license = [[GNU General Public License]] v2
| alexa =
Baris 30:
[[Pemeliharaan perangkat lunak]] Git saat ini diawasi oleh [[Junio Hamano]]. Dirilis di bawah [[Lisensi Publik Umum GNU]] versi 2, Git adalah suatu [[perangkat lunak bebas]].
Pengembangan Git dimulai pada April 2005, setelah banyak pengembang [[kernel Linux]] berhenti menggunakan [[BitKeeper]], sebuah sistem manajemen kendali kode sumber ''propiertary'' yang telah mereka gunakan untuk mememelihara proyek Linux sejak tahun 2002.<ref>{{cite news |last= Brown |first= Zack |url= https://www.linuxjournal.com/content/git-origin-story |title= Linus Torvalds' BitKeeper blunder |work= InfoWorld |publisher= LinuxJournal |date= 2018-07-27 |access-date= 2020-05-28 |url-status= live |archiveurl= https://web.archive.org/web/20200413113107/https://www.linuxjournal.com/content/git-origin-story |archivedate= 2020-04-13 |df= dmy-all}}</ref><ref name="linux.com44147">[https://www.linux.com/news/bitkeeper-and-linux-end-road BitKeeper and Linux: The end of the road? |linux.com] {{webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20170608224906/https://www.linux.com/news/bitkeeper-and-linux-end-road |date=8 June 2017}}</ref> Pemegang hak cipta BitKeeper, [[Larry McVoy]], menghentikan penggunaan gratis produk tersebut setelah mengklaim bahwa [[Andrew Tridgell]] telah membuat [[SourcePuller]] dengan cara me[[rekayasa balik]] protokol BitKeeper.<ref>{{cite news |last= McAllister |first= Neil |url= http://www.infoworld.com/article/2670360/operating-systems/linus-torvalds--bitkeeper-blunder.html |title= Linus Torvalds' BitKeeper blunder |work= InfoWorld |publisher= IDG |date= 2005-05-02 |access-date= 2015-09-08 |url-status= live |archiveurl= https://web.archive.org/web/20150826064920/http://www.infoworld.com/article/2670360/operating-systems/linus-torvalds--bitkeeper-blunder.html |archivedate= 26 August 2015 |df= dmy-all}}</ref>
[[Linus Torvalds]] menginginkan sebuah sistem terdistribusi yang bisa dia gunakan seperti BitKeeper, tetapi tidak ada sistem gratis yang memenuhi kebutuhannya. Torvalds menyebutkan contoh sebuah sistem manajemen kode sumber yang memerlukan 30 detik untuk menerapkan [[Tambalan (komputasi)|tambalan]] dan memperbarui semua metadata yang terkait, dan mengatakan bahwa ini tidak akan cukup untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pengembangan kernel Linux, di mana sinkronisasi antarpengguna bisa membutuhkan 250 tindakan pada saat yang bersamaan. Untuk kriteria desainnya, dia menetapkan bahwa penambalan sebaiknya tidak menghabiskan lebih dari tiga detik, dan menambahkan tiga hal lainnya:<ref name="kernel_SCM_saga" />
* Menggunakan [[Concurrent Versions System]] (CVS) sebagai contoh apa yang ''jangan'' dilakukan; apabila ragu, lakukan kebalikan dari yang CVS lakukan.<ref name="linusGoogleTalk" />
* Mendukung alur kerja terdistribusi yang menyerupai BitKeeper.<ref name="linusGoogleTalk" />
* Memiliki pelindung sangat kuat terhadap kerusakan data, baik yang tidak disengaja maupun yang berniat buruk.<ref name="integrity_goals" />
Kriteria-kriteria tersebut tidak dipenuhi oleh semua sistem kendali versi yang tersedia pada saat itu, jadi setelah rilis pengembangan Linux 2.6.12-rc2, Torvalds mulai menulis sistem kendali versinya sendiri.<ref name="linusGoogleTalk" />
Pengembangan Git dimulai pada 3 April 2005.<ref name="selfhost">{{cite mailing list |url=https://marc.info/?l=git&m=117254154130732 |title=Re: Trivia: When did git self-host? |date=2007-02-27 |last=Torvalds |first=Linus |mailinglist=git}}</ref> Torvalds mengumumkan proyeknya pada 6 April dan Git mampu melakukan ''[[Self-hosting (kompilator)|self-hosting]]'' pada keesokan harinya.<ref>{{cite mailing list |url=https://marc.info/?l=linux-kernel&m=111280216717070 |title=Kernel SCM saga.. |date=2005-04-06 |last=Torvalds |first=Linus |mailinglist=linux-kernel}}</ref><ref name="selfhost" /> Penggabungan (''merge'') beberapa cabang pertama kali dilakukan pada 18 April.<ref>{{cite mailing list |url=https://marc.info/?l=git&m=111377572329534 |title=First ever real kernel git merge! |date=2005-04-17 |last=Torvalds |first=Linus |mailinglist=git}}</ref> Torvalds mencapai sasaran performanya; pada 29 April, Git sudah tercatat mengirim tambalan ke pohon kernel Linux dengan kecepatan 6,7 tambalan per detik.<ref>{{cite mailing list |url=https://marc.info/?l=git&m=111475459526688 |title=Mercurial 0.4b vs git patchbomb benchmark |date=2005-04-29 |last=Mackall |first=Matt |mailinglist=git}}</ref> Pada 16 Juni, Git mengurus rilis 2.6.12 kernel Linux.<ref>{{cite mailing list |url=https://marc.info/?l=git-commits-head&m=111904216911731 |title=Linux 2.6.12 |date=2005-06-17 |last=Torvalds |first=Linus |mailinglist=git-commits-head}}</ref>
Torvalds menyerahkan [[pemeliharaan perangkat lunak|pemeliharaan]] pada 26 Juli 2005 kepada Junio Hamano, seorang kontributor besar dalam proyek.<ref>{{cite mailing list |url=https://marc.info/?l=git&m=112243466603239 |title=Meet the new maintainer... |date=2005-07-27 |last=Torvalds |first=Linus |mailinglist=git}}</ref> Hamano bertanggung jawab atas rilis 1.0 pada 21 Desember 2005 dan terus menjadi pemelihara utama proyek.<ref>{{cite mailing list |url=https://marc.info/?l=git&m=113515203321888 |title=Announce: Git 1.0.0 |date=2005-12-21 |last=Hamano |first=Junio C. |mailinglist=git}}</ref>
Daftar rilis Git:
{| class="wikitable"
! Versi
! Tanggal rilis
! Versi (tambalan) terbaru
! Tanggal rilis (tambalan)
| {{Version|o|0.99}}
| 2005-07-11
| 0.99.9n
| 2005-12-15
| {{Version|o|1.0}}
| 2005-12-21
| 1.0.13
| 2006-01-27
| {{Version|o|1.1}}
| 2006-01-08
| 1.1.6
| 2006-01-30
| {{Version|o|1.2}}
| 2006-02-12
| 1.2.6
| 2006-04-08
| {{Version|o|1.3}}
| 2006-04-18
| 1.3.3
| 2006-05-16
| {{Version|o|1.4}}
| 2006-06-10
| 2008-07-16
| {{Version|o|1.5}}
| 2007-02-14
| 2008-12-17
| {{Version|o|1.6}}
| 2008-08-17
| 2010-12-15
| {{Version|o|1.7}}
| 2010-02-13
| 2012-10-17
| {{Version|o|1.8}}
| 2012-10-21
| 2014-12-17
| {{Version|o|1.9}}
| 2014-02-14
| 1.9.5
| 2014-12-17
| {{Version|o|2.0}}
| 2014-05-28
| 2.0.5
| 2014-12-17
| {{Version|o|2.1}}
| 2014-08-16
| 2.1.4
| 2014-12-17
| {{Version|o|2.2}}
| 2014-11-26
| 2.2.3
| 2015-09-04
| {{Version|o|2.3}}
| 2015-02-05
| 2.3.10
| 2015-09-29
| {{Version|o|2.4}}
| 2015-04-30
| 2.4.12
| 2017-05-05
| {{Version|o|2.5}}
| 2015-07-27
| 2.5.6
| 2017-05-05
| {{Version|o|2.6}}
| 2015-09-28
| 2.6.7
| 2017-05-05
| {{Version|o|2.7}}
| 2015-10-04
| 2.7.6
| 2017-07-30
| {{Version|o|2.8}}
| 2016-03-28
| 2.8.6
| 2017-07-30
| {{Version|o|2.9}}
| 2016-06-13
| 2.9.5
| 2017-07-30
| {{Version|o|2.10}}
| 2016-09-02
| 2.10.5
| 2017-09-22
| {{Version|o|2.11}}
| 2016-11-29
| 2.11.4
| 2017-09-22
| {{Version|o|2.12}}
| 2017-02-24
| 2.12.5
| 2017-09-22
| {{Version|o|2.13}}
| 2017-05-10
| 2.13.7
| 2018-05-22
| {{Version|o|2.14}}
| 2017-08-04
| 2.14.6
| 2019-12-07
| {{Version|o|2.15}}
| 2017-10-30
| 2.15.4
| 2019-12-07
| {{Version|o|2.16}}
| 2018-01-17
| 2.16.6
| 2019-12-07
| {{Version|o|2.17}}
| 2018-04-02
| 2.17.5
| 2020-04-20
| {{Version|o|2.18}}
| 2018-06-21
| 2.18.4
| 2020-04-20
| {{Version|o|2.19}}
| 2018-09-10
| 2.19.5
| 2020-04-20
| {{Version|o|2.20}}
| 2018-12-09
| 2.20.4
| 2020-04-20
| {{Version|o|2.21}}
| 2019-02-24
| 2.21.3
| 2020-04-20
| {{Version|co|2.22}}
| 2019-06-07
| 2.22.4
| 2020-04-20
| {{Version|co|2.23}}
| 2019-08-16
| 2.23.3
| 2020-04-20
| {{Version|co|2.24}}
| 2019-11-04
| 2.24.3
| 2020-04-20
| {{Version|co|2.25}}
| 2020-01-13
| 2.25.4
| 2020-04-20
| {{Version|co|2.26}}
| 2020-03-22
| 2.26.2
| 2020-04-20
| {{Version|co|2.27}}
| 2020-06-01
| 2.27.0
| 2020-06-01
| {{Version|c|2.28}}
| 2020-07-27
| 2.28.0
| 2020-07-27
| colspan="4" | <small>{{Version |l |show=111110}}</small>
| colspan="4" |Sumber:<ref>https://github.com/git/git/releases</ref>
== Referensi ==
<ref name="kernel_SCM_saga">{{cite mailing list |mailinglist = linux-kernel |last = Torvalds |first = Linus |url = https://marc.info/?l=linux-kernel&m=111288700902396 |title = Re: Kernel SCM saga.. |date = 2005-04-07}} "So I'm writing some scripts to try to track things a whole lot faster."</ref>
<ref name="linusGoogleTalk">{{cite video |people = Linus Torvalds |date = 2007-05-03 |url = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4XpnKHJAok8 |title = Google tech talk: Linus Torvalds on git |time = 02:30 |accessdate = 2007-05-16 |url-status = live |archiveurl = https://web.archive.org/web/20070528041814/http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4XpnKHJAok8 |archivedate = 28 May 2007 |df = dmy-all}}</ref>
<ref name="integrity_goals">{{cite mailing list |last = Torvalds |first = Linus |authorlink = Linus Torvalds |mailinglist = git |date = 2007-06-10 |title = Re: fatal: serious inflate inconsistency |url = https://marc.info/?l=git&m=118143549107708}}</ref>
== Lihat pula ==
Baris 37 ⟶ 272:
== Pranala luar ==
{{Commons category|Git}}
{{Wikibooks|Source Control Management With Git|lang=en}}
* {{Official website}}
* [http://git.or.cz/ Git homepage], maintained by [[Petr Baudis]]
* [https://www.openhub.net/p/git Git] di [[Open Hub]]
* [http://www.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/docs/user-manual.html Git User's Manual], also distributed with Git in Documentation/user-manual.txt
* [http://www.kernel.org/git/ Git] - the project page at kernel.org
* [http://linux.yyz.us/git-howto.html Kernel Hackers' Guide to git]
* [http://lwn.net/Articles/131657/ The guts of git], article by [[LWN.net]]
* [http://www.linux-mips.org/wiki/Git Git] and [http://www.linux-mips.org/wiki/WhatIsGit WhatIsGit] at [http://www.linux-mips.org LinuxMIPS] wiki
* [http://git.or.cz/gitwiki/GitProjects Projects that use Git] from GitWiki
* [http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=1251251453592758541 Google Tech Talk: Randal Schwartz on Git] from video.google.com
* [http://utsl.gen.nz/talks/git-svn/intro.html An introduction to git-svn for Subversion/SVK users and deserters], article by Sam Vilain
* [http://eagain.net/articles/git-for-computer-scientists/ Git for computer scientists]
* [irc://irc.freenode.net/git #git] on freenode
* [https://github.com/GitIndonesia Komunitas Git Indonesia]
== Portabilitas ==
* [http://www.eqqon.com/index.php/GitSharp GitSharp: Adalah implementasi Git murni untuk .net dan mono]
== Catatan kaki ==
[[Kategori:Perangkat lunak bebas]]