Dokter spesialis: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 52:
* KFER - "Konsulen Fertilitilty Endokrinologi Reproduksi" (biasanya dimiliki oleh spesialis kebidanan)
* Gelar yang bisa ditambahkan pada spesialis jantung dan spesialis bedah:
** FACC - "Fellow, of the American College of CardiologyCardiologists"
** FACP - "Fellow of the American College of Physicians"
** FACS - "Fellow, of the American College of Surgeons", menandakan anggota dari "American College of Surgeons"
** FESC - "Fellow of the European Society of Cardiology"
** FICS - "Fellow Of Thethe International College Of Surgious"
** FIHA - "Fellows Indonesian Heart Association"
* Tambahan gelar lainnya:
** DPM - "Doctor of Podiatric Medicine"
** FAAEM - "Fellow of the American Academy of Emergency Medicine"
** FAAFP - "Fellow of the American Academy of Family Physicians"
** FACE - "Fellow of the American College of Endocrinology"
** FACEP - "Fellow of the American College of Emergency Physicians"
** FACFAS - "Fellow of the American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons"
** FACOG - "Fellow of the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecologists"
** FCCP - "Fellow of the American College of Chest Physicians"
==Gelar Magister==