Kontak Jawa dengan Australia: Perbedaan antara revisi

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→‎Pasca-1600: Tambahan terjemahan
Baris 6:
=== Pra-1500 ===
{{Main|Kerajaan Medang}}
Referensi tentang Australia dan penduduk asli Australia telah tercatat di Jawa abad 10 M. Menurut Prasasti Waharu IV (931 M) dan Prasasti Garaman (1053 M),<ref>Nastiti (2003), in Ani Triastanti, 2007, p. 39.</ref><ref>Nastiti (2003), in Ani Triastanti, 2007, p. 34.</ref> Kerajaan Medang dan jaman[[Kerajaan AirlanggaKahuripan]] kerajaanzaman KahuripanAirlangga (1000-1049 M) di Jawa mengalami masa kemakmuran yang cukup panjang sehingga membutuhkan banyak tenaga kerja terutama untuk membawa hasil bumipanen, pengepakanmengemas, dan mengirimkannya ke pelabuhan. Tenaga kerja berupa orang kulit hitam diimpor dari Jenggi ([[Zanzibar]]), Pujut (Australia), dan Bondan ([[Papua]]).<ref>Nugroho (2011). p. 39.</ref><ref>Nugroho (2011). p. 73.</ref> Menurut Naerssen, mereka tiba di Jawa dengan jalur perdagangan (dibeli oleh pedagang) atau ditawan saat perang dan kemudian dijadikan budak.<ref>Kartikaningsih (1992). p. 42, in Ani Triastanti (2007), p. 34.</ref>
=== 1500-1600 ===
Baris 26:
Crawfurd says that the expression ''Nusa'' ''antara'' denoted Madura. Janssen thinks that Eredia’s ''Luca'' ''antara'' was Australia or one of the islands off the north Australian coast: Hamy considers it to be Sumba. (Janssen. ''Malaca, Vlnde Meridionale ei le Cathay''. (1882). pp, xi, xii). Major thinks it was Madura.</ref><ref group="catatan">According to Ferrand, the word ''nusa'' is only used in Java, Madura, and Madagascar (nusi); elsewhere, island is generally represented by the name ''pulaw'', ''pulo'', or some dialectical variant thereof. (''Journal'' ''Asiatique''. Tome XX. (1920). p. 190). ''Nusa'' may be connected, through Sanskrit, with the Greek νῆσος (nesos). It would appear that the human tongue has a tendency to corrupt an "N" into an "L" thus "Nakhon" has become "Lakhon" (Ligor) and the Malay word ''nuri'' has become lory. [[Jan Huyghen van Linschoten|Linschoten]]’s map of the Eastern Seas contains the forms ''Lusa'' (''Luca'') and ''Nusa''.</ref> Penjelasan singkat tentang negara ini diberikan dalam surat yang ditulis oleh Chiaymasiouro kepada Raja Pahang dan dalam sertifikat yang dibuat oleh Pedro de Carvalhaes di Malaka pada tanggal 4 Oktober 1601.<ref>Mills (1930). p. 3.</ref>
[[Berkas:Map_of_Meridional_India.jpg|jmpl|A map ofPeta ''Meridional'' ''India'' (SouthernIndia IndiaSelatan); bearingmemiliki akemiripan generalumum resemblancedengan topeta Mercator’sMercator map oftahun 1569. The South isBagian atSelatan theada topdi ofbagian theatas mappeta.]]
InDalam partbagian 1 "Concerning the Meridional India" Eredia mentionedmenyebutkan that thebahwa Meridional India consistterdiri ofdari thedaratan mainlandyang calleddisebut ''lucach'', which hasyang amemiliki peninsulasemenanjung namedbernama ''beach'', anddan asebuah countrynegara calledbernama ''Lucaantara'' (oratau ''Luca'' ''Antara''). InDi the west oftimur ''Lucaantara'' isadalah two2 smallpulau islandkecil ''Agania'' anddan ''Necuran'', anddan asebuah largerpulau islandyang calledlebih besar bernama ''Java'' ''Minor''. ToDi the westbaratnya isadalah ''Angaman'' ''Minor'' oratau ''Luca'' ''Tambini'' (islandpulau of womenperempuan), anddan ''Angaman'' ''Major'' oratau ''Lucapiatto''.<ref group="catatan">''Luca'' ''Tambini'': ''Nusa'' (islandpulau) + ''Bini'' (femaleperempuan, womenwanita). ''Lucapiatto'': ''Nusa'' (islandpulau) + ''Piatu'' (desolateterlantar).</ref> The ''lontares''Lontar (lontarteks leafdaun textslontar) anddan annalscatatan ofsejarah JavaJawa mentionmenyebutkan Meridional India and itsdan commerceperdagangan anddan tradeperdagangannya.<ref name=":2" />
InDalam ''Report of Meridional India'' (1610) Eredia mentionedmenyebutkan thatbahwa inpada ancientzaman timesdahulu merchantspara carriedpedagang onmelakukan extensivepergaulan intercoursedan andperdagangan tradeyang fromekstensif dari ''Luca'' ''Antara'' withdengan JavaJawa. ThisPerdagangan tradedan andperdagangan commerceini wasdihancurkan destroyed for a period ofselama 331 yearstahun, itia ceasedberhenti onkarena accountperang of wars and conflictsdan betweenkonflik theantar statesnegara. TheyMereka weretidak notdapat ableberkomunikasi tosatu communicatesama withlain eachsampai other until the yeartahun 1600 (thisini wouldberarti meankomunikasi thatitu theterhenti communicationpada was stopped intahun 1269). InPada thattahun yearitu, asebuah boatkapal fromdari ''Lucaantara'' carriedyang outberlayar ofdi itstengah coursebadai bydan amendarat stormdi and landed in the port ofpelabuhan ''Balambuam'' ([[Blambangan, KingdomMuncar, Banyuwangi|Blambangan]]) indi JavaJawa, wheredi mana thepenghuninya occupantsdisambut weredengan well-receivedbaik.<ref name=":2">de Eredia (1613). p. 61.</ref>
TheOrang strangersasing fromdari ''Lucaantara'' resembledmirip thedengan [[Banteneseorang people|JavaneseJawa of]]di [[Banten; Sultanate|Banten]];tetapi berbicara butdalam speakbahasa differentyang languageberbeda, whichyang mademembuat Eredia believepercaya thatbahwa theymereka wereadalah anotherorang typeJawa ofjenis Javaneselain. ThisPeristiwa incidentini excitedmembuat Chiaymasiouro bersemangat, whichyang consequentlyakibatnya embarked on amenaiki [[kelulus]] fromdari [[Blambangan Peninsula|Blambangan]]yang whichtelah hasdilengkapi beendengan equippeddayung withdan oar and saillayar, toke the southselatan. AfterSetelah 12 dayshari, heia arrivedtiba atdi thepelabuhan port of ''Lucaantara'', asebuah peninsulasemenanjung oratau islandpulau 600di Spanishlingkar leagues600 inliga circumferenceSpanyol.<ref group="catatan">2100 milesmil (3380 km), ifjika asatu Spanishliga leagueSpanyol isdianggap taken assejauh 3.,5 milesmil (5.,6 km).</ref> ThereDi hesana receivedia byditerima theoleh [[syahbandar]] (the king of the landraja wasnegeri upriveritu inberada thedi interiorpedalaman, 8 dayshari awayjauhnya),<ref name=":0">de Eredia (1613). p. 63.</ref> anddan stayedtinggal forselama severalbeberapa dayshari.<ref name=":1">de Eredia (1613). p. 62.</ref>
[[Berkas:Calaluz_de_Batavia.png|jmpl|Drawing of aMenggambar kelulus, the type ofjenis vesselperahu usedyang bydigunakan Chiaymasiouro tountuk reachmencapai ''Luca antara''.]]
AccordingMenurut to the itinerarycatatan ofperjalanan Chiaymasiouro, ''Lucaantara'' shouldseharusnya beadalah thenama generalumum nameuntuk forsemenanjung theyang peninsula,memiliki whichjarak has a distance of aboutsekitar 140 Spanishliga leaguesSpanyol<ref group="catatan">490 miles (789 km), if a Spanish league is taken as 3.5 miles (5.6 km).</ref> fromdari Blambangan.<ref name=":1" /> The account ofKisah Chiaymasiouro isadalah assebagai followsberikut:<blockquote>Having equipped myself for travel and supplied myself with necessary requirements, I embarked with some companions in a kelulus or vessel provided with oars, and set out from the port of Blambangan towards the south. After a voyage lasting 12 days, I reached the port of ''Lucaantara''; there I disembarked and was received by the syahbandar with demonstrations of pleasure. Being fatigued with the voyage, I was unable to see the King of ''Lucaantara'', who was staying up-river in the Hinterland, eight days’ journey away.
The King was advised of my arrival and presented me with some handfulls of gold coins resembling in appearance the gold “Venetian” of Venice.<ref group="catatan">The Venetian ''Zecchino'', ''cecchino'', or ''sequin'', a gold coin present on the shore of India, and which still frequently turns up in treasure-trove, and in hoards. In the early part of the 15th century Nicolo Conti mentions that in some parts of India, Venetian ducats, i.e. ''sequins'', were present (Yule and Burnell. ''Hobson''-''Jobson''. (1903). p. 193).</ref> I was hospitably entertained as long as I remained in the country, and enjoyed the splendid freshness of the climate. I saw a considerable amount of gold, doves, mace, white sandalwood, and other spices, as well as large quantities of foodstuffs of every kind which are produced in this country.