== Sejarah ==
<!--{{See also|HistorySejarah offungsi trigonometric functionstrigonometri}}-->
[[Berkas:Hipparchos 1.jpeg|jmpl|190px|Hipparchus]]
Konsep sudut dan jari-jari sudah digunakan oleh manusia sejak zaman purba, paling tidak pada milenium pertama [[SM]]. Astronom dan astrolog [[Yunani]], [[Hipparchus]], (190–120 SM) menciptakan tabel fungsi [[:en:chord (geometry)|chord]] dengan menyatakan panjang chord bagi setiap sudut, dan ada rujukan mengenai penggunaan koordinat polar olehnya untuk menentukan posisi bintang-bintang.<ref name="milestones">{{Cite web| last = Friendly| first = Michael| title = Milestones in the History of Thematic Cartography, Statistical Graphics, and Data Visualization| url = http://www.math.yorku.ca/SCS/Gallery/milestone/sec4.html| accessdate = 2006-09-10}}</ref>
|url= http://books.google.com.au/books?id=AMOQZfrZq-EC&pg=PA161#v=onepage&f=false
</ref> <!--FromSejak theabad 9thke-9 centurydan onwardseterusnya, theymereka weremenggunakan usingmetode [[sphericaltrigonometri trigonometrybola]] anddan [[mapproyeksi projectionpeta]] methodsuntuk tomenentukan determinejumlah theseini quantitiessecara accuratelyakurat. ThePerhitungan calculationpada isdasarnya essentiallyadalah the conversion of thekonversi [[Geodetickoordinat coordinatesGeodetik#CoordinatesKoordinat|equatorialkoordinat polar coordinatesekuator]] of MeccaMekkah (i.e. itsyaitu [[longitudebujur]] anddan [[latitudelintang]]) toke itskoordinat polar coordinateskutubnya (i.e.yaitu itskiblat qibladan and distancejaraknya) relative to arelatif systemterhadap whosesistem referenceyang meridian isreferensinya theadalah greatlingkaran circlebesar throughmelalui thelokasi given location and the Earth's polestertentu, anddan whoseyang polarsumbu axispolarnya isadalah thegaris linemelalui throughlokasi the location and itsdan [[titik antipodal point]].<ref>King ([[#CITEREFKing2005|2005]], [http://books.google.com.au/books?id=AMOQZfrZq-EC&pg=PA169#v=onepage&f=false p. 169]). The calculations were as accuratePerhitungannya asseakurat couldyang bedapat achieveddicapai underdi thebawah limitationsbatasan imposedyang bydiberlakukan theiroleh assumptionasumsi thatmereka thebahwa EarthBumi wasadalah abola perfectyang spheresempurna.</ref>
ThereAda areberbagai variouspenjelasan accountstentang ofpengenalan the introduction ofkoordinat polar coordinatessebagai asbagian partdari ofsistem akoordinat formal. coordinateSejarah system.lengkap Thedari fullsubjek historyini ofdijelaskan thedalam subjectOrigin isof describedPolar inCoordinates [[HarvardUniversitas UniversityHarvard|Harvard]] professorprofesor [[Julian Lowell Coolidge]]'s ''Origin of Polar Coordinates.''<ref name="coolidge">{{Cite journal| last = Coolidge| first = Julian| authorlink = Julian Lowell Coolidge| title = The Origin of Polar Coordinates| journal = American Mathematical Monthly| volume = 59| pages = 78–85| year = 1952| url = http://www-history.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/Extras/Coolidge_Polars.html| doi = 10.2307/2307104| issue = 2| publisher = Mathematical Association of America| jstor = 2307104}}</ref> [[Grégoire de Saint-Vincent]] anddan [[Bonaventura Cavalieri]] independentlysecara introducedindependen thememperkenalkan conceptskonsep-konsep inpada thepertengahan mid-seventeenthabad ketujuh centurybelas. Saint-Vincent wrotemenulis abouttentang themmereka privatelysecara inpribadi pada tahun 1625 anddan publishedmenerbitkan hiskaryanya workpada intahun 1647, whilesementara Cavalieri publishedmenerbitkan hiskaryanya inpada tahun 1635 withdengan aversi correctedkoreksi versionyang appearingmuncul inpada tahun 1653. Cavalieri firstpertama usedkali polarmenggunakan coordinateskoordinat tokutub solveuntuk amemecahkan problemmasalah relatingyang toberkaitan thedengan arealuas withindi andalam [[Archimedean spiral Archimedean]]. [[Blaise Pascal]] subsequentlykemudian usedmenggunakan koordinat polar coordinatesuntuk tomenghitung calculate the length ofpanjang [[parabola|parabolicbusur arcsparabola]].
InDalam '' [[Method of Fluxions]] '' (writtenditulis 1671, publishedditerbitkan 1736), Sir [[Isaac Newton]] examinedmemeriksa thetransformasi transformationsantara betweenkoordinat polar coordinateskutub, whichyang heia referredsebut to as thesebagai "SeventhCara MannerKetujuh; ForUntuk SpiralsSpiral", and nine other coordinate systems.<ref>{{Cite journal| last = Boyer| first = C. B.| title = Newton as an Originator of Polar Coordinates| journal = American Mathematical Monthly| volume = 56| pages = 73–78| year = 1949| doi = 10.2307/2306162| issue = 2| publisher = Mathematical Association of America| jstor = 2306162}}</ref> InDalam the journaljurnal '' [[Acta Eruditorum]] '' (1691), [[Jacob Bernoulli]] usedmenggunakan asistem systemdengan withtitik apada pointgaris, onyang amasing-masing line,disebut called'' thepolar ''pole'' anddan '' sumbu polar axis'' respectively. CoordinatesKoordinat wereditentukan specifiedoleh byjarak thedari distancekutub fromdan thesudut poledari and'' thesumbu angle from the ''polar axis''. Pekerjaan Bernoulli's workdiperluas extendeduntuk to finding themenemukan [[Radius of curvaturekelengkungan (mathematicsmatematika)|radiusjari-jari of curvaturekelengkungan]] of curves expressed in these coordinates.
TheIstilah actual termsebenarnya '' koordinat polar coordinates'' hastelah beendikaitkan attributed todengan [[Gregorio Fontana]] anddan wasdigunakan usedoleh bypenulis 18th-centuryItalia Italianabad writerske-18. TheIstilah termini appearedmuncul indalam [[ EnglishBahasa languageInggris| EnglishInggris]] indalam terjemahan [[George Peacock]] 's tahun 1816 translationdari ofterjemahan [[Sylvestre François Lacroix|Lacroix]] 's '' DifferentialDiferensial anddan Integral CalculusKalkulus''.<ref>{{Cite web| last = Miller| first = Jeff| title = Earliest Known Uses of Some of the Words of Mathematics| url = http://members.aol.com/jeff570/p.html| accessdate = 2006-09-10}}</ref><ref>{{Cite book| last = Smith| first = David Eugene| title = History of Mathematics, Vol II| publisher = Ginn and Co.| year = 1925| location = Boston| pages = 324}}</ref> [[Alexis Clairaut]] wasadalah theorang firstpertama toyang thinkmemikirkan ofkoordinat polarkutub coordinatesdalam intiga three dimensionsdimensi, anddan [[Leonhard Euler]] wasadalah theorang firstpertama toyang actually developbenar-benar themmengembangkannya.<ref name="coolidge" /> ▼
▲The actual term ''polar coordinates'' has been attributed to [[Gregorio Fontana]] and was used by 18th-century Italian writers. The term appeared in [[English language|English]] in [[George Peacock]]'s 1816 translation of [[Sylvestre François Lacroix|Lacroix]]'s ''Differential and Integral Calculus''.<ref>{{Cite web| last = Miller| first = Jeff| title = Earliest Known Uses of Some of the Words of Mathematics| url = http://members.aol.com/jeff570/p.html| accessdate = 2006-09-10}}</ref><ref>{{Cite book| last = Smith| first = David Eugene| title = History of Mathematics, Vol II| publisher = Ginn and Co.| year = 1925| location = Boston| pages = 324}}</ref> [[Alexis Clairaut]] was the first to think of polar coordinates in three dimensions, and [[Leonhard Euler]] was the first to actually develop them.<ref name="coolidge" />
== Kaidah ==
[[Berkas:Polar graph paper.svg|jmpl|ka|300px|Sebuah grid polar dengan beberapa sudut yang diberi label dalam derajat.]]