Epoch Times: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Berdasarkan koran itu sendiri, ''The Epoch Times'' diterbitkan pertama kali di New York oadapada bulan Mei 2000, setelah terjadi penangkapan sejumlah kecil wartawan di [[Republik Rakyat China|China]] di tahun 2000.<ref name=About_Us/>
Yuezhi Zhao, AssistantAsisten ProfessorProfesor ofdi Communicationbidang atKomunikasi di Universitas Simon Fraser University, CanadaKanada, indi thedalam bookbukunya ''Contesting Media Power: Alternative Media in a Networked World'' writesmenulis thatbahwa situs ''The Epoch Times'' website (www.epochtimes.com) anddan kelompok koran ''The Epoch Times'' group"telah oftumbuh newspapersmenjadi "havesalah grownsatu intowebsite oneberita ofdan thekelompok largestkoran Chinese-languagebahasa newsMandarin websitesterbesar anddi newspaperluar groupsChina outsidedalam Chinadua intahun theterakhir, pastdengan twoedisi-edisi years,lokal withdi locallebih editionsdari in30 morenegara thanbagian thirty U.S.Amerika statesSerikat, CanadaKanada, Australia, NewSelandia ZealandBaru, JapanJepang, Indonesia, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and
dan majornegara-negara WesternEropa EuropeanBarat countrieslainnnya."<ref name=zhao/> She says that local versions take the form of a free weekly newspaper drawing on content from the Epoch Times website. These are distributed worldwide, with a claimed weekly circulation of 400,000 to 500,000 in August 2002. "While mainstream newspaper typically treat Web versions as an extension of the already-existing print version, the Epoch Times website serves as the master for all its worldwide papers. All a local 'franchise' needs to do is choose content from the website and add local material."<ref name=zhao>Zhao, Yuezhi, "Falun Gong, Identity, and the Struggle over Meaning Inside and Outside China", pp209-223 in Contesting Media Power: Alternative Media in a Networked World, ed. Nick Couldry and James Curran, Rowman & Littlefield publishers, inc.: 2003.</ref> On August 12, 2002, ''The Epoch Times'' launched its first daily in Washington, D.C..
In 2006, Eugenia Chien wrote in the journal ''New Media America'', that "''The Epoch Times'' now distributes in over 30 countries worldwide, with a weekly circulation of 1.5 million. Its circulation, like many ethnic newspapers, is not audited by the Audit Bureau of Circulation. The newspaper's English edition launched in New York in 2004 and rapidly grew. In New York alone, the newspaper has a 150,000 weekly distribution, in addition to 40,000 home deliveries, according to the newspaper."<ref name=waves/> Typically a 16-page broadsheet, the Epoch Times also runs mainstream newswire stories and can resemble a community newspaper, with reports of local school budget, recipe swaps and a community calendar of jazz concerts.<ref name=waves/>