| RAltTitle = ({{lang-ja|連続と阻止}})
| OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2013|1|5}}
| ShortSummary = Niizuma mulai serius mengerjakan ''CROW'', yang kemudian berhasil menempati peringkat pertama selama lima minggu berturut-turut. Yujiro awalnya senang tetapi kemudian khawatir akan tekad Niizuma—terkait dengan kesepakatan yang dibuatnya dengan kepala editor. Ia berspekulasi bahwa Niizuma mungkin ingin mengakhiri serialisasi ''+Natural''. Mashiro dan Takagi menilai kesuksesan ''CROW'' sebagai metode Niizuma untuk memotivasi mereka agar bisa meningkatkan kualitas ''PCP''. Tak lama kemudian, Niizuma mengunjungi kantor Yueisha agar dapat bertemu dengan kepala editor, sementara Yujiro hanya bisa berspekulasi tentang apa yang mereka diskusikan. Yujiro memberitahukan tentang niat Niizuma kepada Fukuda, yang kemudian mengumpulkan Takagi, Mashiro, Aoki, Hiramaru, Takahama, dan Iwase untuk bertemu Niizuma secara langsung. Niizuma menjelaskan kesepakatan yang dia buat dengan kepala editor: Ia diperbolehkan untuk mengakhiri satu manga jika dia mendapatkan peringkat pertama selama 10 minggu berturut-turut. Niizuma kemudian mengungkapkan bahwa dia bermaksud untuk mengakhiri serialisasi ''CROW'' pada puncak popularitasnya karena dia tidak percaya pada kebijakan Yueisha untuk melanjutkan manga semata-mata demi keuntungan. Namun, karena mereka semua selalu mengagumi Niizuma, mereka menolak kesepakatan tersebut dan memutuskan untuk melampaui peringkat ''CROW'' sebelum dia bisa mengakhirinya. Niizuma menerima tantangan mereka dan mengusulkan ultimatum yang telah diubahnya: jika mereka bisa mengalahkan ''CROW'' pada jajak pendapat mingguan setidaknya sekali sebelum dia menyelesaikan naskah terakhirnya, dia tidak akan mengakhiri manga tersebut.
| ShortSummary = <!--Nizuma begins devoting himself to ''CROW'', which soon manages to place 1st in the rankings for five consecutive weeks. Yujiro is initially thrilled but later worries Nizuma's determination is connected with the deal he made with the Chief. He speculates Nizuma might want to end ''+Natural''. As Ashirogi Muto follow ''CROW's'' progress, they take it as Nizuma's method of motivating them to improve ''PCP''. Soon enough, Nizuma pays the Chief a surprise visit at the Yueisha and Yujirou can only speculate what they discuss. Yujiro informs Fukuda of Nizuma's intentions, who then gathers together Takagi, Mashiro, Aoki, Hiramaru, Takahama and Akina to confront Nizuma directly. Nizuma explains the deal he made with the Chief: he'll get to end a manga should he gain 1st place in the rankings for 10 consecutive weeks. He then reveals that he intends to end ''CROW'' at the height of its popularity since he doesn't believe in Yueisha's policy of continuing a manga solely for profit. However, since everyone always looked up to Nizuma, they refuse to let him have his way and resolve to surpass ''CROW'' before he can end it. Nizuma accepts their challenge and proposes a modified ultimatum: if they can beat ''CROW'' in the rankings at least once before he finishes his final manuscript, he will not end the manga.-->
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| RAltTitle = ({{lang-ja|フロントとセンター}})
| OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2013|1|12}}
| ShortSummary = <!--WithHanya Nizuma'stinggal ultimatumtujuh clearlyminggu set,yang onlytersisa seven weeks remain until the end ofsampai ''CROW'' berakhir. Yujiro decidesmemutuskan tountuk informmemberi thetahu entireseluruh editingeditor departmentdi ofdepartemen Nizuma'sredaksi intentionstentang niat Niizuma, muchyang tomembuat theirmereka frustrationfrustrasi, buttetapi eventuallyakhirnya decidememutuskan tountuk domelakukan allsemua theyyang canmereka forbisa theiragar authorsmangaka tomereka surpassdapat melampaui ''CROW''. AsMenjelang theminggu-minggu weeks close interakhir, everyonesemua doesorang theirmelakukan bestyang toterbaik improveuntuk theirmemperbaiki manga, withmereka—seperti Fukuda introducingyang amemperkenalkan newtokoh characterbaru indi ''Road Racer Giri'' andsedangkan Takahama beginningmemulai a''arc'' newcerita storybaru arc foruntuk ''Mikata's Justice''—sambil whilememanfaatkan utilizingsampul theirmereka. coverSaat spreads.Mashiro Asdan AshirogiTakagi Mutomemutuskan decidebagaimana howcara tobersaing competemelawan against NizumaNiizuma, theymereka decidememutuskan tountuk utilizememanfaatkan thekekuatan strengthyang thatdimiliki ''PCP'' possesses: itsketidaklazimannya unconventionaliydan andmemperkenalkan introduce a mysterious newtokoh [[anti heroantihero]]ic charactermisterius calledbaru yang bernama "Sigma". As the resultsSaat comehasilnya inmasuk, ''CROW'' remainstetap 1stduduk whilepada peringkat pertama sementara ''Road Racer Giri'' anddan ''Mikata's Justice'' placemenempati 2ndperingkat inke-2 consecutivedalam weeksbeberapa followedminggu byberturut-turut diikuti oleh ''PCP'',. withPara theeditor editingdi department'sdepartemen favoriteredaksi for beatingmengunggulkan ''CROWMikata's Justice'' beinguntuk dapat mengalahkan ''Mikata's JusticeCROW''. HoweverNamun, with everyone'skarena manga greatlymilik improving,semua theorang votingsemakin gapberkualitas, closesjarak betweensuara everyoneantara elsemereka anddan NizumaNiizuma semakin menipis. Hattori isberhasil ablemengamankan tohalaman securetengah aberwarna colored centered page foruntuk Ashirogi Muto indalam theedisi 36thke-36 issuedari ofmajalah ''ShōnenShonen Jack''. AfterSetelah brainstormingbertukar pikiran, theymereka comemendapatkan upide withuntuk anmenanamkan ideapesan totersembunyi plantdi adalam hiddenhalaman message within the colored pageberwarna, whichyang wouldhanya onlyakan becometerlihat apparentsetelah oncepembaca theselesai readersmembaca finishbab theirtersebut. chapterDengan and with thisini, Ashirogi Muto challengemenantang ''CROW.''-->.
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| RAltTitle = ({{lang-ja|最終話とコメント}})
| OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2013|1|19}}
| ShortSummary = <!--Yujiro acknowledges NizumaNiizuma's determination and states that he will support him in ending ''CROW''. As Ashirogi's next chapter of ''PCP'' is published, everyone marvels at their brilliance in using the colored page the way they did. The page itself is an invitation for the protagonists of ''PCP'' to meet the mysterious "Sigma". The page shows the portrait of ''PCP's'' leader, Matoko, which is altered by "Sigma" to detail the date, time and place of their meeting. The idea is that the readers are able to engage themselves in the puzzle by using the colored page. As the results come in, Ashirogi Muto ties in second place with ''Road Racer Giri'' while ''CROW'' takes first place yet again. As Takagi and Mashiro think about their defeat, they realize it was their rivalry with NizumaNiizuma that brought them as far as they have come, and express this in the comments section for ''CROW's'' final chapter. As Yujiro congratulates NizumaNiizuma on ending ''CROW'', he is shocked to discover NizumaNiizuma already has many other manga drawn. Eventually NizumaNiizuma visits Takagi and Mashiro and they both express their admiration for being each other's rivals as well as NizumaNiizuma's joy of making friends based on their shared passion for manga. Finally, NizumaNiizuma tells Takagi and Mashiro that his next work will be the greatest manga ever written.-->
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| RAltTitle = ({{lang-ja|ゾンビと悪魔}})
| OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2013|1|26}}
| ShortSummary = <!--As ''+Natural's'' ratings plummet to 15th place in the rankings, and being informed by Miura that her story is not on par with the battle archetype, Iwase loses confidence in her abilities and decides to stop writing altogether. Upon learning of this from Aoki through Takagi, Mashiro pays her a visit and reminds her that she is Takagi's driving force and should stay as a fellow rival, although she is free to do what she pleases. Eventually everyone from Team Fukuda shows up and witnessing how much they care, Iwase is able to restore her resolve. Later, Sasaki is transferred to another magazine, but before he leaves, pays NizumaNiizuma and Ashirogi Muto and visit. He expresses his desire to see them both do well and acknowledges the fact that he had favoritism towards Mashiro and Takagi due to a promise he kept to Mashiro's late uncle, Nobuhiro. NizumaNiizuma shows Yujiro his storyboard for his next manga with a [[zombie]] theme, with Yujiro remarking that it is already better than ''CROW''. Mashiro and Takagi also finalize plans for ''PCP's'' successor and decide on the standard battle archetype. Their new manga would involve two demonic protagonists with differing ideals battling it out for the sake of Justice. As the archetype fits perfectly as a Shonen Manga, and using all the experience they have gained so far, Ashirogi Muto decide to challenge NizumaNiizuma's next Zombie Manga with their Demonic Manga.-->
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| RAltTitle = ({{lang-ja|週刊と月刊}})
| OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2013|2|2}}
| ShortSummary = <!--The editing department go ecstatic over Ashirogi's ''Reversi'' and NizumaNiizuma's ''Zombie Gun'' so both are published as one-shots. Meanwhile, Azuki lands the lead role in popular soccer anime ''Instant 12'' and Mashiro congratulates her, promising the breakout role from their future anime. As the votes come in, ''Zombie Gun'' sets a new record by getting the highest number of votes for a one-shot: 692. However in the second week, as ''Reversi'' is published, it places 1st and beats NizumaNiizuma's ''Zombie Gun'' by a margin of two votes. At the serialization committee, it is decided that both ''Zombie Gun'' and ''Reversi'' should be published, however they have a difficult time deciding how to deal with Ashirogi producing two manga weekly. Heishi seeks advice from Sasaki and they decide it would be best if Ashirogi does ''PCP'' weekly and ''Reversi'' as a monthly manga. This news upsets Hattori since he confides in Yujiro that he wanted to edit ''Reversi''. At another serialization meeting, Yujiro takes Hattori's desire into account and calls him, Takagi and Mashiro in to have them voice their opinion. They unanimously agree that ''PCP'' should go monthly because of its broader audience and publish ''Reversi'' weekly so it can compete with NizumaNiizuma's manga for dominance. Eventually, Mashiro decides to buy the studio from his grandfather, who gives him Nobuhiro's Diary. As Mashiro reads it, he becomes more determined than ever to continue his uncle's legacy.-->
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| RAltTitle = ({{lang-ja|間延びと一気}})
| OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2013|2|9}}
| ShortSummary = <!--As Ashirogi Muto struggle to meet deadlines for the ''Shōnen Jack'' and Hisshou Jump magazines, a backlog of work starts piling up. As Mashiro and his three assistants, along with help from Takagi and Miyoshi push themselves to their limits to complete the storyboards, returning professional assistant, Ogawa, steps in with two new assistants and is able to complete the storyboards. As the competition between NizumaNiizuma's ''Zombie Gun'' and Ashirogi Muto's ''Reversi'' takes off, ''Reversi'' manages to take 1st place in the rankings for three consecutive weeks. NizumaNiizuma makes a drastic move by changing one of his antagonists for ''Zombie Gun'' and rises to the top once again. This shows the weakness in ''Reversi''; it has two protagonists, and one can't be killed off and replaced. As Takagi realizes this, he slows the pace of his story to match the standard battle archetype which further results in their ratings dropping to 5th place. Eventually, after a discussion with Hattori, Takagi calls Mashiro and they both agree that ''Reversi'' may not be a long running manga, even managing 50 chapters. However they discuss being content with resolving the conflict between the protagonists in the most interesting way possible, rather than prolonging it. Nevertheless, for the sake of himself, Mashiro and Azuki, Takagi promises to go all out and turn ''Reversi'' into a masterpiece they can all be proud of.-->
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| RAltTitle = ({{lang-ja|息継ぎとパーティー}})
| OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2013|2|16}}
| ShortSummary = <!--Mashiro and Takagi discuss their intention of covering the final confrontation of the main characters of ''Reversi'' in one go with a shocked Hattori, but they decide to cross that bridge when they get there. Meanwhile, Hiramaru's ''Never Reaching You'' is selected for an anime while Aoki's ''What God Gave Me'' is cancelled. In order to cheer her up Hiramaru invites Aoki to an amusement park with the intention of proposing to her. On learning of this, Yoshida is initially intent on stopping Hiramaru, since he will be distraught if he is turned down, but upon remembering his very first meeting with Hiramaru, decides to help him. At the amusement park, Hiarmaru takes Aoki to the ferris wheel, but isn't able to propose since he loses the engagement ring. Aoki realizes what Hiramaru is doing and gives him another chance, where he proposes in an unorthodox manner and she accepts, much to Hiramaru and Yoshida's joy; however, as a downside, the negative Hirmaru draws from for his manga is greatly lessened. Later, ''Reversi'' continues to dominate over ''Zombie Gun'' in the rankings however demand for the printed volumes of ''Zombie Gun'' skyrockets. As Ashirogi Muto and Hattori analyze what this means they realize that the content of ''Reversi'' isn't easily comprehensible to children or the female demographic alike. Towards the end of the year, Mashiro, Takagi, Miyoshi and their assistants attend the annual, Tezuka-Akatsuka (2017) Prize Party. Here, Kato's friend, a voice actress called Ririki Kitami tries to hit on Mashiro, but gives up when she learns Azuki is his girlfriend; she calls them "the couple of the century". Eventually Ashirogi meet NizumaNiizuma who commends them on dominating over ''Zombie Gun'' in the rankings but promises that sales of the manga volumes won't lose to them, words that they take as motivation. Finally Mashiro and Takagi are approached by Futoshi Tanabe, a producer for the Japanese Animation Company.-->
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| RAltTitle = ({{lang-ja|温泉と意思確認}})
| OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2013|2|23}}
| ShortSummary = <!--Mashiro, Takagi and Miyoshi go to a hot spring for the short new year holiday. Mashiro and Takagi contemplate how far they have come since middle school. As the year begins, the editors at ''Shōnen Jack'' have a tough time deciding which series, ''Zombie Gun'' or ''Reversi'' should get an anime since both have compelling circumstances. Yujiro explains this to NizumaNiizuma who turns down the offer, but changes his mind when he learns that ''Reversi'' will take its place. Aida asks for Hattori's approval in selecting ''Reversi'' but he is torn. He knows Ashirogi might end the manga before the anime even starts and feels obliged to tell this, but then the offer might be pulled. Hattori discusses this with Mashiro and Takagi who both immediately agree on the anime, but they realize they may have to prolong ''Reversi'' for a year and thus sacrifice its quality. Takagi promises that he will not let ''Reversi's'' quality waver and Mashiro finally tells Hattori why Takagi would go so far for him: because of the promise he made to Azuki. Hattori realizes that he was wrong to worry too much about it and wants to support them. Afterwards Yujiro and Hattori try to make convince Heishi their manga should get an anime and become the flagship series. Later, Hattori hurriedly bursts into Mashiro's studio with news of the outcome.-->
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| RAltTitle = ({{lang-ja|訂正と宣言}})
| OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2013|3|2}}
| ShortSummary = <!--Hattori announces that the ''Reversi'' anime will begin airing in October and Mashiro breaks into tears as their dream is at last within reach. Heishi calls NizumaNiizuma and explains why he rejected ''Zombie Gun'', since it will help Ashirogi to rise to his level and secure the future of ''Shōnen Jack''; this only inspire NizumaNiizuma to continue growing as manga artist as well. Azuki calls Mashiro to congratulate him and recites lines from ''Reversi''. Later Ririki Kitami blogs about her meeting with Mashiro and his involvement with Azuki; Takagi has Kato ensure that Ririka erases the entry. However, Ishizowa, jealous of his classmates successful lives, posts proof on the internet to make Mashiro and Asuki miserable. As rumors begin spreading, everyone worries the public will accuse Ashirogi of favoritism to Azuki, something that could damage her career. This is confirmed when Mashiro, Takagi and Hattori meet the animation committee for ''Reversi''. Mashiro tells Azuki that she should deny any relationship with him on her weekly radio broadcast to preserve her image. However, instead she goes public with her relationship, telling everyone about their promise. This has a mixed effect on the public, some who call the station and ask her personal questions. In the end, Mashiro calls the show and tells the public to believe in Azuki as they always have and adamantly states that she will get the part of the lead female role in ''Reversi'' by her skills alone.-->
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| RAltTitle = ({{lang-ja|あり方と終わり方}})
| OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2013|3|16}}
| ShortSummary = <!--Following Azuki securing the role of the lead female character, Hattori, Mashiro and Takagi begin discussing their intention to end the ''Reversi'' manga in July. Later, Mashiro calls Azuki to congratulate her and they make plans to meet once the first episode of ''Reversi'' finishes airing. Hattori tells Heishi about Ashirogi's plan, which he rejects and orders Hattori to convince them to continue the manga. Hattori explains this to Mashiro and Takagi and they decide to think about their final decision. However, Takagi has a separate meeting with Hattori. He states that he will end ''Reversi'' in 8 chapters and surpass NizumaNiizuma in both rankings as well as volume sales, making Mashiro the best manga artist in ''Shōnen Jack'', wanting this to be his wedding present. Hattori decides to take responsibility reflect the words of Director Torishima: 'when the company and authors are at odds, a good editor should stand by the author'. Heishi, having heard the same words before, sides with Ashirogi and informs the animation studio of their decision, which they accept; having the completed series will allow them to stay true to it. When the final chapter is published everyone is awestruck at the spectacular climatic battle between the two protagonists. It is such a smashing success that the manga volumes sell out within a day, surpassing the sales of ''Zombie Gun'' by selling 1.22 million copies per volume. Finally, at ''Reversi's'' end, Heishi, summons Ashirogi to Yueisha where they meet NizumaNiizuma and their motivational rivalry continues.-->
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