Islamofobia: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 4:
* "The pseudo-psychiatric term Islamophobia is a statement that any criticism of Muslims is evidence of clinical pathology. Yet the label is often attached to valid criticisms of particular Muslims whose behaviour has laid them open to legitimate censure." - [[Dave Green (journalist)|David Green]], [ Bad Faith VI]
* "The trouble with the idea is that it confuses hatred of, and discrimination against, Muslims on the one hand with criticism of Islam on the other." [[Kenan Malik|Malik, Kenan.]] [ "Islamophobia Myth"], Prospect, [[February 2005]].
* "... Islamophobia", a wretched concept that confuses criticism of Islam as a religion and stigmatisation of those who believe in it." [[Salman Rushdie|Rushdie, Salman]] ''et al''. [ "Writers' statement on cartoons"], BBC News, March 1, 2006</ref> yang merujuk pada [[prasangka]], [[diskriminasi]], [[ketakutan]] dan [[diskriminasikebencian]] padaterhadap [[Islam]] dan [[Muslim]].<ref>
* Sandra Fredman, ''Discrimination and Human Rights'', Oxford University Press, ISBN 0-19-924603-3, p.121.
* Yvonne Yazbeck Haddad, ''Muslims in the West: From Sojourners to Citizens'', Oxford University Press, ISBN 0-19-514806-1, p.19