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Baris 71:
Umat Kristen Protestan kerap menuduh umat Kristen Katolik menyembah berhala, [[ikonolatria|menyembah ikon]], bahkan menganut [[paganisme|kepercayaan pagan]]. Tuduhan semacam ini sudah lumrah diwacanakan semua golongan Kristen Protestan pada zaman [[Reformasi Protestan]]. Dalam kasus-kasus tertentu, misalnya kasus [[Puritan|Kaum Puritan]] di Inggris, segala macam benda religius diharamkan, baik yang berwujud tiga dimensi maupun yang berwujud dua dimensi, termasuk [[salib Kristen|salib]].<ref>{{cite book |last=Richardson |first=R. C. |title=Puritanism in north-west England: a regional study of the diocese of Chester to 1642 |year=1972 |publisher=[[Manchester University Press]]|location=Manchester, England|page=[ 26]|isbn=978-0-7190-0477-3|url=|url-access=registration }}</ref>
[[crucifix|Citra tubuh Kristus pada salib]] adalah lambang kuno yang digunakan di gereja-gereja Katolik, Ortodoks, [[Anglikan]], dan [[Lutheran]], tidakberbeda sepertidari sejumlah jemaat Kristen Protestan yang hanya menggunakan salib polos. Dalam agama Yahudi, penghormatan terhadap ikon Kristus dalam bentuk salib dipandang sebagai penyembahan berhala.<ref name="Batnitzky2000p145">{{cite book|author=Leora Faye Batnitzky|title=Idolatry and Representation: The Philosophy of Franz Rosenzweig Reconsidered|url=|year=2000|publisher=Princeton University Press|isbn=978-0-691-04850-5|page=145}}</ref> Meskipun demikian, sejumlah sarjana Yahudi tidak berpandangan demikian, serta menganggap agama Kristen berdiri di atas landasan keyakinan agama Yahudi dan sesungguhnya bukan penyembahan berhala.<ref name="OU-Avoda Zarah">{{cite web|last=Steinsaltz|first=Rabbi Adin|title=Introduction - Masechet Avodah Zarah|url=|work=The Coming Week's Daf Yomi|accessdate=31 May 2013}}, Quote: "Over time, however, new religions developed whose basis is in Jewish belief – such as Christianity and Islam – which are based on belief in the Creator and whose adherents follow commandments that are similar to some Torah laws (see the uncensored Rambam in his Mishneh Torah, Hilkhot Melakhim 11:4). All of the rishonim agree that adherents of these religions are not idol worshippers and should not be treated as the pagans described in the Torah."</ref>
=== Islam ===