Monolit Utah: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Hanamanteo (bicara | kontrib)
Hanamanteo (bicara | kontrib)
Baris 1:
{{akan dikerjakan|Hanamanteo}}
{{penjelasan singkat|Struktur modern di selatan Utah}}
{{short description|Modern structure of unknown origin in southern Utah}}
{{Infobox artwork
| title = ''Utah monolith''
Baris 35 ⟶ 34:
'''Monolit Utah''' adalah menara logam [[magnetisme|non-magnetik]] yang berdiri selama sekitar empat tahun di [[ngarai celah]] [[batu pasir]] merah di utara [[San Juan, Utah|San Juan]], [[Utah]]. Struktur setinggi 3 m itu terbuat dari lembaran logam yang dipaku menjadi satu membentuk [[prisma segitiga]]. Monolit ini ditempatkan secara tidak sah di tanah masyarakat antara Juli dan Oktober 2016. Pada November 2020, ahli biologi Utah menemukan monolit semasa survei helikopter [[domba bertanduk besar]] liar.
Dalam beberapa hari, anggota masyarakat menemukan monolit menggunakan perangkat lunak pemetaan [[Sistem Pemosisi Global|GPS]] dan pergi ke lokasi terpencil. TheIdentitas identitydan andtujuan objectivestetap oftidak whodiketahui mademeski thebukan monolithtanpa remain unknown, though not without speculationspekulasi. FollowingMenyusul intenseliputan media coverageyang ofintens thetentang monolithmonolit, whosesecara "mysterydiam-diam captivateddihilanglangkan theoleg country",empat itpria wastak covertlydikenal removedpada in DecemberDesember 2020 by an unknown party of four men.<ref name="NYT-20201201"/><ref name="NBC News 2020">{{cite web | title=Artist or aliens? Mystery surrounds Utah monolith's appearance and disappearance | website=NBC News | date=2020-11-30 | url= | access-date=2020-12-01}}</ref>
== Penemuan ==
Pada 18 November 2020, state biologists of the [[Utah Division of Wildlife Resources]] were in southeastern Utah carrying out a survey of [[bighorn sheep]] from a helicopter when one of the biologists spotted the structure and told the pilot, Bret Hutchings, to fly over the location again.<ref name=cnn-utah-monolith-art-trnd>{{Cite news|title=Utah helicopter crew discovers mysterious metal monolith deep in the desert|url=|last=Asmelash|first=Leah|date=24 November 2020|access-date=24 November 2020|publisher=[[CNN]]}}</ref> Hutchings described the moment:<ref name=guardian-helicopter-pilot-finds-strange-monolith-in-remote-part-of-utah>{{Cite news|title=Helicopter pilot finds 'strange' monolith in remote part of Utah|url=|last=Holpuch|first=Amanda|date=24 November 2020|access-date=24 November 2020|work=[[The Guardian]]}}</ref>
== Referensi ==