Pendakwaan kedua terhadap Donald Trump: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 53:
=== Amendemen ke-14 ===
[[Amendemen Keempat Belas Konstitusi Amerika Serikat]] adalah satu dari [[Amendemen Rekonstruksi]]. Amendemen ini membahas hak kewarganegaraan dan perlindungan yang setara berdasarkan hukum dan diusulkan sebagai tanggapan atas masalah yang terkait dengan [[orang bebas|mantan budak]] selepas [[Perang Saudara Amerika Serikat]]. Bagian 3 menyatakan bahwa seseorang yang ikut serta dalam pemberontakan setelah bersumpah untuk mendukung Konstitusi didiskualifikasi dari jabatannya kecuali diizinkan oleh Kongres. [[Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez]] wasadalah onesalah ofsatu thedari Houseanggota DemocratsPartai thatDemokrat supporteddi invokingDewan thePerwakilan 14thRakyat Amendmentyang againstmendukung Trumppenerapan Amendemen ke-14 terhadap Donald. InDalam asebuah lettersurat, PelosiNancy thankedberterima herkasih colleagueskepada forrekan-rekannya theiratas contributionssumbangsih tomereka discussionsdalam onpembicaraan theterkait 14thAmendemen Amendmentke-14.<ref name=":3">{{cite web|last=WABC|date=January 10, 2021|title=Rep Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: 'We came close to half of the House nearly dying' during riots|url=|access-date=January 11, 2021|website=ABC7 New York}}</ref>
IfJika TrumpDonald weredicopot todari bejabatannya removedberdasarkan from office under SectionBagian 3 ofAmendemen the 14th Amendmentke-14, PenceMike wouldakan becomemenjadi thepresiden 46thAmerika presidentSerikat of the United Stateske-46, anddan hedia wouldakan stilltetap bemenjadi thepresiden shortest-servingdengan presidentmasa everjabatan beforeterpendek handingsebelum powerberalih tokepada [[Joe Biden]] assebagai thepresiden 47thke-47 presidentpada on20 January 20Januari. ItIni wouldjuga alsoakan bemenjadi thepertama firstkalinya time that SectionBagian 3 ofdari theAmandemen 14thke-14 Amendmentditerapkan was invoked sincesejak 1919 whenketika it stoppedmemberhentikan [[Victor L. Berger]], convictedyang ofdihukum violatingkarena themelanggar [[EspionageUndang-Undang ActSpionase 1917]] forkarena hispandangan anti-militarist viewsantimiliternya, from [[Unseated members of the United States Congress|taking his seat]]dari injabatannya thedi HouseDewan ofPerwakilan RepresentativesRakyat.<ref>{{cite web|title=Cannon's Precedents, Volume 6 – Chapter 157 – The Oath As Related To Qualifications|url=|access-date=January 11, 2021|}}</ref> ItIni wouldjuga alsoakan bemenjadi thepertama firstkalinya timepenerapan thatitu itakan woulddiberlakukan bekepada invokedpresiden onyang a sitting president,sedang andmenjabat wasdan seendipandang assangat especiallytidak unlikelymungkin.<ref>{{cite news|first=Zachary B.|last=Wolf|title=What's the 14th Amendment and how does it work?|url=|access-date=January 11, 2021|publisher=CNN}}</ref>
If Trump were to be removed from office under Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, Pence would become the 46th president of the United States, and he would still be the shortest-serving president ever before handing power to [[Joe Biden]] as the 47th president on January 20. It would also be the first time that Section 3 of the 14th Amendment was invoked since 1919 when it stopped [[Victor L. Berger]], convicted of violating the [[Espionage Act]] for his anti-militarist views, from [[Unseated members of the United States Congress|taking his seat]] in the House of Representatives.<ref>{{cite web|title=Cannon's Precedents, Volume 6 – Chapter 157 – The Oath As Related To Qualifications|url=|access-date=January 11, 2021|}}</ref> It would also be the first time that it would be invoked on a sitting president, and was seen as especially unlikely.<ref>{{cite news|first=Zachary B.|last=Wolf|title=What's the 14th Amendment and how does it work?|url=|access-date=January 11, 2021|publisher=CNN}}</ref>
=== Amendemen ke-25 ===
[[Amendemen Kedua Puluh Lima Konstitusi Amerika Serikat]] berkaitan dengan kepemimpinan dan ketidakmampuan presiden. Though the amendment thus far has been used in medical situations, Section 4 provides that the vice president, together with a majority of Cabinet secretaries, may declare the president unable to carry out his duties, after which the vice president immediately assumes the duties of the president.
If [[Twenty-fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution#Section 4: Declaration by vice president and cabinet members of president's inability|Section 4]] of the 25th Amendment action is carried out, it would make Pence the [[Acting president of the United States|acting president]], assuming the "powers and duties of the office" of the president. Trump would remain president for the rest of his term, albeit stripped of all authority. Section 4 of the 25th Amendment has not been invoked before.<ref>{{cite web|last=Bomboy|first=Scott|date=October 12, 2017|title=Can the Cabinet "remove" a President using the 25th amendment? – National Constitution Center|url=|access-date=January 8, 2021|website=National Constitution Center –|archive-date=January 8, 2021|archive-url=|url-status=live}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|last=Moneymaker|first=Anna|date=January 7, 2021|title=Calls to replace Trump via the 25th Amendment are growing. Here's why it's never happened before.|url=|access-date=January 8, 2021|website=History & Culture|archive-date=January 8, 2021|archive-url=|url-status=live}}</ref> Pence, who would be required to initiate removal, has stated that he would not invoke the 25th Amendment against Trump.<ref>{{cite news |last1=Quinn |first1=Melissa |last2=Segers |first2=Grace |last3=Watson |first3=Kathryn |last4=Baldwin |first4=Sarah Lynch |title=House calls on Pence to invoke 25th Amendment, but he's already dismissed the idea |url= |access-date=January 13, 2021 |publisher=CBS News |date=January 13, 2021}}</ref> The 25th Amendment, however, was initially created for the case where the President was incapacitated.
=== Pemakzulan dan hukuman ===
{{utama|Pemakzulan di Amerika Serikat}}