Fluks: Perbedaan antara revisi
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Baris 6:
Konsep fluks panas merupakan kontribusi utama [[Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier|Joseph Fourier]], dalam analisis fenomena perpindahan panas.<ref>{{cite book|last1=Herivel|first1=John|date=1975|url=https://www.worldcat.org/title/joseph-fourier-the-man-and-the-physicist/oclc/644547950|title=Joseph Fourier: The Man and the Physicist|location=Oxford|publisher=Clarendon Press|isbn=0198581491|pages=181|quote=The first essential step towards deriving an expression for the heat flux was the realization for such an expression in the derivation of the equation for the propagation of heat starting with the simplest possible case of the thin bar. It was the failure to introduce such an expression which led to the inhomogeneity in the 'equation' derived by Fourier in the Draft Paper.|url-status=live}}</ref> Dalam tulisannya ''Théorie analytique de la chaleur'' (''The Analytical Theory of Heat''), dia mendefinisikan ''fluxion'' sebagai fungsi [[geometri]] gradien suhu atau perbedaan suhu.<ref>{{Cite book|last=Fourier|first=Jean-Baptiste-Joseph|last2=Fourier|first2=Joseph|date=1878|url=https://books.google.co.id/books?id=No8IAAAAMAAJ&pg=PA25#v=onepage&q&f=false|title=The Analytical Theory of Heat|location=London|publisher=The University Press|isbn=|pages=25|language=en|url-status=live}}</ref>
== Dalam Astronomi ==
Fluks bintang adalah banyaknya [[energi]] yang diterima oleh suatu permukaan pada jarak tertentu yang berasal dari [[bintang]] per satuan [[luas]] per satuan [[waktu]].
Fluks bintang ({{math|E}}) dapat dihitung dengan rumus:
:{{math|E {{=}} L/d}}
:{{math|E {{=}} AσT<sup>4</sup>}}
{{math|E {{=}}}} Fluks [[bintang]]<br>
{{math|L {{=}}}} [[Luminositas]] [[bintang]]<br>
{{math|d {{=}}}} [[Jarak]] bintang dari permukaan kolektor<br>
{{math|σ {{=}} [[Konstanta Stefan–Boltzmann]]}}<br>
{{math|A {{=}}}} [[Luas]] permukaan [[bintang]]<br>
{{math|T {{=}}}} Temperatur([[Suhu]]) efektif permukaan [[bintang]]<br>
== Catatan kaki ==