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Baris 53:
|author=Hiltebeitel, Alf
|title=Rethinking the Mahābhārata: a reader's guide to the education of the dharma king
|publisher=University of Chicago Press
|pages=[ 251]–53, 256, 259
|pages=251–53, 256, 259
}}</ref> Beberapa nama lainnya dianggap penting bagi wilayah tertentu; misalnya, ''[[Jagatnata]]'' (penguasa alam semesta), terkenal di [[Puri Jagatnata|Puri]], India Timur.<ref>{{cite book
Baris 74 ⟶ 75:
|title=The Encyclopedia Americana
|pages=[ 589]
Baris 488 ⟶ 490:
|year = 1941
|title = India as Described in Early Texts of Buddhism and Jainism
|url =
|publisher = Luzac
|isbn =
Baris 532 ⟶ 535:
Pemujaan atau penghormatan kepada Kresna telah diangkat dalam berbagai gerakan keagamaan baru sejak abad ke-19, dan kadang-kadang diikutsertakan dalam [[panteon]] eklektik dalam kitab-kitab [[okultisme]], bersama tokoh-tokoh dari [[mitologi Yunani]], [[agama Buddha|Buddha]], [[Alkitab]], dan bahkan tokoh sejarah.<ref>{{cite journal |last= Harvey |first= D. A. |authorlink= |year= 2003|month= |title= Beyond Enlightenment: Occultism, Politics, and Culture in France from the Old Regime to the ''Fin-de-Siècle'' |journal= [[The Historian (jurnal)|The Historian]] |volume= 65 |issue= 3 |pages= 665–694| publisher = Blackwell Publishing |quote=|doi= 10.1111/1540-6563.00035 |ref= harv}}</ref>
Sebagai contoh, [[Édouard Schuré]], tokoh berpengaruh dalam [[filsafat abadi]] dan gerakan okultisme, menganggap Kresna sebagai ''Inisiasi Agung''; sementara itu para ahli [[teosofi]] menghormati Kresna sebagai inkarnasi [[Maitreya (teosofi)|Maitreya]] (salah satu dari para Ahli Kebijaksanaan Kuno), guru spiritual umat manusia yang terpenting setelah [[Buddha]].<ref name = Schure>{{cite book|last = Schure|first = Edouard|authorlink = Édouard Schuré|title=Great Initiates: A Study of the Secret History of Religions|publisher = Garber Communications|year = 1992|isbn = 0893452289}}</ref><ref name = Others>Lihat contoh pada: {{cite book|last = Hanegraaff|first = Wouter J.|authorlink = Wouter Hanegraaff|title = New Age Religion and Western Culture: Esotericism in the Mirror of Secular Thought|publisher = Penerbit Brill|year= 1996|pages =390|isbn=9004106960}}, {{cite book|last = Hammer|first =Olav| authorlink = Olav Hammer|title = Claiming Knowledge: Strategies of Epistemology from Theosophy to the New Age|url =|publisher = Penerbit Brill|year=2004|pages =[ 62], 174|isbn = 900413638X}}, dan {{cite book|last = Ellwood|first = Robert S.|title =Theosophy: A Modern Expression of the Wisdom of the Ages|publisher = Quest Books|pages= 139|year =1986|isbn=0835606074 }}</ref>
Kresna di[[kanonisasi]] oleh [[Aleister Crowley]] dan [[:en:Saints of Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica|dihormati sebagai orang suci]] dalam [[Misa]] [[Gnostisisme|Gnostik]] dari [[Ordo Kuil Timur]].<ref>Crowley menghubungkan Kresna dengan [[mitologi Romawi|dewa Romawi]] [[Dionisos]] dan [[Magick (Aleister Crowley)|Magickal formulae]] IAO, [[Aum|AUM]] dan [[INRI]]. Baca {{Cite book|last = Crowley|first = Aleister| authorlink = Aleister Crowley|title = Liber Aleph|publisher = Weiser Books|isbn=0877287295|pages = 71|url =|year = 1991}} dan {{cite book|last = Crowley|first = Aleister|authorlink = Aleister Crowley|title = [[The Book of Lies (Crowley)|The Book of Lies]]| publisher = Red Wheels|year = 1980|isbn = 0877285160|pages = 24–25[ 24]–25}}</ref><ref>{{cite book|last = Apiryon|first = Tau|coauthors = Apiryon|title = Mystery of Mystery: A Primer of Thelemic Ecclesiastical Gnosticism| publisher = Red Flame|location= Berkeley, CA|year = 1995|isbn = 0971237611}}</ref>
== Silsilah ==