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Baris 89:
Kepercayaan akan adanya [[ilmu sihir|sihir]], dan persekusi-persekusi terhadap tukang sihir maupun yang dipicu alasan sihir, menyebar luas di Eropa sebelum masuknya agama Kristen, bahkan diatur di dalam [[Hukum Jermani perdana|hukum suku bangsa Jermani]]. Meskipun demikian, pengaruh Gereja pada [[Awal Abad Pertengahan]] membuat hukum-hukum semacam ini dibatalkan di berbagai tempat, sehingga mengakhiri adat berburu tukang sihir.<ref>Hutton, Ronald. ''The Pagan Religions of the Ancient British Isles: Their Nature and Legacy''. Oxford, Inggris dan Cambridge, Amerika Serikat: Blackwell, 1991. {{ISBN|978-0-631-17288-8}}. hlm. 257</ref> Sepanjang Abad Pertengahan, ajaran Kristen arus utama menyangkal keberadaan tukang sihir maupun ilmu sihir, dan mengecamnya sebagai takhayul pagan,<ref>Behringer, ''Witches and Witch-hunts: A Global History'', hlm. 31 (2004). Wiley-Blackwell.</ref> sayangnya pengaruh agama Kristen tidak mampu menghapus secara tuntas kepercayaan masyarakat akan adanya tukang sihir dan ''maleficium'' (malapetaka akibat sihir).
Kecaman maupun persekusi masyarakat terhadap para terdakwa pengamal sihir yang menjadi ciri khas kezaliman berburu tukang sihir tidak umum terjadi dalam kurun waktu seribu tiga ratus tahun pertama zaman Kristen.<ref name="Thurston">Thurston, Herbert.[ "Witchcraft."] ''The Catholic Encyclopedia'', Jld. 15. New York: Robert Appleton Company, 1912. 12 Juli 2015</ref> Gereja pada Abad Pertengahan membedakan sihir "putih" dari sihir "hitam", sementara masyarakat Eropa seringkali mencampuradukkan kidung-kidung, jampi-jampi, dan doa-doa kepada santo-santa pelindung tertentu menjadi semacam mantra untuk menolakpenangkal badai, melindungimantra pemagar ternak, atau memastikanmantra penjamin keberhasilan panen. Penyalaan api unggun raksasa setiap Malam Puncak Musim Panas dilakukan dengan maksud menghalau bencana alam atau gangguan mambang, hantu, dan tukang sihir. Tanaman-tanaman yang seringkali dipanen mengikuti kaidah-kaidah tertentu, dianggap mengandung daya penyembuh.<ref>{{cite web |url=|title=Plants in Medieval Magic – The Medieval Garden Enclosed – The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York||access-date=13 Oktober 2017}}</ref>
Sihir hitam adalah sihir yang digunakan untuk mendatangkan malapetaka, dan pada umumnya ditanggulangi melalui pengakuan dosa, pertobatan, dan karya amal kasih sebagai laku silih.<ref>Del Rio, Martin Antoine, & Maxwell-Stuart, P. G. ''Investigations Into Magic'', Manchester University Press, 2000, {{ISBN|9780719049767}} [ hlm. 7]</ref><!-- EarlyDi Irishdalam canonskitab treatedhukum sorcerykanon asIrlandia ayang crimeterdahulu, tosihir bedigolongkan visitedsebagai withtindak kejahatan yang diancam dengan hukuman [[excommunicationekskomunikasi|pengucilan]] untilsampai adequatepelakunya penancemelaksanakan hadlaku beensilih performedyang setimpal. InPada tahun 1258, [[PopePaus AlexanderAleksander IV]] ruledmengesahkan thataturan inquisitorsyang shouldmewajibkan limitpara theirinkuisitor involvementmembatasi todiri thosepada casespenanganan in which there wasperkara-perkara someyang clearjelas presumptionmengarah ofkepada hereticaldugaan beliefbidat.
ThePengadilan prosecutionperkara ofsihir witchcraftpada generallyumumnya becamelebih moremengemuka prominentpada inAkhir theAbad latePertengahan medievaldan andera Renaissance eraRenaisans, perhapsmungkin driventurut partlydipicu byperistiwa-peristiwa themenghebohkan upheavalspada ofmasa theitu, era –yakni themusibah [[BlackMaut DeathHitam]], thedan [[HundredPerang YearsSeratus WarTahun]], andserta apenurunan gradualsuhu coolingiklim ofsecara theperlahan-lahan climateyang that modern scientists call thedisebut [[LittleZaman IceEs AgeKecil]] (betweenkira-kira aboutdari theabad 15thke-15 andsampai 19thabad centurieske-19) oleh para ilmuwan modern. WitchesTukang-tukang weresihir sometimeskadang-kadang dijadikan kambing blamedhitam.<ref>Levack, ''The Witch-Hunt in Early Modern Europe'', phlm. 49</ref><ref>Heinrich Institoris, Heinrich; Sprenger, Jakob; Summers, Montague. ''The Malleus maleficarum of Heinrich Kramer and James Sprenger''. Dover Publications; NewEdisi editionbaru, 1 JuneJuni 1971; {{ISBN|0-486-22802-9}}</ref> SinceKarena thetahun-tahun yearsmaraknya ofperburuan mosttukang intensesihir witch-huntingbertepatan largelydengan coincidezaman withReformasi the age of the ReformationProtestan, somebeberapa historianssejarawan pointberpandangan tobahwa theReformasi influenceProstestan ofberpengaruh theterhadap Reformationperburuan ontukang thesihir Europeandi witch-huntEropa.<ref>{{citation|surname1=Brian P. Levack|title=The Witch-Hunt in Early Modern Europe|edition=London/New York 2013|page=110|language=de|quote=TheKurun periodwaktu duringberlangsungnya whichsemua allaktivitas ofreformasi thisdan reformingkonflik activity andini, conflictyakni tookzaman placeReformasi, themeliputi agetahun-tahun ofdari the1520 Reformation, spanned the yearssampai 1520–16501650. SinceKarena thesetahun-tahun yearstersebut includemencakup thekurun periodwaktu whenmaraknya witch-hunting wasperburuan mosttukang intensesihir, somebeberapa historianssejarawan havemengklaim claimedbahwa thatReformasi themerupakan Reformationsumber servedutama asseluruh theperburuan mainspringtukang ofsihir thedi entire European witch-huntEropa."}}</ref>
DominicanPada priesttahun 1484, [[Heinrich Kramer]], wasimam assistantdari totarekat theDominikan Archbishopyang ofmenjadi Salzburg.pembantu InUskup 1484Agung Kramer requestedSalzburg, thatmeminta [[PopePaus InnocentInosentius VIII|Paus Inosensius VIII]] clarifymemperjelas hiskewenangannya authorityuntuk tomengadili prosecuteperkara witchcraftsihir indi [[NorthJerman GermanyUtara|GermanyJerman]], wherekarena hepihak-pihak hadberwenang beengerejawi refusedsetempat assistancetidak bybersedia themembantu. localMereka ecclesiasticalberpendirian authorities.bahwa TheyHeinrich maintainedtidak thatdapat Kramermenjalankan couldtugasnya notsecara legallysah functiondi inwilayah-wilayah theirkewenangan areasmereka.<ref>Kors, Alan Charles; Peters, Edward. ''Witchcraft in Europe, 400-1700: A Documentary History''. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2000. {{ISBN|0-8122-1751-9}}. phlm. 177</ref>
TheSri Paus akhirnya menerbitkan [[papalBulla bullkepausan|bula]] ''[[Summis desiderantes affectibus]]'' soughtsebagai toupaya remedymendamaikan thissengketa jurisdictionalkewenangan disputetersebut bydengan specificallymenetapkan identifying the dioceses ofKeuskupan Mainz, Keuskupan Köln, Keuskupan Trier, Keuskupan Salzburg, anddan Keuskupan Bremen sebagai wilayah tugas Heinrich.<ref>{{Cite web|url=|title=Internet History Sourcebooks Project|}}</ref> SomeBeberapa scholarssarjana viewmemandang thebula bullini as"jelas-jelas "clearlybersifat politicalpolitis".<ref>Darst, David H., "Witchcraft in Spain: The Testimony of Martín de Castañega's Treatise on Superstition and Witchcraft (1529)", ''Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society'', 1979, voljld. 123, issueperkara 5, phlm. 298</ref> Bula Theini bulltidak faileddapat tomemaksa ensurepihak-pihak thatberwenang Kramergerejawi obtaineduntuk themembantu supportHeinrich hesebagaimana hadyang hopedia forharapkan. InIa factmalah hediusir wasdari subsequentlyInnsbruck expelledoleh fromGeorg theGolzer, cityuskup ofsetempat Innsbruckyang bymemerintahkan theagar localHeinrich bishop,berhenti Georgemengemukakan Golzer,dakwaan-dakwaan palsu. whoGeorg Golzer orderedmenyifatkan Kramer tosebagai stoporang makingpikun falsedi accusations.dalam Golzersurat-surat describedyang Krameria astulis seniletak inlama lettersselepas writteninsiden shortlytersebut. afterTeguran thekeras incident.Georg Thismendorong rebukeHeinrich leduntuk Kramermenulis tosemacam writepembenaran aterhadap justificationpandangan-pandangannya ofmengenai hissihir viewsdi ondalam witchcraftbukunya inyang histerbit 1486pada booktahun 1486, ''[[Malleus Maleficarum]]'' ("Hammer''Penggodam against witches"Penjahat''). InDi thedalam bookbuku ini, KramerHeinrich statedmemaparkan hispandangannya viewbahwa thatsihir witchcraftadalah wasbiang tokeladi blamecuaca for bad weatherburuk. TheBuku bookini isjuga alsodinilai notedmemusuhi forkaum its animus against womenperempuan.<ref name=Thurston/> DespiteHeinrich Kramer's claimmengklaim thatbahwa thebuku bookini gainedmendapat acceptancesambutan frombaik thedari clergykaum atrohaniwan thedi [[University ofUniversitas Cologne]], ittetapi wassebenarnya indikecam factpara condemnedrohaniwan bydi theCologne clergykarena atdinilai Colognemengandung forpandangan-pandangan advocatingyang viewsmenyalahi thatdoktrin violatedKatolik Catholicmaupun doctrinestandar andprosedur standard inquisitorial procedureinkuisisi. InPada tahun 1538, theInkuisisi SpanishSpanyol Inquisitionmewanti-wanti cautionedpara itspegawainya membersagar nottidak tomempercayai believeseluruh everything theisi ''Malleus Maleficarum'' said.<ref>Jolly, Raudvere, and& Peters (eds.penyunting) ''Witchcraft and magic in Europe: the Middle Ages''. 2002. phlm. 241.</ref>
===Spanish InquisitionInkuisisi Spanyol ===
{{Main|SpanishInkuisisi InquisitionSpanyol|Tomás de Torquemada}}
[[File:Pedro Berruguete Saint Dominic Presiding over an Auto-da-fe 1495.jpg|thumb|[[Pedro Berruguete]], ''SaintSanto DominicDominikus Guzmán presiding over anmemimpin Auto da fe'', lukisan karya [[Pedro Berruguete]] (c''[[circa|ca.]]'' 1495).<ref name="Prado">
[ ''Saint Dominic Guzmán presiding over an Auto da fe''], [[Museum Prado Museum]]. RetrievedTemu balik tanggal 2012-08-26 Agustus 2012</ref> ManyBanyak artisticlukisan representationsyang falselymenggambarkan depictpenyiksaan torturedan andpelaksanaan [[executioneksekusi by burningpembakaran|burningpidana atbakar the stakehidup-hidup]] during thedalam ''[[auto-da-fé]]'' (Portuguesefrasa forPortugis "Actyang ofberarti "tindakan Faithiman").<ref name=secrets>{{Cite web|title=Secrets of the Spanish Inquisition Revealed|url=|access-date=2020-10-04|website=Catholic Answers}}</ref>]]
PortugalPada andAbad SpainPertengahan, inwilayah thenegara latePortugal Middlemaupun AgesSpanyol consistedterdiri largelyatas ofdaerah-daerah multiculturalberkebhinekaan territoriesbudaya ofdengan Muslimpengaruh andIslam Jewishdan influence,Yahudi reconqueredyang fromdirebut kembali dari [[Al-Andalus|Islamicdaulat controlIslam]].<!--, and the new Christian authorities could not assume that all their subjects would suddenly become and remain orthodox Roman Catholics. So the Inquisition in [[Iberian Peninsula|Iberia]], in the lands of the [[Reconquista]] counties and kingdoms like [[Kingdom of León|León]], [[Kingdom of Castile|Castile]], and [[Kingdom of Aragon|Aragon]], had a special socio-political basis as well as more fundamental religious motives.<ref name=secrets/>
Portugal and Spain in the late Middle Ages consisted largely of multicultural territories of Muslim and Jewish influence, reconquered from [[Al-Andalus|Islamic control]], and the new Christian authorities could not assume that all their subjects would suddenly become and remain orthodox Roman Catholics. So the Inquisition in [[Iberian Peninsula|Iberia]], in the lands of the [[Reconquista]] counties and kingdoms like [[Kingdom of León|León]], [[Kingdom of Castile|Castile]], and [[Kingdom of Aragon|Aragon]], had a special socio-political basis as well as more fundamental religious motives.<ref name=secrets/>
In some parts of Spain towards the end of the 14th century, there was a wave of violent [[anti-Judaism]], encouraged by the preaching of [[Ferrand Martinez]], [[Archdeacon]] of [[Écija]]. In the [[pogrom]]s of June 1391 in Seville, hundreds of Jews were killed, and the [[synagogue]] was completely destroyed. The number of people killed was also high in other cities, such as [[Córdoba, Spain|Córdoba]], [[Valencia]], and Barcelona.<ref>Kamen, ''Spanish Inquisition'', p. 17. Kamen cites approximate numbers for Valencia (250) and Barcelona (400), but no solid data about Córdoba.</ref>