== Repopulasi warga Kristen di Hispania ==
{{Further|Demografi Abad Pertengahan|Repoblación}}
''Reconquista'' bukan sekadar perang dan usaha penaklukan, melainkan juga usaha [[kolonisasi|repopulasi]]. Raja-raja Kristen memindahkan wargarakyat mereka ke lokasidaerah-lokasidaerah yang ditinggalkan umat Muslim dalamdengan rangkamaksud membentuk populasi yang dapat diberdayakan untuk mempertahankan daerah-daerah perbatasan. Daerah-daerah utama yang direpopulasi adalah daerah Lembah [[Sungai Douro]] (dataran tinggi utara), Lembah [[Ebro]] ([[La Rioja (Spanyol)|La Rioja]]), dan kawasan tengah [[Katalunya]].<!-- TheRepopulasi repopulationdaerah ofLembah theSungai [[Douro]] Basinberlangsung tookdua placekali, inyakni twoantara distinctabad phases.ke-9 Northsampai ofabad theke-10 river,di betweendaerah thetepi 9thutara anddengan 10th centuries,menerapkan thesistem "pressurepenyerobotan" (orlahan (''presura''), systemdan wasantara employed.abad Southke-10 ofsampai theabad [[Douro]],ke-11 indi thedaerah 10thtepi andselatan 11thdengan centuries,sistem theyang ''presura''sama ledtetapi toberbuntut thepada penerbitan "charterspiagam-piagam" penguasaan lahan (''[[foral|forais]]'' oratau ''[[fueros]]''). ''Fueros'' werebahkan useddigunakan evenpula southdi ofdaerah thesebelah selatan kawasan tengah CentralPegunungan RangePirenia.
The ''presuraPresura'' referredmengacu tokepada akelompok grouptani ofyang peasantsmelintasi whopegunungan crosseddan themenduduki mountainslahan-lahan andyang settledsudah inditinggalkan thedi abandoneddaerah landsLembah of theSungai Douro Basin. AsturianUndang-undang lawsAsturias promotedmendukung thissistem systemini, for instance granting a peasantmisalnya alldengan themengaruniai landseorang hepetani waslahan ableseluas toyang workmampu anddigarap defenddan asdipertahankannya hissebagai ownmilik propertypribadi.<!-- Of course, Asturian and Galician minor nobles and clergymen sent their own expeditions with the peasants they maintained. This led to very feudalised areas, such as [[León (province)|Leon]] and Portugal, whereas Castile, an arid land with vast plains and harsh climate, only attracted peasants with no hope in Biscay. As a consequence, Castile was governed by a single count, but had a largely non-feudal territory with many [[wikt:freeman|free]] peasants. ''Presuras'' also appear in Catalonia, when the count of Barcelona ordered the Bishop of Urgell and the count of Gerona to repopulate the plains of [[Vic]].
During the 10th century and onwards, cities and towns gained more importance and power, as commerce reappeared and the population kept growing. ''[[Fuero]]s'' were [[charter]]s documenting the privileges and usages given to all the people repopulating a town. The ''fueros'' provided a means of escape from the [[feudal system]], as ''fueros'' were only granted by the monarch. As a result, the town council was dependent on the monarch alone and, in turn, was required to provide ''auxilium'' – aid or troops – for their monarch. The military force of the towns became the ''caballeros villanos''. The first ''fuero'' was given by count [[Fernán González]] to the inhabitants of [[Castrojeriz]] in the 940's. The most important towns of medieval Hispania had ''fueros'', or ''forais''. In Navarre, ''fueros'' were the main repopulating system. Later on, in the 12th century, Aragon also employed the system; for example, the ''fuero'' of [[Teruel]], which was one of the last fueros, in the early 13th century.