Raiders of the Lost Ark: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Hanamanteo (bicara | kontrib)
Hanamanteo (bicara | kontrib)
Baris 118:
Alih-alih melakukan pengambilan gambar di Mesir bagi adegan yang melibatkan tempat di Mesir, pihak produser menggunakan [[Tunisia]] sebagai gantinya.<ref name="CondeNastLocations"/> Spielberg menggambarkan fase ini sebagai salah satu pengalaman pembuatan film terburuknya: suhunya seringkali lebih dari 54 °C dan lebih dari 150 anggota kru menjadi sakit dengan disentri amoeba dari makanan lokal.<ref name="NYTimesSerials"/><ref name="IndependentRichards"/><ref name="Cinephilia"/><ref name="ASCMag"/><ref name="MentalFloss20"/> Spielberg was one of the few to remain healthy because he ate food and water he brought from England.<ref name="EmpireOralHistoryPage3"/> Lucas also suffered a severe sunburn and facial swelling.<ref name="Cinephilia"/><ref name="EmpireOralHistoryPage3"/> The Cairo village was filmed in the city of [[Kairouan]].<ref name="UproxxLocations"/> A day of filming was lost there because over 300 TV antennas had to be removed from the surrounding houses.<ref name="Cinephilia"/> Budget constraints impacted Spielberg's desire to have 2,000 extras as diggers; he had to settle for 600.<ref name="ASCMag"/> Stuntman Terry Richards, who portrayed the swordsman nonchalantly dispatched by Jones, spent weeks practicing sword skills for an extended fight scene. Ford was unable to perform for long periods while suffering from dysentery, and it was decided to shorten the fight scene significantly.<ref name="IndependentRichards"/> The Sidi Bouhlel canyon near the city of [[Tozeur]] is where a rocket launcher-equipped Jones confronts the Nazis for the Ark. Lucas had used the canyon in ''Star Wars'' to portray the planet [[Tatooine]].<ref name="UproxxLocations"/><ref name="CondeNastLocations"/><ref name="TravelPulseLocations"/> During the scene, a fly crawled into Freeman's mouth during his dialogue, but he continued to deliver his lines.<ref name="EmpireOralHistoryPage3"/>
InPada lateakhir bulan September, filmingpengambilan movedgambar todipindahkan ke Hawaii foruntuk exteriormerekam shotsadegan for the film'spembuka Peruvianberlatarkan openingPeru.<ref name="Cinephilia"/><ref name="UproxxLocations"/> TheLogo Paramount logoyang dissolvingmelebur intomenjadi agunung naturalalami mountainmerupakan wasimprovisasi an improvisation byoleh Spielberg basedberdasarkan onkebiasaan hismasa ownkecilnya childhoodmelakukan habithal ofyang doingsama thesemasa samemembuat while making filmsfilm; thegunung itu mountainadalah isGunung Kalalea Mountaindi on the island ofPulau [[KauaʻiKaua'i]].<ref name="EWOpening"/><ref name="MovieFone"/><ref name="MentalFloss20"/> ThoughMeskipun theadegan sceneitu appearstampaknya toberlatarkan besatu atempat single locationsaja, ittetapi waspengambilan shotgambarnya acrossdilakukan di 10 differentwilayah areasberbeda indi Hawaii, including thetermasuk [[HuleiaSuaka NationalMargasatwa WildlifeNasional RefugeHuleia]].<ref name="EWOpening"/><ref name="CondeNastLocations"/> It was originally more elaborate and longer, featuring an added betrayal by one of Jones' guides, resulting in a fight, and it had more dialogue; this was deemed unnecessary and removed for a tighter paced sequence.<ref name="EWOpening"/> The cave's exterior was considered a perfect location, though a nearby pool was a mosquito breeding ground; even with anti-mosquito equipment the crew was bitten.<ref name="Cinephilia"/> The donkeys used for the trek suffered [[Lameness (equine)|lameness]]. It was difficult to find replacements, and eventually, a pair of grey donkeys were painted brown with hair spray and flown by helicopter to the [[Nā Pali Coast State Park]] to finish the scene.<ref name="Cinephilia"/>
TheNaskah looselyyang detailedterlalu scriptrinci ledmenyebabkan tobanyak muchimprovisasi, improvisation;ketika wherenaskah themenggambarkan scripttiga describedorang threeberbicara peopledi talkingsebuah in a roomruangan, inmaka thedalam film itakan wouldberlangsung takedi placesebuah intambang abersama quarry500 alongside 500pemeran extrastambahan.<ref name="EmpireOralHistoryPage3"/> ScenesAdegan likeseperti thegadis youngmuda girldengan withtulisan "Love You" writtendi acrossseluruh herkelopak eyelidsmatanya anddan Marion putting on a dressyang tomengenakan concealgaun auntuk weaponmenyembunyikan weresenjata alsojuga improviseddiimprovisasi.<ref name="Cinephilia"/><ref name="MentalFloss20"/> Allen, Lacey, Freeman, and Rhys-Davies oftensering spentmenghabiskan timewaktu togetherbersama betweendi filmingsela-sela topengambilan talkgambar anduntuk berbincang-bincang dan discussmembahas theirwatak charactersmereka. Allen describedmenggambarkan FordHarrison assebagai apribadi privateyang persontidak whoakan wouldmembahas notwataknya discusssecara hisrinci characterdan inbutuh detail,beberapa andsaat ituntuk tookberadaptasi herdengan agaya while to adapt to his working stylekerjanya.<ref name="EmpireOralHistoryPage3"/> FilmingPengambilan gambar dituntaskan concludedpada inbulan September 1980, afterdengan menghabiskan waktu 73 dayshari.<ref name="Cinephilia"/><ref name="ASCMag"/><ref name="timeSlambangPage5"/> Lucas describedmenggambarkannya it as thesebagai film heyang hadpaling thesedikit leastbermasalah problemskarena withkurangnya because of the lack ofgangguan studio interference.<ref name="EmpireOralHistoryPage3"/>
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