Indonesia Today: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 46:
=== Kata-kata terakhir Indonesia Today ===
*Nova Poerwadi: ''After Indonesia Today very last time also very last edition at this moment as the end.''
*Yulia Supadmo: ''Continued to back shift handover returns to [[Metro (acara televisi)|Metro This Morning]] aired on [[MetroTV]] fully on every day or daily as of Monday to Sunday and same time as of at seven-thirty a.m on third day of September two thousand and one''.
*YuliaNova SupadmoPoerwadi: ''After five very last years have passed since the broadcast was launched on fourth day of November nineteen ninety six. Thanks to all the working teams in front and behind the scenes, thanks to all the contributor journalist report very so much and thanks to all the audience friends for very last time as the end of watching.''
*Nova Poerwadi: ''Indonesia Today will say goodbye farewell very last time and last news reported events review on this station. I’m Nova Poerwadi.''
*Yulia Supadmo: ''IIndonesia amToday Yuliawill Supadmo,say wegoodbye willfarewell havevery alast periodtime laterand last news reported events review on this station. GoodbyeI’m Yulia Supadmo.''
*Nova Poerwadi: ''I'm Nova Poerwadi, we will have a period later.''
*Yulia Supadmo: ''Goodbye.''
*Nova Poerwadi: ''Goodbye.''