== Organisasi dan struktur ==
Dalam [[Konsili Seleukia-Ktesifon]] tahun 410, Gereja di Timur menyatakan bahwa Uskup Seleukia-Ktesifon, ibu kota [[Kekaisaran Sasaniyah|Persia]], adalah pemimpin tertingginya. Kepala Gereja di Timur disebut "Metropolit Agung" di dalam surat keputusan Konsili Seleukia-Ktesifon, tetapi tidak lama kemudian disebut "[[Katolikos]] di Timur". Gelar [[batrik]] baru dipakai belakangan.<!--
Sama seperti Gereja-Gereja lain, Gereja di Timur memiliki rohaniwan-rohaniwan [[penahbisan|tertahbis]] dalam tiga jejang tradisional, yakni [[uskup]], [[imam]] (atau [[presbiter]]), dan [[diakon]]. Sama seperti Gereja-Gereja lain, Gereja di Timur menerapkan [[episkopal|tatanan keuskupan]], yakni pengelompokan umat menjadi [[keuskupan]]-keuskupan yang masing-masing dikepalai seorang uskup. Umat di tiap keuskupan masih dikelompokkan lagi menjadi [[paroki]]-paroki yang masing-masing dipimpin seorang imam. Keuskupan-keuskupan yang berdekatan dikelompokkan menjadi satu [[provinsi gerejawi|metropolia]] di bawah kepemimpinan seorang [[metropolit|uskup metropolia]]. Jabatan uskup metropolia adalah jabatan yang penting, karena dibebani tugas-tugas maupun wewenang tambahan. Berdasarkan hukum kanon, hanya uskup-uskup metropolit yang berhak [[konsekrasi|menguduskan]] (semacam abiseka) batrik.{{sfn|Wilmshurst|2000|p=21-22}} Batrik mengemban tugas memimpin [[kebatrikan|provinsi batrik]].
The Church of the East had, like other churches, an [[ordination|ordained]] clergy in the three traditional orders of [[bishop]], [[priest]] (or [[presbyter]]), and [[deacon]]. Also like other churches, it had an [[episcopal polity]]: organisation by [[diocese]]s, each headed by a bishop and made up of several individual [[parish]] communities overseen by priests. Dioceses were organised into [[Ecclesiastical province|provinces]] under the authority of a [[metropolitan bishop]]. The office of metropolitan bishop was an important one, coming with additional duties and powers; canonically, only metropolitans could [[consecration|consecrate]] a patriarch.{{sfn|Wilmshurst|2000|p=21-22}} The Patriarch also has the charge of the [[Patriarchate|Province of the Patriarch]].
ForHampir mostsepanjang ofsejarahnya, itsGereja historydi theTimur churchmemiliki hadkurang sixlebih or6 sometropolia Interior Provincesdalam. InPada tahun 410, thesemetropolia-metropolia weretersebut listedadalah in(diurut theberdasarkan hierarchical order of:hierarki) [[Patriarchal Provinceprovinsi ofBatrik SeleuciaSeleukia-CtesiphonKtesifon|SeleuciaSeleukia-CtesiphonKtesifon]] (centralIrak IraqTengah), [[BethBet Huzaye (EastProvinsi SyriacGerejawi EcclesiasticalSuryani ProvinceTimur)|BethBet Lapat]] (western Iran Barat), [[Nisibis (EastProvinsi SyriacGerejawi EcclesiasticalSuryani ProvinceTimur)|Nisibis]] (onperbatasan the border between Turkey and IraqTurki-Irak), [[MaishanMaisyan (EastProvinsi SyriacGerejawi EcclesiasticalSuryani ProvinceTimur)|Prat de Maishan]] (Basra, southernIrak IraqSelatan), [[Adiabene (EastProvinsi SyriacGerejawi EcclesiasticalSuryani ProvinceTimur)|Arbela]] (Erbil, Turkestandaerah regionTurkestan ofdi IraqIrak), anddan [[BethBet Garmaï (EastProvinsi SyriacGerejawi EcclesiasticalSuryani ProvinceTimur)|Karka de BethBet Slokh]] (Kirkuk, northeasternIrak IraqTimur Laut). InSelain additionitu, itGereja hadTimur anjuga increasingmembawahi numbermetropolia-metropolia ofluar Exterioryang Provincesjumlahnya furtherterus afieldbertambah. withinMetropolia-metropolia theluar Sasanianmula-mula Empireterbentuk anddi soonwilayah alsoKemaharajaan beyondPersia theSasani, empire'stetapi borders.tidak Bylama thekemudian 10thterbentuk centurypula di luar batas-batas wilayah negara itu. Pada abad ke-10, theGereja churchdi hadTimur betweenmembawahi 20<ref name=Britannica>[http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/409819/Nestorians "Nestorian"]. ''Encyclopædia Britannica''. Retrieved January 28, 2010.</ref> andsampai 30 metropolitan provincesmetropolia.{{sfn|Wilmshurst|2000|p=4}} According toMenurut John Foster, inada the25 9thmetropolia centuryyang theredibawahi wereGereja 25di metropolitansTimur pada abad ke-9,{{sfn|Foster|1939|p=34}} includingtermasuk indi ChinaTiongkok anddan India. TheMetropolia Chinesedi provincesTiongkok werebubar lostpada inabad the 11th centuryke-11, and indan thepada subsequentabad-abad centuries,selanjutnya othermenyusul exterior provincesmetropolia-metropolia wentluar intolainnya. decline as well.Meskipun Howeverdemikian, inpada theabad ke-13th century, duringzaman theKemaharajaan Mongol Empire, theGereja churchdi addedTimur twomembentuk newdua metropolitanmetropolia provinces inbaru [[NorthTiongkok ChinaUtara]], Tangutyakni andMetropolia Tanggut dan Metropolia 'Katai anddan Ong'.{{sfn|Wilmshurst|2000|p=4}}
== ScripturesKitab Suci ==
The [[PeshittaPesyita]], in some cases lightly revised and with missing books added, is the standard [[Syriac versions of the Bible|Syriac Bible]] for churches in the Syriac tradition: the [[Syriac Orthodox Church]], the [[Syriac Catholic Church|Syrian Catholic Church]], the [[Assyrian Church of the East]], the [[Ancient Church of the East]], the [[Chaldean Catholic Church]], the [[Maronites]], the [[Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church]], the [[Syro-Malabar Catholic Church]] and the [[Syro-Malankara Catholic Church]].
The [[Old Testament]] of the Peshitta was translated from [[Hebrew language|Hebrew]], although the date and circumstances of this are not entirely clear. The translators may have been Syriac-speaking Jews or early Jewish converts to Christianity. The translation may have been done separately for different texts, and the whole work was probably done by the second century. Most of the [[Biblical apocrypha|deuterocanonical books of the Old Testament]] are found in the Syriac, and the [[Wisdom of Sirach]] is held to have been translated from the [[Hebrew]] and not from the [[Septuagint]].<ref>[http://www.bible-researcher.com/syriac-isbe.html Syriac Versions of the Bible by Thomas Nicol]</ref>