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RaFaDa20631 (bicara | kontrib)
RaFaDa20631 (bicara | kontrib)
Baris 58:
|footer= White checkmates easily in this position.
}} -->{{Chess diagram small|tleft|51=|37=|38=|39=kd|40=|41=|42=|43=|44=|45=|46=|47=|48=|49=|50=|52=|35=|53=|54=|55=|56=|57=|58=|59=ql|60=kl|61=|62=|63=|64=|65=|66=|36=|34=||17=|||||||||||||||18=|33=|19=|20=|21=|22=|23=|24=|25=|26=|27=|28=|29=|30=|31=|32=|67=WhitePutih checkmatesmenyekakmat easily.dengan mudah}}With the side with the queenDengan topihak movebermenteri, checkmatesekakmat candapat bediupayakan forcedpaling inbanyak atsepuluh mostgerakan tendari movesposisi fromawal anymana starting positionsaja, withsecara [[optimal play]]dimainkan byoleh bothkedua sidespihak, buttetapi usuallyumumnya fewerdengan movessedikit aregerakan requiredyang diperlukan.<ref>{{harvnb|Fine|Benko|2003|pp=1–2}}</ref><ref>{{harvnb|Müller|Lamprecht|2001|p=16}}</ref> InSaat positionsposisi inpion whichnaik apangkat pawnmenjadi has just [[Promotion (chess)|promoted]] to a queenMenteri, at mostpaling ninebanyak moves9 aregerakan requireddiperlukan.<ref>{{harvnb|Levy|Newborn|1991|p=144}}</ref>
Dalam diagram berikut, Putih menyekakmat dengan mudah dengan memojokkan Raja Hitam ke tepi papan:
In the position diagrammed, White checkmates easily by confining the black king to a rectangle and shrinking the rectangle to {{chessgloss|forcing move|force}} the king to the edge of the board:
: {{pad}}'''1. Qf6Mf6 Kd5Rd5 2. Qe7Me7 Kd4Rd4 3. Kc2Rc2 Kd5Rd5 4. Kc3Rc3 Kc6Rc6 5. Kc4Rc4 Kb6Rb6 6. Qd7Md7 Ka6Ra6 7. Qb5Mb5+ Ka7Ra7 8. Kc5Rc5 Ka8Ra8 9. Kc6Rc6 Ka7Ra7 10. Qb7Mb7{{chessAN|#}}'''<ref>{{harvnb|Seirawan|2003|pp=4–5}}</ref>
{{Clear}}'''AvoidMenghindari stalemateremis'''{{chess diagram-fen|fen=k7/2Q5/8/8/8/8/8/7K|size=23|align=tleft|reverse=false|header=|footer=StalemateRemis ifjika BlackHitam isingin to movebergerak. TheMenteri whiteputih queenmemblokir blockssemua offkemungkinan allgerakan possibleuntuk moves for BlackHitam, regardless of where thedi whitemana kingpun israja placedputih onditempatkan thedi boardpapan.}}<!-- {{Chess diagram small
Baris 75:
| | | | | | | |
|Stalemate if Black is to move. The white king can be anywhere (except a7, b7, or b8, which would be an {{chessgloss|illegal position}}).
}} -->{{chess diagram-fen|fen=8/2Q5/k7/2K5/8/8/8/8|size=23|align=tleft|reverse=false|header=|footer=ThisRemis isjika stalemateRaja ifHitam Blackingin is to move.bergerak}}<!-- {{Chess diagram small
Baris 87:
| | | | | | | |
|Stalemate if Black is to move
}} -->ThePihak superioryang sidelebih mustkuat beharus carefulberhati-hati tountuk nottidak [[stalemateRemis (catur)|meremis]] theRaja opposing kinglawan, whereassedangkan thepihak defenderyang wouldbertahan likeingin tomenuju getremis. intoAda suchdua ajenis position.umum Thereposisi areremis twoyang generaldapat typesterjadi, ofyang stalemateharus positions that can occur,dihindari whicholeh thepihak strongeryang sidelebih mustkuat avoid.<ref name="fine03p2">{{harvnb|Fine|Benko|2003|p=2}}</ref>{{Clear}}
=== KingRaja anddan rookbenteng ===<!-- {{chess diagram-fen
Baris 97:
|footer= Checkmate with the rook (a right triangle mate)
}} -->
{{Chess diagram small|tleft|52=|38=|39=|40=|41=|42=|43=|44=|45=|46=|47=|48=|49=|50=|51=|53=|36=|54=|55=|56=|57=|58=|59=|60=|61=|62=|63=|64=|65=|66=|67=CheckmateSekakmat withdengan the rookbenteng (a right trianglemat matesiku-siku)|37=|35=||17=||||kd|||rl||||||||18=|34=|27=|33=|32=|31=|30=|29=|28=|26=|19=|25=|24=|23=|22=kl|21=|20=|68=}}<!-- {{chess diagram-fen
Baris 104:
|footer= A cornered checkmate with the rook<ref name=pand09p36 />
-->{{Chess diagram small|tleft|52=|38=|39=|40=|41=|42=|43=|44=|45=|46=|47=|48=|49=|50=|51=|53=|36=|54=|55=|56=|57=|58=|59=|60=|61=|62=|63=|64=|65=|66=|67=ASekakmat corneredpojok checkmatedengan with the rookbenteng<ref name=pand09p36>{{harvnb|Pandolfini|2009|p=36}}</ref>|37=|35=||17=||||||rl||kd|||||||18=|34=|27=|33=|32=|31=|30=|29=|28=|26=|19=|25=kl|24=|23=|22=|21=|20=|68=}}<!-- {{chess diagram-fen
Baris 112:
|footer= White checkmates by boxing in the black king.
-->{{Chess diagram small|tleft|51=|37=|38=|39=|40=|41=|42=|43=|44=|45=|46=|47=|48=|49=|50=|52=|35=|53=|54=|55=kl|56=|57=|58=|59=|60=|61=|62=|63=rl|64=|65=|66=|36=|34=||17=|||||||||||||||18=|33=|19=|20=|21=|22=|23=|24=|25=|26=|27=|28=|29=|30=|31=kd|32=|67=WhitePutih checkmatesmenyekakmat bydengan boxingmemojokkan inraja the black king.hitam}}
{| style="float:right;"
Baris 118:
{{Clear}}Diagram pertama menunjukkan posisi sekakmat dasar dengan benteng, yang dapat terjadi di tiap tepi papan. Raja hitam dapat berada di kotak mana saja di tepi papan, raja putih bersiap melawan, dan benteng dapat menyekak dari kotak mana saja baik vertikal maupun horizontal (dengan asumsi bahwa tidak dapat dimakan). Diagram kedua menunjukkan posisi yang sedikit berbeda saat raja tidak berhadapan tetapi raja yang bertahan harus dipojokkan.
{{Clear}}The first diagram shows the basic checkmate position with a [[Rook (chess)|rook]], which can occur on any edge of the board. The black king can be on any square on the edge of the board, the white king is in opposition to it, and the rook can check from any square on the rank or file (assuming that it cannot be captured). The second diagram shows a slightly different position where the kings are not in opposition but the defending king must be in a corner.
Dengan pihak berbenteng yang bergerak, sekakmat dapat dipaksakan sampai 16 gerakan dari berbagai posisi permulaan.<ref name="fine03p2" />
With the side with the rook to move, checkmate can be forced in at most sixteen moves from any starting position.<ref name="fine03p2" /> Again, see [[wikibooks:Chess/The Endgame|Wikibooks – Chess/The Endgame]] for a demonstration of how the king and rook versus king mate is achieved.
Dalam diagram ketiga, putih menyekakmat dengan membatasi raja hitam membentuk formasi persegi panjang dan mengecilkan formasi untuk memaksa raja ke tepi papan:
In the third diagram position, White checkmates by confining the black king to a rectangle and shrinking the rectangle to force the king to the edge of the board:
: '''1. Kd3Rd3+ Kd5Rd5 2. Re4Be4 Kd6Rd6 3. Kc4Rc4{{chesspunc|!}} Kc6Rc6 4. Re6Be6+ Kc7Rc7 5. Kc5Rc5 Kd7Rd7 6. Kd5Rd5 Kc7Rc7 7. Rd6Bd6 Kb7Rb7 8. Rc6Bc6 Ka7Ra7 9. Kc5Rc5 Kb7Rb7 10. Kb5Rb5 Ka7Ra7 11. Rb6Bb6 Ka8Ra8 12. Kc6Rc6 Ka7Ra7 13. Kc7Rc7 Ka8Ra8 14. Ra6Ba6#''' (secondposisi checkmatesekakmat positionkedua, rotateddiputar).<ref>{{harvnb|Seirawan|2003|pp=1–4}}</ref>
'''AvoidMenghindari stalemateremis'''
ThereAda aredua twoposisi stalemate positionsremis:<ref>{{harvnb|Fine|Benko|2003|pp=2–3}}</ref>{{chess diagram-fen|fen=k7/1R6/2K5/8/8/8/8/8|size=23|align=tleft|reverse=false|header=|footer=ThisRemis isjika stalematehitam ifingin Black is to movebergerak. The white king canPutih alsodapat beberada ondi c7 oratau b6.}}<!-- {{Chess diagram small
Baris 140:
| | | | | | | |
|Stalemate if Black is to move
}} -->{{chess diagram-fen|fen=k1K5/7R/8/8/8/8/8/8|size=23|align=tleft|reverse=false|header=|footer=ThisRemis isjika stalemateHitam ifingin Black is to move.bergerak}}<!-- {{Chess diagram small