Christian Lenglolo: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 4:
|caption =
|fullname = Georges Christian Lenglolo
|birth_date = {{Birth date and age|1982|7|28}}
|birth_place = [[Douala]], [[CameroonKamerun]]
|deathdeath_date = {{death date and age|2021|9|4|1982|7|28}}
|birth_place = [[Douala]], [[Cameroon]]
|death_place = [[Bogor]], [[Jawa Barat]], [[Indonesia]]
|height = {{height|m=1.803|precision=0}}
|height = 183 cm
|position = [[Forward (association football)|Forward]]
|currentclubposition = [[Persijap JeparaPenyerang]]
|clubnumber =
|years1 = 2000 |clubs1 = [[Jasper United]] |caps1 = |goals1 =
|years2 = 2003–2004 |clubs2 = [[Union Douala]] |caps2 = 21+ |goals2 = 13+
Baris 24 ⟶ 23:
|nationalcaps1 =
|nationalgoals1 =
|pcupdate = 17 April 2014
|ntupdate =
'''Christian Lenglolo'''<ref>[ Profile] at</ref> ({{lahirmati||28|07|1982||4|9|2021}}-2021) adalah seorang pemain sepak bola profesional asal [[Kamerun]].
== Referensi ==
== Pranala luar ==
* [ ProfileProfil] atdi
* [ ProfileProfil] atdi mutiarahitam-jdo6
{{DEFAULTSORT:Lenglolo, Christian}}
[[Kategori:Pemain sepak bola Kamerun]]