PLTA Tonsealama: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 4:
Dibangun pada zaman penjajahan Belanda tahun 1912. PLTA Tonsea Lama merupakan bangunan sejarah peninggalan Bangsa Belanda dan juga Bangsa Jepang, dimana tercatat pertama kali didirikan oleh Pemerintah Kolonial Belanda dan pernah dikuasai oleh Tentara Pendudukan Jepang, lalu kembali ke Pemerintah Kolonial Belanda, kemudian setelah Indonesia merdeka, dikelolah menjadi PLTA PT.PLN.
Historisasi tanah tempat bangunan ini berdiri, yaitu diatas tanah rampasan perang Pemerintah Kolonial Belanda dari warga pribumi di Desa Tonsea Lama, dimana pemilik asli atas tanah tercatat dalam Register Tanah Nomor 829 Folio 80 Pemerintah Desa Tonsea Lama, adalah tanah hak milik pasini (adat/Minahasa) mendiang almarhum '''Nelwan Hendrik (1863-1949)''' dan isterinya '''Pakasi Ketsia''' yang pada waktu itu sebagai warga pribumi; tak bisa apa-apa mengambil alih tanah miliknnya dari tangan penjajah (Dikutip dari catatan Keluarga Nelwan Pakasi Kandow di Tonsea Lama oleh Felix Mantiri/Koordinator Ikatan Keluarga Adat Minaesa Hendrik Nelwan Pakasi Kandow dan Sefry Nelwan).
Fasilitas PLTA ini dioperasikan sejak zaman penjajahan Belanda ini memiliki lingkungan yang asri. Selain sebagai salah satu sumber produksi listrik bagi kebutuhan masyarakat pelanggan PLN, di PLTA ini juga bagi setiap mereka yang berkunjung seakan diajak untuk menelusuri jejak peninggalan sejarah peninggalan Bangsa Belanda dan juga Bangsa Jepang. Mulai dari bendungan air, terowongan, turbin, hingga generator yang telah berusia puluhan tahun.
Baris 13:
PLTA Tonsea Lama or Tonsea Lama Hydroelectric Power Plant, is a hydroelectric power plant, located in Tonsea Lama Village, North Tondano District, Minahasa Regency, North Sulawesi Province. This hydropower plant uses water from the Tondano River as a source of turbine propulsion, the in-take dam of this hydropower plant is located in the Tonsea Lama area of ​​North Tondano.
Tonsea Lama Hydroelectric Power Plant (PLTA) Tonsea Lama is the oldest hydropower plant in Indonesia. Built during the Dutch colonial era in 1912. PLTA Tonsea Lama is a historical building left by the Dutch and also the Japanese, where it was recorded that it was first established by the Dutch Colonial Government and was once controlled by the Japanese Occupation Army, then returned to the Dutch Colonial Government, then after Indonesia's independence , managed to become PLTA PT. PLN.
The historicization of the land where this building stands, which is on land looted by the Dutch colonial government from indigenous people in Tonsea Lama Village, where the original owner of the land is recorded in the Land Register Number 829 Folio 80 of the Tonsea Lama Village Government, is land owned by pasini (custom/Minahasa ) the late Nelwan Hendrik (1863-1949) and his wife Pakasi Ketsia who at that time were natives; could not do anything to take over his land from the hands of the invaders (Quoted from the records of the Nelwan Pakasi Kandow Family in Old Tonsea Lama by Felix Mantiri/Koordinator Ikatan Keluarga Adat Minaesa Hendrik Nelwan Pakasi Kandow and Sefry Nelwan).
This hydropower facility has been operated since the Dutch colonial era. It has a beautiful environment. Apart from being a source of electricity production for the needs of the PLN customer community, at this hydropower plant, everyone who visits seems to be invited to trace the historical heritage of the Dutch and also the Japanese. Starting from water dams, tunnels, turbines, to generators that are decades old.