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Baris 11:
Dalam okultisme modern dan agama Neopagan, banyak praktisi dan penyihir yang menggambarkan dirinya sendiri secara teratur mempraktikkan ritual sihir; mendefinisikan sihir sebagai teknik untuk membawa perubahan di dunia fisik melalui kekuatan kehendak seseorang. Definisi ini dipopulerkan oleh Aleister Crowley (1875-1947), seorang okultis Inggris yang berpengaruh, dan sejak saat itu agama lain (misalnya Wicca serta Setanisme LaVeyan) dan beberapa kepercayaan magis (misalnya chaos magic) telah mengadopsinya.
==Bacaan lanjutan==
* {{cite journal |last=Coleman |first=Simon |year=2008 |title=The Magic of Anthropology |journal=Anthropology News |volume=45 |issue=8 |pages=8–11 |doi=10.1111/an.2004.45.8.8 }}
* {{cite book |last=Dickie |first=Matthew W. |title=Magic and Magicians in the Greco-Roman World |location=London |year=2001 }}
* {{cite book |last1=Gosden |first1=Chris |title=Magic: A History: From Alchemy to Witchcraft, from the Ice Age to the Present |date=2020 |publisher=Farrar, Straus and Giroux |location=New York}}
* {{cite journal |last=Gusterson |first=Hugh |year=2004 |title=How Far Have We Traveled? Magic, Science and Religion Revisited |journal=Anthropology News |volume=45 |issue=8 |pages=7–11 |doi=10.1111/an.2004. }}
* {{cite journal |last=Hammond |first=Dorothy |title=Magic: A Problem in Semantics |journal=American Anthropologist |volume=72 |issue=6 |year=1970 |pages=1349–1356|doi=10.1525/aa.1970.72.6.02a00080 }}
* {{cite book |last=O'Keefe |first=Daniel |title=Stolen Lightning: The Social Theory of Magic |location=Oxford |year=1982}}
* {{cite journal |last1=Wax |first1=Murray |last2=Wax |first2=Rosalie |title=The Notion of Magic |journal=Current Anthropology |volume=4 |issue=5 |year=1963 |pages=495–518|doi=10.1086/200420 }}
*Meyer, Marvin & Smith, Richard (1994) ''Ancient Christian Magic: Coptic Texts of Ritual Power'', HarperSanFrancisco
== ilmu sihir ==
Baris 50 ⟶ 39:
* [[Kutukan]] ([[kutukan]])
==Bacaan Referensi lanjutan==
* Syaikh Thohir bin Sholih Al-Jaza-iri. '''''Kitab Jawahir Kalamiyah'''''. Maktabah Muhammad bin Ahmad Nabhan. Surabaya
* {{cite journal |last=Coleman |first=Simon |year=2008 |title=The Magic of Anthropology |journal=Anthropology News |volume=45 |issue=8 |pages=8–11 |doi=10.1111/an.2004.45.8.8 }}
* Abdurrohim Manaf. '''''Kitab Sa'adah'''''. Maktabah Sa'diyah Putra. Jakarta
* {{cite book |last=Dickie |first=Matthew W. |title=Magic and Magicians in the Greco-Roman World |location=London |year=2001 }}
* Ibnu Taymiyah. '''''Kitab Al-Farqu Bainal Auliya'i Rrohman Wal Auliya'i Sysyaithon'''''. (Terjemah). Lentera. 2000
* {{cite book |last1=Gosden |first1=Chris |title=Magic: A History: From Alchemy to Witchcraft, from the Ice Age to the Present |date=2020 |publisher=Farrar, Straus and Giroux |location=New York}}
* {{cite journal |last=Gusterson |first=Hugh |year=2004 |title=How Far Have We Traveled? Magic, Science and Religion Revisited |journal=Anthropology News |volume=45 |issue=8 |pages=7–11 |doi=10.1111/an.2004. }}
* {{cite journal |last=Hammond |first=Dorothy |title=Magic: A Problem in Semantics |journal=American Anthropologist |volume=72 |issue=6 |year=1970 |pages=1349–1356|doi=10.1525/aa.1970.72.6.02a00080 }}
* {{cite book |last=O'Keefe |first=Daniel |title=Stolen Lightning: The Social Theory of Magic |location=Oxford |year=1982}}
* {{cite journal |last1=Wax |first1=Murray |last2=Wax |first2=Rosalie |title=The Notion of Magic |journal=Current Anthropology |volume=4 |issue=5 |year=1963 |pages=495–518|doi=10.1086/200420 }}
*Meyer, Marvin & Smith, Richard (1994) ''Ancient Christian Magic: Coptic Texts of Ritual Power'', HarperSanFrancisco
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