Comcast: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Pada 16 Juli 2018, CNBC melaporkan bahwa Comcast tidak mungkin melanjutkan perang penawarannya untuk mengakuisisi Fox dari Disney demi [[Sky Group|Sky]].<ref>{{cite news |last1=Moyer |first1=Liz | title=Comcast tidak mungkin menaikkan tawaran Fox; fokus pada Sky: Sumber |url= |work=CNBC | date=16 Juli 2018}}</ref> Pada 19 Juli 2018, Comcast secara resmi mengumumkan bahwa mereka membatalkan tawarannya pada aset Fox untuk fokus pada tawaran mereka untuk Sky. CEO Comcast, Brian L. Roberts mengatakan: "Saya ingin mengucapkan selamat kepada Bob Iger dan tim di Disney dan memuji keluarga Murdoch dan Fox karena telah menciptakan perusahaan yang diinginkan dan dihormati."<ref>{{cite web|url =|title=Comcast menurunkan tawaran untuk abad ke-21 Fox, membuka jalan untuk Disney|last1=Zeitchik|first1=Steven|last2=Romm|first2=Tony|work=The Washington Post|date=19 Juli 2018|access-date=27 Juli 2018}}</ref>
On====Akuisisi FebruarySky plc==== Pada 27, Februari 2018, Comcast offeredmenawarkan tountuk purchasemembeli 61% stakesaham indi Sky plc atdengan a value ofnilai £12.,50 per-share saham, approximatelysekitar £22.,1 billionmiliar. 21st Century Fox, whichyang ownsmemiliki 39% stakesaham indi Sky, hadsebelumnya previouslytelah declinedmenolak atawaran akuisisi senilai US$60 billionmiliar acquisition offer byoleh Comcast indemi favor of its dealkesepakatannya withdengan Disney, duekarena tokekhawatiran anti-competition concernspersaingan.<ref>{{Cite news|url=https: //|title=Tawaran Murdoch bid foruntuk Sky challengedditantang byoleh USraksasa giantAS|date=27 FebruaryFebruari 2018|work=BBC News|access-date=27 FebruaryFebruari 2018}}</ref>< ref>{{Cite news|url=|title=Comcast MullsPertimbangkan RenewingMemperbarui ItsPengejaran 21st CenturyAset Fox AssetsAbad Pursuit21 – Report|last=Haring|first=Bruce|date=12 FebruaryFebruari 2018|work=Deadline Hollywood|access-date=24 FebruaryFebruari 2018}}</ref><ref>{{Cite news|url=https://variety. com/2018/biz/news/comcast-fox-bid-disney-merger-1202694858/|title=Comcast MayDapat MakeMembuat AnotherTawaran BidLain foruntuk 21st Century Fox (ReportLaporan)|date=12 FebruaryFebruari 2018|work=Variety|access-date= 24 FebruaryFebruari 2018}}</ref> CEO NBCUniversal CEO [[Steve Burke (businessmanpengusaha)|Steve Burke]] statedmenyatakan thatbahwa purchasingpembelian Sky wouldkira-kira roughlyakan doublemenggandakannya itskehadirannya presencedi inpasar English-speakingberbahasa marketsInggris, anddan allowmemungkinkan forsinergi synergiesantara between the respective networksmasing-masing andjaringan studiosdan ofstudio NBCUniversal anddan Sky. Fox statedmenyatakan that itbahwa "remainstetap committedberkomitmen topada itspenawaran recommendedtunai cashyang offerdirekomendasikan foruntuk Sky", anddan thatbahwa Comcast hadbelum not yet made amembuat "firmpenawaran offerpasti".<ref>{{Cite news|url= /nbcus-steve-burke-claims-comcasts-31b-sky-deal-will-boost-scripted-tv-film-fortunes-1202304579/|title=NBCU's Steve Burke Claimsdari Comcast'sNBCU Mengklaim Kesepakatan Langit $31B Skydari DealComcast WillAkan BoostMeningkatkan ScriptedKeberuntungan TV & Film FortunesBerskrip , Fox Notes NoTidak "FirmAda Offer"Penawaran WasPasti" MadeDibuat; 21st Century Fox Reacts – Update|last=White|first=Peter|date=27 FebruaryFebruari 2018|work=Deadline Hollywood|access-date=27 FebruaryFebruari 2018}}</ref>
====Acquisition of Sky plc====
On February 27, 2018, Comcast offered to purchase 61% stake in Sky plc at a value of £12.50 per-share, approximately £22.1 billion. 21st Century Fox, which owns 39% stake in Sky, had previously declined a US$60 billion acquisition offer by Comcast in favor of its deal with Disney, due to anti-competition concerns.<ref>{{Cite news|url=|title=Murdoch bid for Sky challenged by US giant|date=27 February 2018|work=BBC News|access-date=27 February 2018}}</ref><ref>{{Cite news|url=|title=Comcast Mulls Renewing Its 21st Century Fox Assets Pursuit – Report|last=Haring|first=Bruce|date=12 February 2018|work=Deadline Hollywood|access-date=24 February 2018}}</ref><ref>{{Cite news|url=|title=Comcast May Make Another Bid for 21st Century Fox (Report)|date=12 February 2018|work=Variety|access-date=24 February 2018}}</ref> NBCUniversal CEO [[Steve Burke (businessman)|Steve Burke]] stated that purchasing Sky would roughly double its presence in English-speaking markets, and allow for synergies between the respective networks and studios of NBCUniversal and Sky. Fox stated that it "remains committed to its recommended cash offer for Sky", and that Comcast had not yet made a "firm offer".<ref>{{Cite news|url=|title=NBCU's Steve Burke Claims Comcast's $31B Sky Deal Will Boost Scripted TV & Film Fortunes, Fox Notes No "Firm Offer" Was Made; 21st Century Fox Reacts – Update|last=White|first=Peter|date=27 February 2018|work=Deadline Hollywood|access-date=27 February 2018}}</ref>
OnPada Apriltanggal 12, theApril, [[Panel ontentang TakeoversPengambilalihan anddan MergersPenggabungan]] ruledmemutuskan thatbahwa Disney hadharus tomengakuisisi acquireseluruh allSky ofdalam Sky withinwaktu 28 dayshari ofsetelah fullysepenuhnya acquiringmengakuisisi Fox ifjika theakuisisi latter'sterakhir acquisition ofatas Sky was not completed bytidak theselesai timepada thesaat merger was donedilakukan, oratau ifjika Comcast'stawaran counter-offerbalasan wasn'ttidak acceptedditerima.<ref>{{cite web|url= foxs-takeover-of-uk-pay-net-is-not-complete-before-mega-deal-1202362838|title=Disney WillAkan BeDipaksa ForcedUntuk ToMengakuisisi AcquireSeluruh AllLangit OfJika Sky IfPengambilalihan Fox's TakeoverDi Of UKInggris Pay Net IsBelum NotSelesai Complete BeforeSebelum Mega- Deal|last=White|first=Peter|website=Deadline Hollywood|date=12 April 12, 2018|access-date=April 25, 2018}}</ref> OnPada 25 April 25, 2018, Comcast mademembuat itstawaran formalbalik counter-bidresmi foruntuk Sky plc, offeringmenawarkan £12.,50 per-share saham; Sky subsequentlykemudian withdrewmenarik itsrekomendasinya recommendationatas of thetawaran Fox bid.<ref>{{Cite news|url=|title=Comcast startsmemulai perang penawaran £22bnsenilai bidding£22 warmiliar foruntuk Sky|last =Wilson|first=Bill|date=25 April 2018|work=BBC News|access-date=25 April 2018|language=en-GB}}</ref> OnPada Junetanggal 5, Juni 2018, [[SecretaryMenteri ofLuar StateNegeri foruntuk Digital , CultureBudaya, Media anddan SportOlahraga|CultureSekretaris SecretaryBudaya]] [[Matt Hancock]] clearedmenyetujui bothtawaran masing-masing 21st Century Fox anddan Comcast's respectiveuntuk offers to acquiremengakuisisi Sky plc. Tawaran Fox's offerbergantung ispada contingent on the divestiture ofdivestasi Sky News.<ref>{{Cite news|url=|title=Sky bidpertarungan battletawaran loomsmembayangi aftersetelah governmentpersetujuan nodpemerintah|date=5 JuneJuni 2018|work=BBC News|access-date=5 JuneJuni 2018|language=en-GB}}</ref><ref>{{cite news |last1=Szalai |first1=Georg |title=U.K.UK ApprovesMenyetujui Fox'sPenawaran Sky BidFox, SubjectTunduk topada Sale ofPenjualan Sky News, anddan ClearsMenghapus Penawaran Comcast Offer |url= -comcast-offer-1115661 |access-date=5 JuneJuni 2018 |work=The Hollywood Reporter}}</ref>
OnPada June15 15,Juni 2018, theKomisi EuropeanEropa Commissionmemberikan gaveizin antitrustantimonopoli clearanceatas totawaran Comcast's offeruntuk to purchasemembeli Sky, citingdengan thatalasan inbahwa termsdalam ofhal theiraset currentmereka assetssaat inini di EuropeEropa, thereakan wouldada bedampak limitedterbatas impactpada on competitionpersaingan. Comcast includedmenyertakan akomitmen 10-year commitmenttahun tountuk thepengoperasian operationsdan and funding ofpendanaan Sky News similaryang toserupa thatdengan oftawaran Disney's offer.<ref>{{Cite news|url= rintangan-in-29-billion-bid-for-sky-1529076176|title=Comcast ClearsMenghapus EURintangan HurdleUE indalam Tawaran $29 BillionMiliar Bid foruntuk Sky|last=Woo|first=Stu|date=15 JuneJuni 2018|work=Wall Street Journal|accessakses -date=18 JuneJuni 2018|language=en-US|issn=0099-9660}}{{subscriptionlangganan requireddiperlukan}}</ref><ref>{{Cite news|url= news/articles/2018-06-15/comcast-clears-eu-antitrust-hurdle-for-sky-ahead-of-disney-fight|title=Comcast ClearsMembersihkan EURintangan Antitrust HurdleUni forEropa untuk Sky Ahead ofMenjelang Disney Fight|date=15 JuneJuni 2018||access-date=18 JuneJuni 2018|language=en}}{{subscriptionberlangganan requireddiperlukan}}</ref><ref>{{Cite news|url= /news/eu-clears-comcasts-bid-sky-1107237|title=EU ClearsMenyelesaikan Tawaran Comcast's Bid foruntuk Sky|work=The Hollywood Reporter|access-date=18 JuneJuni 2018|language=en}}</ref> On JunePada 19 Juni , 2018, Disney formallysecara agreedresmi tosetuju acquireuntuk uire Sky News assebagai partbagian ofdari Fox'stawaran proposedyang biddiajukan Fox, withdengan akomitmen 15-year commitmenttahun tountuk increasemeningkatkan itspendanaan annualtahunannya funding fromdari £90 millionjuta tomenjadi £100 millionjuta.<ref>{{Cite news|url= news/walt-disney-agrees-acquire-sky-news-boost-funding-1119303|title=Walt Disney AgreesSetuju tountuk AcquireMengakuisisi Sky News, AnnualPendanaan FundingTahunan toAkan BeDitingkatkan Boosted tomenjadi $130M|work=The Hollywood Reporter|access-date=19 JuneJuni 2018|language=enid}}</ref>
OnPada July11 11,Juli 2018, 21st Century Fox raisedmenaikkan itstawarannya biduntuk tomembeli purchaseaset Sky plc assets tomenjadi $32.,5 billionmiliar, anddan $18.,57 aper sharesaham. InSebagai responsetanggapan, Comcast increased itsmeningkatkan bidtawarannya tomenjadi $34 billionmiliar, anddan $19.,5 aper sharesaham. AtPada thesaat sameyang timesama, Fox was given clearancediberi byizin theoleh Britishpemerintah governmentInggris tountuk purchasemembeli Sky.<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Murdoch's Fox increasesmeningkatkan tawaran Sky bid tohingga £24.5bn indalam takeoverpertempuran battlepengambilalihan||date=11 JulyJuli 2018|access-date=12 JulyJuli 2018}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|url= /2018/biz/news/comcast-sky-21st-century-fox-disney-auction-1202870876/|title=Comcast RaisesMenaikkan BidTawaran foruntuk Sky assebagai RegulatoryKeputusan DecisionPeraturan AcceleratesMempercepat SaleProses ProcessPenjualan|last=Littleton|first=Cynthia|work=[[ Variety (magazine)|Variety]]|date=July11 11,Juli 2018|access-date=July 12, Juli 2018}}</ref> On JulyPada 18, Juli 2018, ''Bloomberg'' reportedmelaporkan thatbahwa thedewan Sky boardmenjadwalkan scheduled27 July 27,Juli 2018 assebagai thehari daydimana shareholderspara votepemegang onsaham sellingmemberikan Skysuara propertiesuntuk menjual properti Sky.<ref>{{cite web|url= -for-same-day-as-fox-disney-vote|title=Sky Hearing onpada SameHari Dayyang asSama dengan Fox Vote ComplicatesMempersulit ComcastPenawaran BidComcast|last=Mayes|first=Joe|work=Bloomberg|date=July 18, 2018|access-date tanggal=July19 19Juli, 2018}}</ref>
OnPada 22 September 22, 2018, Comcast outbidmengalahkan 21st Century Fox, bydengan raisingmenaikkan itstawarannya bid foruntuk Sky plc tomenjadi $40 billionmiliar, oratau $22.,57 aper sharesaham.<ref>{{cite web|url= 22/09/media/comcast-win-fox-sky/index.html|title=Comcast outbidsmengalahkan 21st Century Fox foruntuk Sky |last=Gold|first=Hadas|work=CNN|date=22 September 22, 2018|access-date =September 22, 2018}}</ref> OnPada Septembertanggal 25, September 2018, Comcast bought amembeli 30% stake ofsaham Sky plc. TheKeesokan nextharinya daypada ontanggal 26 September 26, 2018, Fox withdengan thepersetujuan consentdari ofpengakuisisinya its acquirer sold itsmenjual 39% stakesahamnya toke Comcast in exchangedengan forimbalan $15 billionmiliar in cashtunai.<ref>{{cite news|url= /content/f8002306-c187-11e8-95b1-d36dfef1b89a|title=SubscribeBerlangganan tountuk readmembaca |work=[[Financial Times]]}}</ref> InPada OctoberOktober 2018 Comcast laterkemudian acquiredmengakuisisi thesisa restsaham ofSky thedengan shares of Skyperusahaan withmenjadi thedihapus companydari beingdaftar delistedpada inbulan November.<ref>{{Cite web|url=|title=RecommendedDirekomendasikan mandatorypenawaran tunai superior cashwajib offer foruntuk Sky: CompulsoryAkuisisi acquisitionwajib ofsaham Sky shares}}</ref> ThePenggabungan mergerditutup closedpada on7 November 7dengan withperusahaan theyang companydihapus beingdari delisteddaftar aftersetelah becomingmenjadi aanak whollyperusahaan owneddan subsidiarydivisi andyang divisiondimiliki ofsepenuhnya oleh Comcast.<ref>{{cite web |title=Comcast looksmelihat tokesepakatan Sky deal assebagai USpemotongan cordkabel cuttingAS hits home |url= |work=Financial Times |access-date=November 24, 2018}}</ref>
====Akuisisi Xumo====