Daftar kota di Uni Eropa berdasarkan jumlah populasi Muslim: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Sejak tahun 1960-an, imigran dari negara-negara Muslim mulai datang di berapa negara di [[Eropa Barat]], terutama di Jerman, Prancis dan Belgia. Selain itu terdapat komunitas Muslim yang besar dan telah ada di benua Eropa sejak penaklukan Ottoman pada akhir [[Abad Pertengahan]], terutama di [[Balkan]]. Ini adalah gelombang besar pertama dari imigrasi Muslim ke Eropa barat laut.<ref>{{Cite book|title=Concepts of Identity and the Islamitization of Europe: The Components of Growth and Radicalization of the Global Salafi Islamic Movement in Europe and Its Implications for the West|last=Barrett|first=Darcy M.|publisher=ProQuest|year=2008|isbn=9780549970705|page=60}}</ref>
[[Islam di Eropa|Muslim di Eropa]] bukan kelompok homogen. Mereka dari berbagai nasional, etnis dan ras identitas. Sebagian besar Muslim di Eropa Barat berasal dari [[Turki]], [[Arab Maghrib|Maghreb]] (termasuk [[Maroko]] dan [[Aljazair]]), dan [[Asia Selatan]] (termasuk [[Pakistan]] dan [[Afganistan|Afghanistan]]).<ref name="Nydell">{{Cite book|title=Understanding Arabs: a contemporary guide to Arab society|year=2012|url=https://archive.org/details/understandingara0000nyde|last=Nydell|first=Margaret K.|publisher=Intercultural Press|isbn=9780983955801|location=Boston, MA|page=[https://archive.org/details/understandingara0000nyde/page/132 132]|quote=In 2011 they constituted 25 percent of Rotterdam andMarseilles; 20% of Malmo; 15 percent of Amsterdam, Brussels and Birmingham; 90% of Sarajevo; and 10 percent of London, Paris, Copenhagen, and Vienna. <br></cite> Muslims in Western Europe originate from both Arab and non-Arab countries. Those in the United Kingdom are primarily from South Asia, in France from North and West Africa, in Germany from Turkey, in Belgium from Morocco, and in the Netherlands from Morocco and Turkey.}}</ref>
Di Eropa Barat, umat Islam umumnya tinggal di kota-kota besar dan terkonsentrasi di daerah miskin.<ref name="Farmer 2010">{{Cite book|title=Radical Islam in the West: ideology and challenge|last=Farmer|first=Brian R.|publisher=McFarland & Co.|year=2010|isbn=9780786459537|location=Jefferson, N.C.|page=8|quote=Muslims living in the West are also concentrated in urban area. Muslims are currently estimated to compose almost one-fifth of the population of Marseilles, and 15 percent of Paris, Brussels, and Birmingham. Muslims are currently make up approximately 10 percent of the populations in London and Copenhagen.}}</ref>