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Tag: Suntingan perangkat seluler Suntingan peramban seluler Suntingan seluler lanjutan |
| predecessor = [[Volvo 200 Series]] (which continued)
| successor = [[Volvo 900 Series]]
| class = [[LuxuryMobil vehicle#Mid-sizeukuran luxury/executive cars|Mid-size luxuryMedium]] / [[ExecutiveMobil carEksekutif]] ([[E-segment|E]])
| layout = [[FR layout]]
TheSeri '''Volvo 700 series''' is a rangeadalah ofrangkaian [[executivemobil car]]seksekutif producedyang bydiproduksi theoleh Swedishpabrikan manufacturerSwedia [[Volvo Cars]] fromdari tahun 1982 tohingga 1992. TheSeri 700 series wasdiperkenalkan introducedpada intahun 1982 withdengan the760 luxurious 760mewah, followeddiikuti twodua yearstahun laterkemudian byoleh the740 lowerdengan pricedharga 740lebih whichrendah capitalizedyang onmemanfaatkan theprestise prestigeyang attaineddicapai byoleh the760 veryyang similarsangat 760mirip. TheSeri 700 serieskemudian wassecara thenbertahap gradually replaceddiganti, beginningmulai intahun 1990, bydengan the [[Volvoseri 900 Series|900 series]]. The 700, designeddirancang byoleh [[Jan Wilsgaard]], waspada originallyawalnya tomenjadi havepengganti been a replacement for the [[Volvoseri 200 Series|200 series]], buttetapi productionproduksi ofmodel thatitu modelberlanjut continuedhingga untilawal thetahun earlysembilan ninetiespuluhan. The expensive 780, ayang [[Gruppomahal, Bertone|Bertone]]-designedversi coupé versionyang dirancang Bertone, enteredmulai productiondiproduksi inpada 1986tahun and1986 departeddan withoutpergi atanpa directpenerus successorlangsung onlyhanya fourempat yearstahun laterkemudian.
ThePerbedaan mostyang visiblepaling differencesterlihat betweenantara theseri 700 and thedan 900 seriesadalah weresudut theyang morelebih roundedmembulat cornerspada onbodi theseri bodyterakhir, ofdan theinterior latter,yang andagak alebih somewhat better-appointed interiortertata. TheSeri 700 series came to anberakhir endpada inakhir latetahun 1992<ref>[https://web.archive.org/web/20150904015421/http://www.volvocars.com/us/about/our-company/heritage/heritage-models/44-740-wagon ]</ref> whenketika the740-an lastterakhir 740s were builtdibangun (although they were consideredmeskipun tomereka bedianggap ofsebagai model yeartahun 1993). TheRentang rangetelah hadditambah beendan augmentedakhirnya anddigantikan finally supplanted by theoleh [[Volvo 900]] inpada tahun 1993, withdengan theyang lastterakhir ofdari the 900s900 beingdijual soldpada intahun 1998.
[[Category:Volvo vehicles|700]]