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Baris 17:
[[Berkas:Bar-en-Lothglor.svg|jmpl|Lambang (''coat of arms'') Bar-en-Lothglor, atau ''the House of the Golden Flower'', pada perisai yang disandang oleh pasukan yang dipimpin oleh Glorfindel.<ref name="lt2" group="T" />]]
InDalam ''[[The Fall of Gondolin]]'', whichbuku detailsyang themengisahkan conquestpenaklukan ofkota thekaum Elves Elvenyang citybernama [[Gondolin]] byoleh thePenguasa Dark LordKegelapan [[Morgoth]] secara detail, Tolkien writesmenulis thatbahwa nama Glorfindel's name"berarti Goldtress sebab rambutnya bewarna emas" (dalam bahasa Inggris; "''meaneth Goldtress for his hair was golden''").<ref name="lt2" group="T" /> ItHal wasini theadalah firstbagian partpertama ofpenulisan ''[[The Book of Lost Tales]]'', tosekitar betahun writtenl1916–17, circadan 1916–17,kisahnya anddibacakan theoleh storyTolkien waskepada readEssay aloud by Tolkien to theClub [[Exeter College, Oxford|Exeter College]] Essaydi Clubmusim insemi thepada spring oftahun 1920.<ref name="lt2" group="T" /> Kisah ''The Fall of Gondolin'' appearsmuncul indalam compressedversi formsingkat indi dalam ''The Silmarillion'', wheredimana thekarakter characterini isdisebut calleddengan "yellow-haired Glorfindel yang berambut pirang".<ref name="sil" group="T">{{ME-ref|sil}}</ref> AccordingMenurut toputra Tolkien's son, [[Christopher Tolkien]], "thisini wasdari fromawal theadalah beginningarti the meaning of his namenamanya".<ref name="lt2" group="T">{{ME-ref|lt2|III "The Fall of Gondolin"}}</ref> AnSeorang Elf ofyang thebernama samesama namemuncul appearsdi inkisah ''[[The Lord of the Rings|The Lord of the RRings]]'', writtenyang manyditulis yearsbertahun-tahun aftersetelah thepenulisan originaldraf draft oforisinil ''The Fall of Gondolin'': indi dalam ''The Fellowship of the Ring'', heGlorfindel appearsmuncul tountuk assistmembantu thesi hobbit [[Frodo Baggins]] inuntuk hismeloloskan attemptdiri todari escapekejaran thepelayan-pelayan servantsPenguasa of the Dark LordKegelapan [[Sauron]], penerus Morgoth's successor.<ref name="Flight to the Ford" group="T" />
AsSembari hiside-idenya ideasberubah changedselama and evolved over the yearsbertahun-tahun, Tolkien wrotemenulis aboutmengenai Glorfindel'slatar backstorybelakang atGlorfindel variousbeberapa timeskali. <ref name="Evolution" /> InDalam thedraf very first draft of thepertama "[[Council of Elrond|Dewan Penasehat Elrond]]", whichyang wasakan tomenjadi becomebagian dari ''The Fellowship of the Ring'', theanggota-anggota members of the FellowshipPersaudaraan wereCincin toterdiri bedari Frodo, [[Gandalf]], [[Trotter (Lord of the Rings)|Trotter]] (laterkemudian Strider/[[Aragorn]]), Glorfindel, Durin son ofputra [[Balin (Middle-earth)|Balin]] (whodiganti becamemenjadi [[Gimli (Middle-earth)|Gimli]] son ofputra [[Glóin]]), [[Samwise Gamgee|Sam]], [[Meriadoc Brandybuck|Merry]] anddan [[Peregrin Took|Pippin]]; [[Boromir]] anddan [[Legolas]] didtidak notmuncul comesampai in until much laterkelak.<ref name="rots" group="T">{{ME-ref|rots}}</ref> EarlyCatatan-catatan notesawal for themengenai [[Council of Elrond|Dewan Penasehat Elrond]] statemenyatakan thatbahwa Glorfindel "tellsmenceritakan ofketurunannya his ancestry indi Gondolin". InDi theversi publikasi final published version of ''The Fellowship of the Ring'', Legolas ismenjadi theperwakilan representative of thedari Elvenkaum peopleElves, thoughmeskipun thekekuatan powerGlorfindel thatyang Tolkien attributedkaitkan totetap Glorfindelada remainskarena asia hedigambarkan issebagai depictedsosok asyang beingcukup strongkuat enoughuntuk toberhadapan stand against thedengan [[Nazgûl]], andsehingga soia hedipilih isuntuk chosenmenuntun toFrodo guidemenuju Frodotempat toyang safetyaman fromdari themmereka.<ref name="Flight to the Ford" group="T" />
TolkienDi would,masa-masa towardsakhir thehidupnya, endTolkien ofmendedikasikan histulisan-tulisan life,terakhirnya devotekepada hismasalah lastkarakter writingsGlorfindel todan thebeberapa issuetopik oflain Glorfindelyang andberkaitan, some related topics,seperti asyang detailedtercatat indi ''[[The Peoples of Middle-earth]]''.<ref name="pome" group="T">{{ME-ref|pome|"XIII. Last Writings", "The Five Wizards", p. 384}}</ref><ref name="Encyclopedia" /> InDalam ''[[History of the Lord of the Rings|The Return of the Shadow]]'', [[Christopher Tolkien]] statedmenyatakan thatbahwa somebeberapa timewaktu afterkemudian thesetelah publication ofpublikasi ''[[The Lord of the Rings]]'', his fatherayahnya "gaveberpikir akeras great deal of thought to the matter ofmengenai Glorfindel" indi thedalam bookbukunya, anddan decidedmemutuskan thatbahwa ithal wasitu aadalah sebuah "somewhatpengunaan randomyang use"tidak ofterlalu atetap" namepada fromsebuah thatnama wouldyang probablynantinya haveakan been changeddiganti, hadseandainya hal itini beendulunya noticedsegera soonerdiperhatikan.<ref name="rots" group="T" /> TheMasalahnya issueterletak laypada inkonsep orisinil Tolkien's originalmengenai conceptionroh-roh ofkaum theElves spiritsyang ofsudah deadmati Elvesbereinkarnasi aske beingdalam re-embodiedtubuh lama inmereka theirsetelah oldperistiwa bodiesyang afterserupa adengan [[Purgatory|Api Penyucian]]-like perioddi in the Halls ofBalairung-balairung Mandos indi [[Valinor]], thetempat hometinggal of"dewa-dewi" karya Tolkien's "gods", the [[Vala (Middle-earth)|Valar]] anddan [[Maia (Middle-earth)|Maiar]], wheredimana kaum Elves previouslydahulu livedtinggal beforesebelum (re)migratingbermigrasi toke Middle-earth. AfterSetelah beingdiberikan re-embodied,tubuh previouslybaru, deadkaum Elves stayyang intelah Valinormati permanentlymenetap di Valinor.<ref name="Encyclopedia">{{cite encyclopedia|year=2006|title=[[J.R.R. Tolkien Encyclopedia]]|publisher=[[Routledge]]|last=Anger|first=Don A.|editor-last=Drout|editor-first=Michael D. C.|editor-link=Michael D.C. Drout|pages=243–244|isbn=978-1-1358-8033-0|chapter=Glorfindel}}</ref>
Pada akhirnya, Tolkien eventuallymemutuskan decidedbahwa thatsetiap eachnama Elf's name shouldharuslah be uniqueunik, anddan thereforekarena theitulah twokedua Glorfindelskarakter shouldGlorfindel beharuslah onekarakter andyang the samesama.<ref name="Encyclopedia" /> InPada tahun 1972, he wrote anTolkien essaymenulis insebuah whichesai hemengenai explainspenjelasan howbagaimana Glorfindel returnskembali toke Middle-earth followingsetelah hiskematiannya deathdi inZaman thePertama. FirstMengenai Age. Onstatus Glorfindel's statussebagai asseorang akaum Noldor Exileyang Diasingkan, Tolkien notedmencatat thatbahwa Glorfindel leftdengan enggan meninggalkan Valinor reluctantlydan andtidak isbersalah blamelessdalam inPerang the KinslayingSaudara, anddan sincesemenjak hispengorbanannya sacrificedalam in defeating themengalahkan Balrog was deemed to bedianggap "ofsebagai vitalperistiwa importanceyang tosangat thepenting designsterhadap of therencana-rencana Valar", heia isdianugerahi grantedkebebasan andari exemptionlarangan toKaum theyang Exiles'Diasingkan bandan anddibersihkan purgeddari ofsegala any guiltkesalahan. OnceSesudah restoredpulih anddan alloweddiperbolehkan tountuk dwellmenetap indi Valinor, hiskekuatan spiritual powerGlorfindel ismeningkat greatly enhanced,pesat almostdan anhampir equalsetara ofdengan thekekuatan Maiar.<ref name="Encyclopedia" /> Tolkien consideredsempat havingmempertimbangkan untuk menjadikan Glorfindel assebagai ateman companion toseperjalanan Gandalf duringsaat theGandalf latter'sberlayar travel tomenuju Middle-earth inpada theZaman Third AgeKetiga,<ref name="Evolution" /> buttetapi changedbeliau hisberubah mindpikiran assebab breachingmenerobos thebatas divide betweenantara Valinor and thedan "CirclesLingkaran of the WorldDunia" would makeakan himmembuatnya "ofmemiliki greaterkekuatan poweryang andlebih importancetinggi thendaripada seemsterlihat fittingcocok".<ref name="Encyclopedia" /> HeIa proposedmengusulkan thatbahwa Glorfindel isakan sentdiutus backkembali toke Middle-earth by theoleh [[Vala (Middle-earth)|Valar]] during thepada [[Second Age|Zaman Kedua]] circasekitar tahun 1600, whenketika Menara [[Barad-dûr]] wasselesai completeddibangun anddan [[Sauron]] forged themenempa [[One Ring|Cincin Utama]], andserta whileketika [[Númenor]] was stillmasih friendlybersahabat withdengan thekaum Elves underdi bawah kepemimpinan Tar-Minastir.<ref name="Encyclopedia" /> InDalam onesatu versionversi heGlorfindel isdiutus sentsebagai asseorang a predecessor to thependahulu [[Wizard (Middle-earth)|Istari]] (WizardsPenyihir); indi adalam differentversi version,yang heberbeda, arrivedia inmencapai Middle-earth togetherbersama with thekedua [[Blue Wizards|Penyihir Biru]]. AtDalam onesatu pointtitik, heGlorfindel wasbahkan evensempat considereddianggap asmenjadi asalah possibilitysatu fordari the identity of one of the WizardsPenyihir, buttapi Tolkien abandonedmeninggalkan thegagasan ideatersebut since thesebab Elves weretidak notbisa initiallymenjadi conceived as possibilities for the WizardsPenyihir, anddan heia hadtelah comemenyimpulkan tobahwa thePenyihir conclusionsebenarnya that they were exclusivelyadalah [[Maia (Middle-earth)|Maiar]].<ref name="pome" group="T" />
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