== Hari Pentakosta ==<!--
InBaik eitherdalam case,keyakinan whetherbahwa heYesus wentlangsung directlypergi toke ShamballaSyambala ormaupun todalam Kashmirkeyakinan whenbahwa heYesus ascendedpergi ke Kasmir, presumablyada anggapan bahwa heia [[TeleportationTeleportasi|teleportedberteleportasi]] toke asuatu locationlokasi aboveselama Judaeabeberapa brieflysaat tendi daysatas laterYudea onsepuluh thehari 50thkemudian, dayyakni afterpada hishari resurrectionke-50 insesudah orderkebangkitannya, tountuk observememantau fromdari afarjauh thekejadian-kejadian events of thepada [[Dayhari of PentecostPentakosta]] (oratau possiblymungkin hesekali observedia thesememantau eventskejadian-kejadian bytersebut dengan [[remotepenglihatan jarak viewingjauh]]). InBaik bothkalangan traditionalTeosofi Theosophytradisional andmaupun theberbagai AscendedAjaran MasterMahaguru TeachingsTermuliakan itpercaya isbahwa believedkejadian-kejadian thattersebut thesediatur events were coordinated by theoleh [[Maha ChohanCohan]], who,yang itmenurut is asserted by bothpernyataan C.W. Leadbeater andmaupun Elizabeth Clare Prophet, isadalah the representative of therepresentasi [[HolyRoh GhostKudus]] ondi EarthBumi.<ref>Leadbeater, C.W. ''The Masters and the Path'' Adyar, Madras, India:1925 The Theosophical Publishing House PageHalaman 255</ref><ref>Prophet, Elizabeth Clare and& Prophet, Mark (as compiled bydikompilasi Annice Booth) ''The Masters and Their Retreats'' Corwin Springs, Montana:2003 Summit University Press PageHalaman 200</ref>
== Kegiatan sesudah hari Pentakosta ==
==Activities after the day of Pentecost==
InBerbagai theAjaran AscendedMahaguru MasterTermuliakan Teachings,percaya itbahwa isMahaguru believedYesus thatmenetap thedi MasterKasmir Jesussampai livedgenap inberumur Kashmir81 until he was 81tahun, anddan then,berdasarkan assumingasumsi hebahwa hadia beenlahir bornpada intahun 6 BCSM, ia in AD 75, he [[EnteringMemasuki heavenSurga alivedalam keadaan hidup|ascendedterangkat]] toke [[ShamballaShambala|Syambala]] to be withuntuk thetinggal Lordbersama ofYang theDipertuan WorldDunia, [[Sanat Kumara]].<ref name="Prophet Page 144"/>
== Kontroversi seputar penjelmaan menjadi Apolonios dari Tyana ==
==Controversy regarding incarnation as Apollonius of Tyana==
{{Main|ApolloniusApolonius ofdari Tyana}}
[[MadameH.P. Blavatsky|Helena Blavatsky]], asalah founderseorang of thependiri [[TheosophicalPerhimpunan SocietyTeosofi]], wrotemengemukakan indi dalam tulisannya pada tahun 1877: bahwa "ApolloniusApolonios, asalah contemporaryseorang ofrekan Jesussezaman ofYesus Nazareth,orang wasNazaret, likeadalah him,tokoh anyang enthusiasticpenuh foundersemangat mengasas aliran kerohanian baru, ofsama aseperti newYesus spiritualorang schoolNazaret.<!-- Perhaps less metaphysical and more practical than Jesus, less tender and perfect in his nature, he nevertheless inculcated the same quintessence of spirituality, and the same high moral truths."<ref>Helena P. Blavatsky: ''Isis Unveiled'', vol. 2, New York 1877 (reprinted 1999), p. 341.</ref> Some Theosophists such as [[C.W. Leadbeater]] and the teachers of [[Neo-Theosophy]], Alice A. Bailey and Benjamin Creme, have written that the Master Jesus was also incarnated as Apollonius of Tyana after his incarnation as Jesus of Nazareth. It is believed that he attained the fifth level of [[Initiation (Theosophy)|initiation]] (the ''[[resurrection]]'') when he became an [[Ascended master|Ascended Master]] at the end of his life as Apollonius of Tyana. However, if Apollonius was a contemporary of Jesus as Blavatsky wrote, Jesus could not have reincarnated as him. Benjamin Creme gets around this by claiming that Jesus lived from 24 BC to AD 9 <ref>Creme, Benjamin ''Maitreya's Mission Vol. I'' London:1986--Share International Foundation Page 382</ref> (instead of the usual dates given of Jesus' lifetime as being c. 6 BC to c. AD 30 or AD 33). This means that Jesus ''could'' have incarnated as Apollonius of Tyana, since according to Creme, Apollonius lived from AD 16 to c. AD 97.<ref>Creme, Benjamin ''Maitreya's Mission Vol. I'' London:1986--Share International Foundation Page 373</ref> However, one of the possible chronologies of Apollonius of Tyana's life sometimes cited give his life span as being from AD 40 to AD 120,<ref>For the chronology of AD 40--AD 120 see [[Maria Dzielska]]: ''Apollonius of Tyana in Legend and History'', Rome 1986, p. 30-38.</ref> thus making it possible that, even if the usual dates of Jesus' lifetime are accepted (c. 6 BC to c. AD 30 or AD 33), he ''still'' could have incarnated as Apollonius of Tyana. However, other modern scholarship, more often cited, gives the dates of Appolonius' life span as c. AD 15 to c. AD 100, thus making it problematic, realistically speaking, that Jesus could have incarnated as him.<ref>For the chronology of AD 15--AD 100 see Maria Dzielska: ''Apollonius of Tyana in Legend and History'', Rome 1986, pp. 30–38.</ref>
Jesus' incarnation as Apollonius of Tyana is accepted by the followers of traditional Theosophy, of Alice A. Bailey, and of Benjamin Creme, but not by those who are adherent to the ''Ascended Master Teachings'', who believe that the incarnation as Jesus was his last embodiment on Earth.