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Vandalisme. Membalikkan revisi 20823097 oleh (bicara)
Tag: Pembatalan
Baris 112:
== Wafat ==
Aisyah wafat di rumahnya di Madinah pada tanggal 17 Ramadhan 5758 H (16 Juli 629678 M), pada saat itu ia berusia 2967 tahun.<ref name="Siddiqui3">{{harvnb|Al-Nasa'i|1997|p=108}}{{quote|‘A’isha was eighteen years of age at the time when the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) died and she remained a widow for forty-eight years till she died at the age of sixty-seven. She saw the rules of four caliphs in her lifetime. She died in Ramadan 58 AH during the caliphate of Mu‘awiya...}}</ref><ref name="Haylamaz20132">{{cite book|last=Haylamaz|first=Resit|date=1 March 2013|url=|title=Aisha: The Wife, The Companion, The Scholar|publisher=Tughra Books|isbn=9781597846554|pages=192–193|access-date=11 July 2018}}</ref> Sahabat Nabi, [[Abu Hurairah]] memimpin penguburannya setelah salat tahajud dan ia dikuburkan di [[Jannatul Baqi|Jannat al-Baqi']].{{sfn|Ibnu Katsir|p=97}}
== Pandangan Sunni dan Syi'ah ==
=== Sunni ===