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Baris 1:
{{Infobox royalty + {{Infobox diocese+{{Infobox diocese
| jurisdiction = Keuskupan Agung
| name = Veszprém
| latin = Archidioecesis Veszprimiensis
| local = Veszprémi Főegyházmegye
| image = Veszprem-szent-mihaly.jpg
| image_size = 250px
| image_alt =
| caption = Katedral Santo Mikael, [[Veszprém]]
<!---- Locations ---->
| country = [[Hongaria]]
| territory =
| province = Veszprém
| metropolitan =
| archdeaconries =
| deaneries =
| subdivisions =
| coordinates = <!-- Use {{coord}} -->
<!---- Statistics ---->
| area_km2 = 6,920
| area_sqmi = 2,672
| area_footnotes =
| population = 461,500
| population_as_of = 2014
| catholics = 335,600
| catholics_percent = 72.7
| parishes = 180
| churches = <!-- Number of churches in the diocese -->
| congregations = <!-- Number of congregations in the diocese -->
| schools = <!-- Number of church supported schools in the diocese -->
| members = <!-- Number of members in the diocese -->
<!---- Information ---->
| denomination = [[Katolik Roma]]
| particular_church = <!-- sui iuris Church, e.g., [[Latin Church]] or [[Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church]] -->
| rite = [[Latin]]
| established = 1009 <br><small>(sebagai Keuskupan Veszprém)</small><br>31 Mei 1993<br><small>(sebagai Keuskupan Agung Veszprém)
| cathedral = Katedral Santo Mikael [[Veszprém]]
| cocathedral =
| patron = <!-- Patron saint(s) of the diocese (or archdiocese) -->
| patron_title = <!-- Use to override the default label "Patron saint" -->
| priests = <!-- Number of priests in the diocese -->
<!---- Current leadership ---->
| pope = {{Incumbent pope}} <!-- DO NOT CHANGE. This will update the Popes Automatically as they change -->
| patriarch =
| major_archbishop =
| bishop = <!-- Name and title of the current ordinary of the diocese -->
| bishop_title = <!-- Type of ordinary: i.e. Bishop or Archbishop. Default is Bishop -->
| metro_archbishop = [[Gyula Márfi]]
| coadjutor =
| suffragans = [[Keuskupan Szombathely]]<br>[[Keuskupan Kaposvár]]
| auxiliary_bishops = <!-- List most senior first (usually reckoned by date of consecration) -->
| apostolic_admin =
| vicar_general = Miklós Szerenka
| episcopal_vicar =
| archdeacons = <!-- List most senior first (usually reckoned by date of first collation); use | archdeacon = for one-->
| emeritus_bishops = [[József Szendi]]
<!---- Map ---->
| map = Map of Archdiocese of Veszprem.png
| map_size = 250px
| map_alt =
| map_caption = Peta Keuskupan
<!---- Website ---->
| website = [ Situs Web]
| footnotes =
'''Keuskupan Agung Veszprém''' ({{lang-hu|Veszprémi Főegyházmegye}}, {{lang-la|Archidioecesis Veszprimiensis}}) adalah sebuah [[keuskupan agung]] [[Ritus Latin]] [[Gereja Katolik Roma]] di [[Hongaria]]. Diyakini didirikan pada 1009 M oleh Raja [[Stefanus I dari Hongaria]], sebagai Keuskupan Veszprém, keuskupan tersebut awalnya adalah sebuah suffragan dari [[Keuskupan Agung Esztergom]]. Pada 1992, keuskupan tersebut ditingkatkan menjadi keuskupan agung. Keuskupan agung tersebut adalah Metropolitan dari [[Keuskupan Kaposvár]] dan [[Keuskupan Szombathely]].
| jurisdiction = Keuskupan Agung
| name = Veszprém