Kritik teks: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 97:
=== Selayang pandang ===
[[File:Howald-sigerist.png|thumb|right|250px|Skema turunan naskah karya tulis [[Pseudo-Apuleius Herbarius]] yang disusun [[Henry E. Sigerist]] (1927)]]
'''Stematika''' atau '''stematologi''' adalah pendekatan yang tegas terhadap kritik teks. [[Karl Lachmann]] (1793–1851) greatlyadalah contributedtokoh toyang makingsangat thisberjasa methodmembuat famous,metode evenini though he didterkenal, notkendati inventbukan itpenciptanya.<ref>Sebastian Timpanaro, ''The Genesis of Lachmann's Method'', ed.disunting anddan trans.diterjemahkan byoleh Glenn W. Most (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2005) [trans.diterjemahkan fromdari ''Genesi del metodo del Lachmann'' (Liviana Editrice, 1981)].</ref> TheNama methodmetode takesini itsdiambil namedari from the wordkata ''stemmastema''. TheKata [[AncientYunani GreekKuno]] word ''στέμματα''<ref name="Liddell & Scott">Liddell, H.G. & Scott, R. (1940). ''A Greek-English Lexicon. revised and augmented throughout by Sir Henry Stuart Jones. with the assistance of. Roderick McKenzie.'' Oxford: Clarendon Press.</ref> and itsyang [[loanwordkata serapan|diserap]] inke dalam [[classicalbahasa Latin Klasik]] menjadi ''stemmata''<ref name="Liddell & Scott"/><ref name="Lewis & Short">Lewis, C.T. & Short, C. (1879). ''A Latin dictionary founded on Andrews' edition of Freund's Latin dictionary.'' Oxford: Clarendon Press.</ref><ref name="Saalfeld1884">Saalfeld, G.A.E.A. (1884). ''Tensaurus Italograecus. Ausführliches historisch-kritisches Wörterbuch der Griechischen Lehn- und Fremdwörter im Lateinischen.'' Wien: Druck und Verlag von Carl Gerold's Sohn, Buchhändler der Kaiserl. Akademie der Wissenschaften.</ref> maydapat referdiartikan tomenjadi "[[familybagan treesilsilah|pohon silsilah]]s". ThisDi specificbidang meaningkritik showsteks, the''stema'', relationshipsdalam ofarti thekhusus surviving"pohon witnessessilsilah", menampilkan keterkaitan di antara saksi-saksi (thenaskah-naskah firstyang knownmenyiratkan examplekeberadaan ofteks suchasli) ayang stemmasintas (contoh pertama yang diketahui dari stema semacam ini, albeitkendati withtidak thedisebut namestema, datesberasal dari fromtahun 1827).<ref>Collín, H. S. and C. J. Schlyter (eds), ''Corpus iuris Sueo-Gotorum antiqui: Samling af Sweriges gamla lagar, på Kongl. Maj:ts. nådigste befallning'', 13 volsjilid (Stockholm: Haeggström, 1827–77), voljld. 1, tabletabel 3; the volumejilid isini availabletersedia atdi [] buttetapi thesayang scansekali unfortunatelypemindaiannya omits themenghilangkan stemmastema. William Robins, `Editing and Evolution', ''Literature Compass'' 4 (2007): 89–120, atdi pphlmn. 93–94, {{doi|10.1111/j.1741-4113.2006.00391.x.</ref> The family tree isPohon alsosilsilah referredsemacam toini asjuga adisebut ''[[cladogramkladogram]]''.<ref name="isbn90-272-2153-7">Mulken & van Pieter 1996, phlm. 84</ref> TheMetode methodini works from thebertolak principledari thatasas "communitykesamaan ofkekeliruan errormenyiratkan implieskesamaan communityasal of origin.usul," That ismaksudnya, ifjika twodua witnessessaksi havemengandung asejumlah numberkekeliruan of errors inyang commonsama, itmaka maypatut bediduga presumedbahwa thatkeduanya theyditurunkan weredari derivedsatu fromsumber-antara ayang commonsama, intermediateyang source,disebut called''upapurwarupa'' aatau ''hyparchetypehiparketipe''.<!-- Relations between the lost intermediates are determined by the same process, placing all extant manuscripts in a family tree or ''[[stemma codicum]]'' descended from a single ''archetype''. The process of constructing the stemma is called ''recension'', or the Latin ''recensio''.<ref name="isbn0-19-814371-0">Wilson and Reynolds 1974, p. 186</ref>
Having completed the stemma, the critic proceeds to the next step, called ''selection'' or ''selectio'', where the text of the archetype is determined by examining variants from the closest hyparchetypes to the archetype and selecting the best ones. If one reading occurs more often than another at the same level of the tree, then the dominant reading is selected. If two competing readings occur equally often, then the editor uses judgment to select the correct reading.<ref name="isbn0-312-21713-7">Roseman 1999, p. 73</ref>