=== Zaman Utsmaniyah ===
<!--The region had been part of the [[Ottoman Empire]] since 1517 and after Beitin was reestablished, the town came under the administration of the ''[[Mutasarrif]]'' ("Governorate") of Jerusalem.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.jmcc.org/localiteis.aspx?idd=819&type=locality|title=Palestinian Places: Beitin|publisher=Jerusalem Media and Communications Center (JMCC)|accessdate=2011-12-19}}</ref> -->Pada awal abad ke-19, orang-orang dari [[:en:Transjordan (region)|Trans-Yordan]] dan tempat-tempat lain pindah ke Beitin<ref name="STFJ"/><ref>Lutfiyya, 1966, p. [https://books.google.com/books?id=EK2V2pPs_T4C&pg=PA36 36]</ref> dan membangun sebuah [[masjid]] dekat situs gereja sebelumnya.<ref name="VP">[http://www.visitpalestine.ps/index.php?lang=en&page=sites.what_to_see.ramallah.bittin Visit Palestine: Bittin] Visit Palestine.</ref>
In 1863 [[Victor Guérin]] found the village to have 400 inhabitants,<ref name=Guerin>Guérin, 1869, pp. [https://archive.org/stream/descriptiongogr06gugoog#page/n27/mode/1up 14]-26</ref> while an Ottoman village list from around 1870 showed that Beitin had an adult male population of 140, in a total of 55 houses (thus excluding women and children).<ref>Socin, 1879, p. [https://archive.org/stream/zeitschriftdesde01deut#page/148/mode/1up 148]. It was noted in the Bire District</ref><ref>Hartmann, 1883, p. [https://archive.org/stream/bub_gb_BZobAQAAIAAJ#page/n935/mode/1up 127] also noted 55 houses</ref>
<!--In the [[1922 census of Palestine]] conducted by the [[Mandatory Palestine|British Mandate authorities]], ''Baitin'' had a population of 446; all [[Muslim]]s,<ref name="Census1922">Barron, 1923, Table VII, Sub-district of Ramallah, p. [https://archive.org/stream/PalestineCensus1922/Palestine%20Census%20%281922%29#page/n18/mode/1up 16]</ref> increasing at the time of the [[1931 census of Palestine|1931 census]] to 566, still all Muslim, in 135 houses.<ref name="Census1931">Mills, 1932, p. [https://archive.org/details/CensusOfPalestine1931.PopulationOfVillagesTownsAndAdministrativeAreas 47]</ref>
Dalam [[:en:Village Statistics, 1945|statistika tahun 1945]] populasi berjumlah 690 Muslim,<ref name=1945p26>Government of Palestine, Department of Statistics, 1945, p. [http://cs.anu.edu.au/~bdm/yabber/census/VSpages/VS1945_p26.jpg 26]</ref> sedangkan luas tanah seluruhnya 4.764 [[dunam]], menurut survey tanah dan penduduk resmi.<ref name=Hadawi64>Government of Palestine, Department of Statistics. ''Village Statistics, April, 1945.'' Quoted in Hadawi, 1970, p. [http://www.palestineremembered.com/download/VillageStatistics/Table%20I/Ramallah/Page-064.jpg 64]</ref><!-- Of this, 1,348 were allocated for plantations and irrigable land, 1,853 for cereals,<ref>Government of Palestine, Department of Statistics. ''Village Statistics, April, 1945.'' Quoted in Hadawi, 1970, p. [http://www.palestineremembered.com/download/VillageStatistics/Table%20II/Ramallah/Page-111.jpg 111]</ref> while 38 dunams were classified as built-up areas.<ref>Government of Palestine, Department of Statistics. ''Village Statistics, April, 1945.'' Quoted in Hadawi, 1970, p. [http://www.palestineremembered.com/download/VillageStatistics/Table%20III/Ramallah/Page-161.jpg 161]</ref>
===Jordanian era===
Setelah [[Perang Enam Hari]] pada tahun 1967, Beitin, sebagaimana wilayah Tepi Barat lain, [[Wilayah pendudukan Israel|diduduki oleh Israel]]. Populasi menurut sensus tahun 1967 yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah Israel berjumlah 958, di mana 134 berasal dari teritori Israel.<ref name=67census>{{cite web |url=http://www.levyinstitute.org/pubs/1967_census/vol_1_tab_2.pdf |title=The 1967 Census of the West Bank and Gaza Strip: A Digitized Version |author=Perlmann, Joel |date=November 2011 – February 2012 |website=[[Levy Economics Institute]] |publisher= |access-date=23 January 2018 |quote=}}</ref>
Akibat [[:En:Oslo II Accord|perjanjian 1995 accords]], 19,1% tanah desa digolongkan sebagai [[:en:Area B|Area B]], sementara 80.9% sisanya digolongkan tanah [[:En:Area C (West Bank)|Area C]] (dalam kontrol Israel penuh). Tanah desa Beitin juga diambilalih untuk membangun post luar Israel, [[:en:Givat Asaf|Givat Asaf]].<ref>[http://vprofile.arij.org/ramallah/pdfs/vprofile/Beitin_vp_en.pdf Beitin (village profile)], ARIJ, pp. 17-19</ref><ref>Nahum Barnea, [http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-4780153,00.html 'Beitunian nights: The IDF in the West Bank'], [[Ynet]] 18 March 2016.</ref>
Pada tanggal 19 Desember 2011, [[:en:Israeli settler|para pemukim Israel]] dituduh menjalankan [[:en:price tag policy|serangan tag harga]] kedua dalam hanya empat hari, di mana lima mobil milik orang Palestina dibakar dan tembok-tembok beberapa rumah disemprot dengan coret-coretan.<ref name=Maan446133>{{cite news|url=http://www.maannews.net/eng/ViewDetails.aspx?ID=446133|title=Settlers burn 5 cars in Ramallah village|work=[[Ma'an News Agency]]|date=2011-12-19|accessdate=2011-12-19}}</ref> Dalam insiden pertama (15 Desember 2011), para penyerang tidak hanya memvandalisasi sebuah masjid, tetapi juga menyerang sebuah basis militer [[Pasukan Pertahanan Israel|Pasukan Pertahanan Israel (''IDF'')]] di Tepi Barat, melukai seorang komandan Israel.<ref name=NewsOK.com>{{cite news | last =Teibel | first =Amy | coauthors = | title = Jewish radicals get off hook in Israel| work = | pages = | language = English|publisher =NewsOK.com | date =15 December 2011 | url =http://newsok.com/article/feed/327312 | accessdate =17 February 2017 }}</ref> Menurut para saksi insiden kedua, tentara Israel membubarkan para pemukim tanpa menahan mereka,<ref name=Maan446133/> termasuk yang diduga menyerang komandan Israel, meskipun insiden empat hari sebelumnya membuat Perdana Menteri Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, berkata: "Kami tidak akan membiarkan mereka menyerang tentara kami. Kami tidak akan membiarkan mereka menyulut perang agama dengan para tetangga kami. Kami tidak akan membiarkan mereka menajiskan masjid-masjid. Kami tidak akan membiarkan mereka melukai orang Yahudi maupun orang Arab."<ref name=NewsOK.com/>
== Markah tanah ==
Pada tahun 1945 populasi Beitin berjumlah 690, menurut survei tanah dan penduduk resmi.<ref name=Hadawi64/>
Pada tahun 1997, [[:en:Palestinian refugee|para pengungsi Palestina]] berjumlah tepat 30% populasi, yang berjumlah 1.510 saat itu.<ref>[http://www.pcbs.gov.ps/Portals/_pcbs/phc_97/ram_t6.aspx Palestinian Population by Locality and Refugee Status] {{Webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20081119061257/http://www.pcbs.gov.ps/Portals/_pcbs/phc_97/ram_t6.aspx |date=2008-11-19 }} [[Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics]].</ref>
Menurut [[:en:Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics|Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics]] (PCBS), Beitin mempunyai populasi lebih dari 3.050 penduduk pada tahun 2006.<ref>[http://www.pcbs.gov.ps/Portals/_pcbs/populati/pop07.aspx Projected Mid -Year Population for Ramallah & Al Bireh Governorate by Locality 2004- 2006] [[:en:Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics|Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics]] (PCBS)</ref> Pada tahun 2007, suatu sensus PCBS mencatat populasi 2.143 orang (1.128 pria dan 1.015 wanita). Ada 717 rumah di desa itu dan rata-rata setiap rumah tangga terdiri dari 4,9 anggota keluarga.<ref>[http://www.pcbs.gov.ps/Portals/_PCBS/Downloads/book1487.pdf 2007 PCBS Census]. [[:en:Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics|Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics]]. p.114.</ref>
== Referensi ==