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Baris 84:
{{Collapse bottom}}Adapun [[kalkulator ilmiah]] yang menghitung logaritma dengan bilangan pokok 10 dan {{mvar|[[e (mathematical constant)|e]]}}.<ref>{{Citation|last1=Bernstein|first1=Stephen|last2=Bernstein|first2=Ruth|title=Schaum's outline of theory and problems of elements of statistics. I, Descriptive statistics and probability|publisher=[[McGraw-Hill]]|location=New York|series=Schaum's outline series|isbn=978-0-07-005023-5|year=1999|url=}}, hlm.&nbsp;21</ref> Logaritma terhadap setiap bilangan pokok {{mvar|b}} dapat ditentukan menggunaka menggunakan kedua logaritma tersebut melalui rumus sebelumnya:
: <math> ^b\!\log_blog x = \frac{\log_^{10}\!\log x}{\log_^{10}\!\log b} = \frac{\log_^{e}\!\log x}{\log_^{e}\!\log b}.</math>
Diberikan suatu bilangan {{mvar|x}} dan logaritma {{math|1=''y'' = log<sub>''b''</sub>&thinsp;''x''}}, dengan {{mvar|b}} adalah bilangan pokok yang tidak diketahui. Bilangan pokok logaritma dapat dirumuskan sebagai
Baris 154:
== HistorySejarah ==
{{Main|HistorySejarah of logarithmslogaritma}}
The '''history of logarithms''' in seventeenth-century Europe is the discovery of a new [[Function (mathematics)|function]] that extended the realm of analysis beyond the scope of algebraic methods. The method of logarithms was publicly propounded by [[John Napier]] in 1614, in a book titled ''Mirifici Logarithmorum Canonis Descriptio'' (''Description of the Wonderful Rule of Logarithms'').<ref>{{citation|first=John|last=Napier|author-link=John Napier|title=Mirifici Logarithmorum Canonis Descriptio|trans-title=The Description of the Wonderful Rule of Logarithms|language=la|location=Edinburgh, Scotland|publisher=Andrew Hart|year=1614|url=}}</ref><ref>{{Citation|first=Ernest William|last=Hobson|title=John Napier and the invention of logarithms, 1614|year=1914|publisher=The University Press|location=Cambridge|url=}}</ref> Prior to Napier's invention, there had been other techniques of similar scopes, such as the [[prosthaphaeresis]] or the use of tables of progressions, extensively developed by [[Jost Bürgi]] around 1600.<ref name="folkerts">{{citation|last1=Folkerts|first1=Menso|last2=Launert|first2=Dieter|last3=Thom|first3=Andreas|arxiv=1510.03180|doi=10.1016/|issue=2|journal=[[Historia Mathematica]]|mr=3489006|pages=133–147|title=Jost Bürgi's method for calculating sines|volume=43|year=2016|s2cid=119326088}}</ref><ref>{{mactutor|id=Burgi|title=Jost Bürgi (1552 – 1632)}}</ref> Napier coined the term for logarithm in Middle Latin, “logarithmus,” derived from the Greek, literally meaning, “ratio-number,” from ''logos'' “proportion, ratio, word” + ''arithmos'' “number”.
The '''historySejarah of logarithms'logaritma'' inyang seventeenth-centurydimulai Europedari isEropa thepada discoveryabad ofketujuh abelas newmerupakan penemuan [[Functionfungsi (mathematicsmatematika)|functionfungsi]] thatbaru extendedyang thememperluas realmranah ofanalisis analysisdi beyondluar thejangkauan scopemetode of algebraic methodsaljabar. TheMetode methodlogaritma of logarithms wasdikemukakan publiclysecara propoundedterbuka byoleh [[John Napier]] inpada tahun 1614, indalam asebuah bookbuku titledberjudul ''Mirifici Logarithmorum Canonis Descriptio'' (''Description of the Wonderful Rule of Logarithms'').<ref>{{citation|first=John|last=Napier|author-link=John Napier|title=Mirifici Logarithmorum Canonis Descriptio|trans-title=The Description of the Wonderful Rule of Logarithms|language=la|location=Edinburgh, Scotland|publisher=Andrew Hart|year=1614|url=}}</ref><ref>{{Citation|first=Ernest William|last=Hobson|title=John Napier and the invention of logarithms, 1614|year=1914|publisher=The University Press|location=Cambridge|url=}}</ref> PriorSebelum topenemuan Napier's invention, thereada hadteknik beenlain otherdengan techniquesjangkauan ofmetode similaryang scopesserupa, such as theseperti [[prosthaphaeresisprosthafaeresis]] oratau thepenggunaan usetabel ofbarisan, tablesyang of progressions,dikembangkan extensivelydengan developedluas byoleh [[Jost Bürgi]] aroundsekitar tahun 1600.<ref name="folkerts">{{citation|last1=Folkerts|first1=Menso|last2=Launert|first2=Dieter|last3=Thom|first3=Andreas|arxiv=1510.03180|doi=10.1016/|issue=2|journal=[[Historia Mathematica]]|mr=3489006|pages=133–147|title=Jost Bürgi's method for calculating sines|volume=43|year=2016|s2cid=119326088}}</ref><ref>{{mactutor|id=Burgi|title=Jost Bürgi (1552 – 1632)}}</ref> Napier coinedmenciptakan theistilah termuntuk forlogaritma logarithmdalam in Middlebahasa Latin, “logarithmusTengah, derived“logaritmus” fromyang theberasal Greekdari bahasa Yunani, literallysecara harfiah meaningberarti, “ratio“rasio-numberbilangan,” fromdari ''logos'' “proportion“proporsi, ratiorasio, word”kata” + ''arithmos'' “number”“bilangan”.
The [[common logarithm]] of a number is the index of that power of ten which equals the number.<ref>William Gardner (1742) ''Tables of Logarithms''</ref> Speaking of a number as requiring so many figures is a rough allusion to common logarithm, and was referred to by [[Archimedes]] as the “order of a number”.<ref>{{citation|last=Pierce|first=R. C. Jr.|date=January 1977|doi=10.2307/3026878|issue=1|journal=[[The Two-Year College Mathematics Journal]]|jstor=3026878|pages=22–26|title=A brief history of logarithms|volume=8}}</ref> The first real logarithms were heuristic methods to turn multiplication into addition, thus facilitating rapid computation. Some of these methods used tables derived from trigonometric identities.<ref>Enrique Gonzales-Velasco (2011) ''Journey through Mathematics – Creative Episodes in its History'', §2.4 Hyperbolic logarithms, p. 117, Springer {{isbn|978-0-387-92153-2}}</ref> Such methods are called [[prosthaphaeresis]].
The [[commonLogaritma logarithmbiasa]] ofsuatu abilangan numberadalah isindeks thepangkat index of that power ofsepuluh tenyang whichsama equalsdengan thebilangan numbertersebut.<ref>William Gardner (1742) ''Tables of Logarithms''</ref> SpeakingBerbicara oftentang aangka numberyang asmembutuhkan requiringbanyak soangka manyadalah figureskiasan iskasar auntuk roughlogaritma allusion to common logarithmumum, and was referreddan todisebut byoleh [[Archimedes]] assebagai the“urutan “order of a number”bilangan”.<ref>{{citation|last=Pierce|first=R. C. Jr.|date=January 1977|doi=10.2307/3026878|issue=1|journal=[[The Two-Year College Mathematics Journal]]|jstor=3026878|pages=22–26|title=A brief history of logarithms|volume=8}}</ref> The firstLogaritma real logarithmspertama wereadalah heuristicmetode methodsheuristik toyang turnmengubah multiplicationperkalian intomenjadi additionpenjumlahan, thussehingga facilitatingmemudahkan rapidperhitungan computationyang cepat. SomeBeberapa ofmetode theseini methodsmenggunakan usedtabel tablesyang derivedditurunkan fromdari trigonometricidentitas identitiestrigonometri.<ref>Enrique Gonzales-Velasco (2011) ''Journey through Mathematics – Creative Episodes in its History'', §2.4 Hyperbolic logarithms, p. 117, Springer {{isbn|978-0-387-92153-2}}</ref> Such methodsMetode aretersebut calleddisebut [[prosthaphaeresisprosthafaeresis]].
Invention of the [[Function (mathematics)|function]] now known as the [[natural logarithm]] began as an attempt to perform a [[Quadrature (mathematics)|quadrature]] of a rectangular [[hyperbola]] by [[Grégoire de Saint-Vincent]], a Belgian Jesuit residing in Prague. Archimedes had written ''[[The Quadrature of the Parabola]]'' in the third century BC, but a quadrature for the hyperbola eluded all efforts until Saint-Vincent published his results in 1647. The relation that the logarithm provides between a [[geometric progression]] in its [[Argument of a function|argument]] and an [[arithmetic progression]] of values, prompted [[A. A. de Sarasa]] to make the connection of Saint-Vincent's quadrature and the tradition of logarithms in [[prosthaphaeresis]], leading to the term “hyperbolic logarithm”, a synonym for natural logarithm. Soon the new function was appreciated by [[Christiaan Huygens]], and [[James Gregory (mathematician)|James Gregory]]. The notation Log y was adopted by [[Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz|Leibniz]] in 1675,<ref>[[Florian Cajori]] (1913) "History of the exponential and logarithm concepts", [[American Mathematical Monthly]] 20: 5, 35, 75, 107, 148, 173, 205.</ref> and the next year he connected it to the [[Integral calculus|integral]] <math display="inline">\int \frac{dy}{y} .</math>
Penemuan [[fungsi (matematika)|fungsi]] sekarang dikenal sebagai [[logaritma alami]] dimulai sebagai upaya untuk [[kuadratur (matematika)|kuadratur]] dari [[hiperbola]] persegi panjang oleh [[Grégoire de Saint-Vincent]], seorang Yesuit Belgia yang tinggal di Praha. Archimedes telah menulis ''[[The Quadrature of the Parabola]]'' pada abad ketiga SM, tetapi kuadratur untuk hiperbola menghindari semua upaya sampai Saint-Vincent menerbitkan hasilnya pada tahun 1647. Relasi yang disediakan logaritma antara [[barisan dan deret geometri]] dalam [[argumen dari sebuah fungsi|argumen]] dan nilai [[barisan dan deret aritmetika]], [[A. A. de Sarasa]] diminta untuk membuat hubungan kuadratur Saint-Vincent dan tradisi logaritma dalam [[prosthafaeresis]], mengarah ke istilah "logaritma hiperbolik", sebuah persamaan kata untuk logaritma alami. Dengan segera, fungsi baru tersebut dihargai oleh [[Christiaan Huygens]] dan [[James Gregory (matematikawan)|James Gregory]]. Notasi Log y diadopsi oleh [[Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz|Leibniz]] pada tahun 1675,<ref>[[Florian Cajori]] (1913) "History of the exponential and logarithm concepts", [[American Mathematical Monthly]] 20: 5, 35, 75, 107, 148, 173, 205.</ref> dan tahun berikutnya dia mengaitkannya dengan [[kalkulus integral|integral]] <math display="inline">\int \frac{dy}{y} .</math>
Before Euler developed his modern conception of complex natural logarithms, [[Roger Cotes#Mathematics|Roger Cotes]] had a nearly equivalent result when he showed in 1714 that<ref>{{citation|last1=Stillwell|first1=J.|title=Mathematics and Its History|date=2010|publisher=Springer|edition=3rd}}</ref>
BeforeSebelum Euler developedmengembangkan hiskonsep modernmodernnya conceptiontentang oflogaritma complexalami natural logarithmskompleks, [[Roger Cotes#MathematicsMatematika|Roger Cotes]] hadmemiliki hasil ayang nearlyhampir equivalentsama resultketika whenia hemenunjukkan showedpada intahun 1714 thatbahwa<ref>{{citation|last1=Stillwell|first1=J.|title=Mathematics and Its History|date=2010|publisher=Springer|edition=3rd}}</ref>
: <math>\log(\cos \theta + i\sin \theta) = i\theta</math>.
== Tabel logaritma, kaidah geser, dan penerapan bersejarah ==
== Logarithm tables, slide rules, and historical applications{{anchor|Antilogarithm}} ==
[[Berkas:Logarithms_Britannica_1797.png|ka|jmpl|360x360px|ThePenjelasan 1797logaritma di ''[[Encyclopædia Britannica]]'' explanationpada oftahun logarithms1797.]]
ByDengan simplifyingmenyederhanakan difficultperhitungan calculationsyang beforerumit calculatorssebelum andadanya computersmesin becamehitung availablekomputer, logarithmslogaritma contributedberkontribusi topada thekemajuan advance of sciencepengetahuan, especiallykhususnya [[astronomyastronomi]]. TheyLogaritma weresangat criticalpenting toterhadap advanceskemajuan indalam [[surveyingsurvei]], [[celestialnavigasi navigationbenda langit]], anddan othercabang domainslainnya. [[Pierre-Simon Laplace]] calledmenyebut logaritma logarithmssebagai
:: "...[asebuah]n admirablekecerdasan artifice whichmengagumkan, byyang reducingmengurangi topekerjaan aberbulan-bulan fewmenjadi daysbeberapa thehari, labourmenggandakan ofkehidupan many monthsastronom, doublesdan themenghindarinya life of the astronomer,dari andkesalahan sparesdan himrasa thejijik errorsyang andtak disgustterpisahkan inseparabledari fromperhitungan longyang calculationspanjang."<ref>{{Citation|last1=Bryant|first1=Walter W.|title=A History of Astronomy|url=|publisher=Methuen & Co|location=London|year=1907}}, p.&nbsp;44</ref>
AsKarena the functionfungsi {{math|''f''(''x'') {{=}} {{mvar|b}}<sup>''x''</sup>}} ismerupakan thefungsi inverseinvers function ofdari {{math|log<subsup>''b''</subsup>log&thinsp;''x''}}, it hasfungsi beentersebut calleddisebut ansebagai '''antilogarithmantilogaritma'''.<ref>{{Citation|editor1-last=Abramowitz|editor1-first=Milton|editor1-link=Milton Abramowitz|editor2-last=Stegun|editor2-first=Irene A.|editor2-link=Irene Stegun|title=Handbook of Mathematical Functions with Formulas, Graphs, and Mathematical Tables|publisher=[[Dover Publications]]|location=New York|isbn=978-0-486-61272-0|edition=10th|year=1972|title-link=Handbook of Mathematical Functions with Formulas, Graphs, and Mathematical Tables}}, section 4.7., p.&nbsp;89</ref> NowadaysSaat ini, thisfungsi functiontersebut ispada moreumumnya commonlylebih calleddikenal ansebagai [[exponentialfungsi functioneksponensial]].
=== Log tables ===