Demokrasi Islam: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 1:
'''Demokrasi Islam''' adalah ideologi politik yang berusaha menerapkan prinsip-prinsip [[Islam]] ke dalam [[kebijakan publik]] dalam kerangka [[Demokrasi islam|demokrasi]]. Teori politik Islam menyebutkan tiga ciri dasar demokrasi Islam: pemimpin harus dipilih oleh rakyat, tunduk pada [[syariah]], dan berkomitmen untuk mempraktekkan "syura", sebuah bentuk konsultasi khusus yang dilakukan oleh [[Nabi Muhammad SAW]] yang dapat ditemukan dalam berbagai hadits dengan komunitas mereka.<ref>{{cite journal |first=Najib |last=Ghadbian |date=July 6, 2003 |title=Democracy or Self-Interest? |url= |journal=Harvard International Review |accessdate=2011-10-19 }}{{Pranala mati|date=Maret 2021 |bot=InternetArchiveBot |fix-attempted=yes }}</ref> Negara-negara yang memenuhi tiga ciri dasar tersebut antara lain [[Afghanistan]], [[Iran]], dan [[Malaysia]]. [[Arab Saudi]], [[Qatar]], dan [[Uni Emirat Arab]] adalah contoh negara yang ''tidak'' menganut prinsip demokrasi Islam meski negara-negara Islam, karena negara-negara ini tidak mengadakan pemilihan. Pelaksanaan demokrasi Islam berbeda di negara-negara mayoritas muslim, karena interpretasi syariah berbeda-beda dari satu negara ke negara lain, dan penggunaan syariah lebih komprehensif di negara-negara di mana syariah menjadi dasar bagi undang-undang negara.
Konsep liberalisme dan partisipasi demokratis sudah ada di [[Zaman Kejayaan Islam|dunia Islam abad pertengahan]].<ref>{{cite book |last=Weeramantry |first=Christopher G. |date=1997 |title=Justice Without Frontiers: Furthering Human Rights |publisher=Kluwer Law International |location=The Hague |pages=134–5 |isbn=90-411-0241-8}}</ref><ref>{{cite journal |last=Sullivan |first=Antony T. |date=January–February 1997 |title=Istanbul Conference Traces Islamic Roots of Western Law, Society |url= |journal=[[Washington Report on Middle East Affairs]] |page=36 |accessdate=2008-02-29}}</ref><ref>{{cite book |last=Goodman |first=Lenn Evan |date=2003 |title=Islamic Humanism |location=New York |publisher=Oxford University Press |page=155 |isbn=0-19-513580-6}}</ref> [[Kekhalifahan Rasyidin]] dianggap oleh para pendukungnya sebagai contoh awal sebuah negara demokratis dan diklaim bahwa perkembangan demokrasi di dunia Islam akhirnya terhenti setelah [[Hubungan Sunni-Syiah|perpecahan Sunni–Syiah]].<ref>{{cite journal |last=al-Hibri |first=Azizah Y. |title=Islamic and American Constitutional Law: Borrowing Possibilities or a History of Borrowing |journal=[[University of Pennsylvania Journal of Constitutional Law]] |volume=1 |issue=3 |year=1998–1999 |pages=492–527 [507–25]}}</ref>
== Partai dan Organisasi Demokratis Islam ==
Baris 74 ⟶ 77:
== Rujukan ==
== Pranala luar ==
* [ Islam and Democracy: Perceptions and Misperceptions]{{Pranala mati|date=Maret 2021 |bot=InternetArchiveBot |fix-attempted=yes }} by Dr. Mohammad Omar Farooq
* [ Democracy and the Muslim World (series of articles on Islam and Democracy from Islamica Magazine)]{{Pranala mati|date=Maret 2021 |bot=InternetArchiveBot |fix-attempted=yes }}
* [ Islamic Democracies (article)]
* [ Preview of the Seoul Conference on The Community of Democracies: Challenges and Threats to Democracy] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2013-01-12 }}
* Marina Ottoway, et al., '''"Democratic Mirage in the Middle East,"''' Carnegie Endowment for Ethics and International Peace, Policy Brief 20, (October 20, 2002). Internet, available online at:
* On Ethical Democracy (includng Islamic Democracy):
* Marina Ottoway and Thomas Carothers, '''"Think Again: Middle East Democracy,"'''Foreign Policy (Nov./Dec. 2004). Internet, available online at: {{Webarchive|url= |date=2009-01-13 }}
* Chris Zambelis, '''"The Strategic Implications of Political Liberalization and Democratization in the Middle East,"''' Parameters, (Autumn 2005). Internet, available online at:{{Pranala mati|date=Maret 2021 |bot=InternetArchiveBot |fix-attempted=yes }}
* [ The Muslim's world future is freedom] Book review, with some controversial content.
* [ National Union for Democracy in Iran]{{Pranala mati|date=Maret 2021 |bot=InternetArchiveBot |fix-attempted=yes }}
* [,,1169776,00.html Democracy in the Middle East] A series of articles in the Guardian on the problems of democracy in the region by Brian Whitaker.
* [ Expect the Unexpected: A Religious Democracy in Iran] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2007-01-01 }}
* [ Iranian President Mohammad Khatami Vows to Establish Religious Democracy in Iran]
* [ Recent Elections and the Future of Religious Democracy in Iran]
* [ Minimal Islam Is the Answer for Iran]
* [ Democracy Lacking in Muslim World]
* [ Islamic Revolutionary Guard Official in Tehran University Lecture (Part I): Islam Has Nothing in Common with Democracy]
[[Kategori:Ideologi politik]]