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* Jati diri hakikat di antara kewujudan-kewujudan yang ''muwalad dari satu hakikat''.
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ItDiketahui hasbahwa been noted that this Greek termistilah ''homousios'' ('sewujud' atau 'sehakikat'), whichyang disukai [[Athanasius|Atanasius ofdari AlexandriaAleksandria]] favoured, wasternyata alsodipakai apula termoleh reportedlySabelius. usedIstilah byini Sabellius—apun termmembuat thatgerah manybanyak whoorang heldyang withsekubu Athanasiusdengan wereAtanasius, uneasylantaran about.dianggap Theirtidak objection to the term ''homoousian'' was that it was considered to be un-scripturalalkitabiah, suspiciousmencurigakan, anddan "ofcenderung a Sabellian tendencykesabelius-sabeliusan."<ref>''Select Treatises of St. Athanasius'' - In Controversy With the Arians - Terjemahan bebas oleh John Henry Kardinal Newmann - Longmans, Green, and Co., 1911, catatan kaki no. 124</ref> Anggapan Thisini wasmuncul becauselantaran SabelliusSabelius alsojuga consideredmenganggap theBapa Fatherdan andPutra the Son to beitu "one substancesehakikat", meaningdalam that,arti toBapa Sabellius,dan thePutra Fatheradalah andsatu Sonoknum werehakiki oneyang essentialberkarya person,dalam operating''modus'' asatau differentmanifestasi manifestationsyang or modesberlainan. Athanasius'Atanasius usemenggunakan ofistilah theini worddengan ismaksud intendeduntuk tomenegaskan affirmbahwa thatkendati whileBapa thedan FatherPutra andsecara Sonkekal aresungguh-sungguh eternallyberbeda distinctdari insegi aoknum truly(sehingga personaldapat mannermengasihi (i.e. withsatu mutualsama lovelain, perselaras Johndengan nas {{Alkitab|Yohanes 3:35,}} dan {{Alkitab|Yohanes 14:31|14:31}}<ref name="Against the Arians, Discourse 3, paragraph 66">{{cite web|last1=Athanasius|first1=bishop of Alexandria|title=Against the Arians, Discourse 3, paragraph 66|url=|website=ChristianClassicsEtheralLibrary|access-date=2 June 2017}}</ref>), bothkedua-duanya aretetap neverthelesssatu one beingwujud, essencesatu inti, naturesatu sifat, oratau satu substancehakikat, havingdengan onesatu personalroh spiritpribadi.
== Sejarah dan perkembangan ==
==History and development==
{{Main Utama|TrinitarianismTritunggal}}
ModalismModalisme hassudah beenlumrah mainlydikait-kaitkan associated withdengan [[Sabellius|Sabelius]], whopresbiter taughtyang amengajarkan formsalah ofsatu itragam indari Romebidat intersebut thedi [[3rdRoma century]].pada abad Thiske-3. hadSabelius cometerjangkit tobidat himini viamelalui the teachings ofajaran-ajaran [[Noetus|Netus]] anddan [[PraxeasPrakseas]].<ref>''A History of Christianity: VolumeJilid I: Beginnings to 1500'' byoleh Kenneth S. Latourette, RevisedEdisi EditionRevisi phlmn. 144-146, publishedditerbitkan byoleh HarperCollins, 1975: {{ISBN|0-06-064952-6}}, {{ISBN|978-0-06-064952-4}} [,M1]</ref> NoetusNetus wasdiekskomunikasi excommunicateddari fromGereja the Churchsesudah afterdiperiksa beingdi examinedhadapan bysidang counciluskup,<ref name="Against the Heresy of Noetus">{{cite web|last1=Hippolytus|first1=of Rome|title=Against the Heresy of Noetus|url=,noetus#highlight|website=Christian Classics Ethereal Library|access-date=29 MayMei 2017}}</ref> andsementara PraxeasPrakseas isdikabarkan saidmenarik tokembali havepandangan-pandangan recantedmodalistisnya hislewat modalisticpernyataan viewstertulis, indan writing,kembali teachingmengajarkan againakidahnya hisyang former faithlama.<ref name="Against Praxeas, Chapter 1">{{cite web|last1=Tertullian|first1=of Carthage|title=Against Praxeas, ChapterBab 1|url=|website=Christian Classics Ethereal Library|access-date=29 MayMei 2017}}</ref> SabelliusSabelius likewisejuga wasdiekskomunikasi excommunicatedoleh bysidang counciluskup indi Alexandria,Aleksandria. andLantaran aftermengajukan complaintbanding ofke this was made to RomeRoma, asekali secondlagi councildigelar thensidang assembleduskup indi RomeRoma, andyang alsopada ruledakhirnya againsttidak notsaja onlymembidatkan SabellianismSabelianisme, butmelainkan againstjuga Arianism,Arianisme and againstdan TritheismTriteisme, whileserta affirming amengukuhkan ''DivineTiga Serangkai TriadIlahi'' assebagai thepemahaman catholicyang understandingkatolik of theakan ''DivineMonarki MonarchyIlahi''.<ref name="History of the Christian Church, Volume II">{{cite web|last1=Schaff|first1=Phillip|title=History of the Christian Church, VolumeJilid II|url=|website=Christian Classics Ethereal Library|access-date=29 MayMei 2017}}</ref><ref name="Against Sabellians">{{cite web|last1=Dionysius|first1=bishop of Rome|title=Against Sabellians|url=|website=Early Christian Writings|access-date=28 MayMei 2017}}</ref><!--
[[Hippolytus of Rome]] knew Sabellius personally, writing how he and others had admonished Sabellius in ''[[Refutation of All Heresies]]''. He knew Sabellius opposed [[Trinitarianism|Trinitarian]] theology, yet he called Modal Monarchism the [[Christian heresy|heresy]] of Noetus, not that of Sabellius. Sabellianism was embraced by Christians in [[Cyrenaica]], to whom [[Dionysius of Alexandria|Dionysius]], [[Patriarch of Alexandria]] (who was instrumental in the excommunication of Sabellius in Alexandria), wrote letters arguing against this belief. Hippolytus himself perceived modalism as a new and peculiar idea which was covertly gaining a following: