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Baris 16:
{{blockquote|Beberapa orang lain diam-diam mendakwahkan ajaran baru, yakni mereka yang sudah berguru kepada si Netus, orang kelahiran Smirna yang belum lama ini berpulang. Orang ini sungguh besar kepala, lagi sarat dengan kesombongan, lantaran diperdaya ilham dari roh yang garib.<ref name="Against the Heresy of Noetus"/>}}
{{blockquote|Telah muncul seseorang, Netus namanya, asli kelahiran Smirna. Orang ini mendakwahkan suatu bidat yang bersumber dari pokok-pokok pikiran Heraklitus. Lalu ada seseorang bernama Epigonus menjadi kaki tangan sekaligus muridnya. Orang ini memperkenalkan gagasan yang menghujat Allah itu sewaktu mampir di Roma, tetapi Kleomenes, muridnya, seorang yang tidak tahu apa-apa mengenai cara hidup dan adat-istiadat Gereja, yang tunak menyiarkan ajaran (yang dicetuskan Netus) itu.<ref name="The Refutation of All Heresies, Book 9">{{cite web|last1=Hippolytus|first1=of Rome|title=The Refutation of All Heresies, Book 9|url=|website=EarlyChristianWritings|access-date=29 Mei 2017}}</ref>}}
{{blockquote|Demikian pula, Netus, orang kelahiran Smirna, pecandu ceracau tidak keruan, yang juga pandai melakukannya, memperkenalkan (kepada kami) bidat ini, yang bersumber dari si Epigonus. Bidat ini menjalar sampai ke Roma lalu dianut Kleomenes sehingga bertahan sampai sekarang, diusung para penerusnya.<ref name="The Refutation of All Heresies, Book 10">{{cite web|last1=Hippolytus|first1=of Rome|title=The Refutation of All Heresies, Book 10|url=|website=EarlyChristianWritings|access-date=29 Mei 2017}}</ref> }}<!--
Tertulianus juga menganggap Modalisme sebagai gagasan baru dari luar yang menyusup ke dalam Gereja, dan gagasan baru tersebut mendustakan doktrin pusaka turun-temurun. Sesudah menjabarkan pemahamannya tentang seluk-beluk akidah yang diwarisi Gereja, Tertulianus mengemukakan betapa "orang-orang bersahaja", yang selalu menjadi golongan mayoritas dari segenap umat beriman, kerap diusik batinnya oleh gagasan bahwa Allah Yang Mahaesa itu wujud di dalam tiga oknum dan menentang pemahamannya tentang "tolok ukur iman." Pada pendukungnya menandaskan bahwa Tertulianus menyifatkan "orang-orang bersahaja" sebagai golongan mayoritas, alih-alih menyebut pihak-pihak yang berseberangan dengannya sebagai golongan mayoritas. Penandasan ini disimpulkan dari penjelasan Tertulianus bahwa orang-orang bersahaja tersebut mengajukan gagasan-gagasan pribadi yang belum pernah diajarkan para sesepuh mereka:
Tertullian also perceived modalism as entering into the Church from without as a new idea, and opposing the doctrine which had been received through succession. After setting forth his understanding of the manner of faith which had been received by the Church, he then describes how the "simple" who always constitute the majority of believers are often startled at the idea that the One God exists in three and were opposed to his understanding of "the rule of faith." Proponents of Tertullian argue that he described the "simple" as the majority, rather than those who opposed him as the majority. This is contended from Tertullian's argument that they were putting forth ideas of their own which had not been taught to them by their elders:
<{{blockquote>We,|Akan tetapi howeverkami, assebagaimana wesenantiasa indeedkami alwaysamalkan, haveapatah donelagi (andkami moresudah especially since we have been better instructed bybaik-baik thedididik ParacleteParakletus, whosang leadspenuntun menmanusia indeedkepada intokebenaran allyang truth)seutuhnya, believemengimani thatbahwa therehanya isada onesatu onlyAllah Godsaja, buttetapi under the followingdengan '''dispensation'keistimewaan'', oratau οἰκονομία,yang asdisebut itorang is called''οἰκονομία'', thatyaitu thisbahwasanya oneAllah onlyyang Godhanya hassatu alsoini ajuga Son,memiliki Hissatu WordPutra, whoyakni proceeded from HimselfSabda-Nya, byyang whomkeluar alldari thingsDiri-Nya were madesendiri, andyang withoutoleh-Nya whomsegala nothingsesuatu wastelah made.dijadikan, Himdan weyang believetanpa-Nya totidak haveada beenapa-apa sentyang bydijadikan. theKami Fatherpercaya intobahwa theDia Virgin,sudah anddiutus toBapa haveke beendalam borndiri ofSang her—beingPerawan, bothsupaya Mandilahirkan andSang GodPerawan, themenjadi SonManusia ofsekaligus ManAllah, andPutra theManusia Sonsekaligus ofPutra GodAllah, andsupaya todisebut havedengan beennama calledYesus byKristus. theKami namepercaya of Jesus Christ; we believebahwa HimDia tosudah havemenderita sufferedsengsara, diedwafat, anddan been burieddimakamkan, accordingsesuai todengan theKitab ScripturesSuci, and,kemudian afterDia Hedibangkitkan hadkembali beenoleh raisedBapa againdan bydiangkat thekembali Fatherke and taken back to heavensurga, tountuk bebertakhta sittingdi atsisi thekanan right hand of the FatherBapa, anddan thatbahwasanya HeDia willakan comedatang tountuk judgemengadili theorang-orang quickhidup anddan theorang-orang deadmati; whoyang sentjuga alsomengutus fromdari heavensurga, fromdari the FatherBapa, accordingseusai todengan Hisjanji-Nya own promisesendiri, the HolyRoh GhostKudus, theSang ParacleteParakletus, thepengudus sanctifieriman oforang-orang theyang faithpercaya ofakan those who believe in the FatherBapa, and indan theakan SonPutra, anddan inakan theRoh Holy GhostKudus. That thisBahwasanya '''ruletolok ofukur iman faithini''' hassudah comekami down to usterima '''from the beginning ofsedari thepermulaan gospel'injil'', evenmalah beforesebelum anyada ofsatu pun theahli olderbidat hereticsterdahulu, muchjauh moremendahului before PraxeasPrakseas, aanak pretenderkemarin ofsore yesterdayitu, willyang beakan apparentjelas bothtampak fromdari theketerkemudianan latenesswaktu ofyang datemenjadi whichciri markskhas allsegala heresiesmacam bidat, andjuga alsodari fromsifat thekebaruan absolutelymutlak novelanak characterbawang ofkita ouryang new-fangledmendadak Praxeaslain sendiri, si Prakseas. InDengan thisberpendirian principleseperti alsoinilah wekita mustharus henceforthberpraduga findsama arata presumptionterhadap ofsegala equalmacam forcebidat againstmulai alldari saat ini, heresiesyaitu whatsoever—thatbahwasanya whateverapa issaja firstyang ispertama trueadalah yang benar, whereassedangkan thatyang ismencurigakan spuriousadalah whichyang isbaru latermuncul inkemudian datehari.<ref name="Against Praxeas, Chapter 2">{{cite web|last1=Tertullian|first1=of Carthage|title=Against Praxeas, Chapter 2|url=|website=ChristianClassicsEtherealLibrary|access-date=29 May 2017}}</ref>}}</blockquote>!--
<blockquote>The simple, indeed, (I will not call them unwise and unlearned,) who always constitute the majority of believers, are startled at the '''dispensation''' (of the Three in One), on the ground that their very '''rule of faith''' withdraws them from the world’s plurality of gods to the one only true God; not understanding that, although He is the one only God, He must yet be believed in with His own οἰκονομία . The numerical order and distribution of the Trinity they assume to be a division of the Unity; whereas the Unity which derives the Trinity out of its own self is so far from being destroyed, that it is actually supported by it. They are constantly throwing out against us that we are preachers of two gods and three gods, while they take to themselves pre-eminently the credit of being worshippers of the One God; just as if the Unity itself with irrational deductions did not produce heresy, and the Trinity rationally considered constitute the truth.<ref name="Against Praxeas, Chapter 3">{{cite web|last1=Tertullian|first1=of Carthage|title=Against Praxeas, Chapter 3|url=|website=ChristianClassicsEtherealLibrary|access-date=29 May 2017}}</ref></blockquote>