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Baris 16:
Dalam pasangan yang menerima laki-laki, yang menembus dapat menghasilkan sensasi menyenangkan karena penis dimasukkan menggosok atau menyikat melawan prostat (juga dikenal sebagai "G Spot laki-laki", "P-Spot" atau "A-Spot") melalui dinding anus.<ref name=goaskaliceMHS/><ref>[ The A-Spot] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2010-02-09 }}, Talk Sex with Sue Johansen, 2005. Retrieved April 29, 2007.</ref> Hal ini dapat mengakibatkan sensasi yang menyenangkan dan dapat menyebabkan [[orgasme]] dalam beberapa kasus.<ref name=goaskaliceMHS/> Prostat terletak di sebelah rektum dan lebih besar, lebih maju<ref name="Prostate">{{cite book|authors =Alice Kahn Ladas, Beverly Whipple, John D. Perry|title=The G spot and other recent discoveries about human sexuality|isbn = 0030618312, 9780030618314|publisher=Holt, Rinehart, and Winston|year=1982 (Digitized Oct 31, 2008)|page=236|accessdate=April 26, 2011|url=}}</ref> [[homologi (biologi)|homolog]] laki-laki ke [[kelenjar Skene]], yang diyakini akan terhubung ke "[[G-Spot]]" perempuan.<ref name="">{{cite web|first=Nicola|last=Jones|title=Bigger is better when it comes to the G spot|publisher=[[New Scientist]]|date=July 2002|accessdate=April 21, 2010|url= }}</ref>
Kelenjar Skene kadang-kadang disebut sebagai "prostat wanita";<ref>{{Cite journal|author=Zaviacic M, Jakubovská V, Belosovic M, Breza J |title=Ultrastructure of the normal adult human female prostate gland (Skene's gland) |journal=Anat Embryol (Berl) |volume=201 |issue=1 |pages=51–61 |year=2000 |pmid=10603093}}</ref> mereka berada di seluruh uretra dan dapat dirasakan melalui dinding vagina. Namun, penelitian menunjukkan kebanyakan wanita mencapai orgasme hanya melalui stimulasi klitoris.<ref name="O'Connell">{{Cite journal|author=O'Connell HE, Sanjeevan KV, Hutson JM |title=Anatomy of the clitoris |journal=The Journal of Urology |volume=174 |issue=4 Pt 1 |pages=1189–95 |year=2005 |month=October |pmid=16145367 |laysummary= |laysource=BBC News |laydate=June 11, 2006 |doi=10.1097/}}</ref><ref name="Frank JE">Frank JE, Mistretta P, Will J. Diagnosis and treatment of female [[sexual dysfunction]]. ''American Family Physician''. (2008);77:635. PMID 18350761</ref><ref name="Clitoris">{{cite web|title='I Want a Better Orgasm!'|publisher=''[[WebMD]]''|accessdate=August 18, 2011|url=|archive-date=2009-01-13|archive-url=|dead-url=nounfit}}</ref><ref name="Shere Hite">{{cite news|author=[[Shere Hite]]|title=Shere Hite: On female sexuality in the 21st century
|publisher=''[[The Independent]]''|date=April 30, 2006|accessdate=April 10, 2011|url=}}</ref><ref name="">{{cite web|first=Robert|last=Birch |title=Did you orgasm?||date=November 16, 2007|accessdate=April 21, 2010|url=}}</ref><ref name="">{{cite web|first=Tracee|last=Cornforth|title=The Clitoral Truth. Interview with author and sexologist Rebecca Chalker |publisher=[[]]|date=July 17, 2009|accessdate=April 21, 2010|url=}}</ref> Klitoris mengelilingi vagina agak seperti tapal kuda dan memiliki lebih dari 6.000 serat saraf.<ref name="Chalker">{{cite book|last=Chalker|first=Rebecca|year=2000|title=The Clitoral Truth|url=|publisher=Seven Seas Press|page=1|isbn=1-58322-473-4|access-date=2012-07-12|archive-date=2011-06-18|archive-url=|dead-url=yes}}</ref> Selain ujung saraf yang hadir dalam anus dan rektum, penjelasan fisiologis mengenai mengapa beberapa wanita menemukan rangsangan anus menyenangkan adalah klitoris memiliki "kaki" yang memperpanjang sepanjang bibir vagina kembali ke anus.<ref name="WWw.goaskalice">{{cite web|title=Doin' the butt — objects in anus?|publisher=[[Go Ask Alice!]]|date=October 7, 1994 (Last Updated/Reviewed on March 26, 2010)|accessdate=April 22, 2010|url=|archive-date=2010-04-01|archive-url=|dead-url=yes}}</ref> Titik [[Ernst Gräfenberg|Gräfenberg]], atau G-Spot — daerah kecil di belakang tulang kemaluan perempuan mengelilingi [[uretra]] dan dapat diakses melalui dinding anterior vagina - dianggap memiliki kaki dalam kaitannya dengan klitoris<ref name="O'Connell"/><ref name="Masters and Johnson">{{cite book|last=Federation of Feminist Women’s Health Centers|year=1991|title=A New View of a Woman’s Body|publisher= Feminist Heath Press|page=46|isbn=0-9629945-0-2}}</ref> yang juga dapat diakses melalui penetrasi anal. Stimulasi klitoris, G-Spot, atau keduanya, saat seks anal dapat membantu beberapa wanita untuk menikmati pengalaman itu.<ref name="DeCitore">DeCitore, David. “Arouse Her Anal Ecstasy: The Best Step-by Step Guide that Provides a Pleasurable Path to Anal Sexuality, so She Enjoys Amazing Orgasms and Loves It from Beginning to End.” (2007) ISBN 978-0-615-39914-0 p.176</ref>
Baris 38:
=== Keperawanan perempuan ===
Pria-wanita seks anal sering dipandang sebagai melestarikan [[keperawanan]] wanita karena, selain sifatnya non-[[reproduksi|prokreasi]], ia meninggalkan selaput dara utuh. Antara heteroseksual aktif secara seksual, konsep "[[keperawanan teknis]]", yang meliputi [[seks oral]] dan [[masturbasi]], dipahami sebagai bersandar hanya pada penetrasi penis-vagina.<ref name="Wood">{{Cite book|author= Frederic C. Wood|title=Sex and the new morality|publisher = Association Press, 1968/Original from the [[University of Michigan]]|date = 1968, Digitized July 23, 2008|pages = 157 pages|isbn =|url=}}</ref><ref name="McAnulty">{{Cite book|author= Richard D. McAnulty, M. Michele Burnette|title=Exploring human sexuality: making healthy decisions|publisher = Allyn and Bacon|year = 2000|pages = 692 pages|isbn = 0205195199, 9780205195190}}</ref><ref name="Regnerus">{{Cite book|author= Mark Regnerus|title=Forbidden fruit: sex & religion in the lives of American teenagers|chapter= The Technical Virginity Debate: Is Oral Sex Really Sex?|chapterurl =|isbn = 0195320948, 9780195320947|publisher = Oxford University Press US|year = 2007|pages = 290 pages}}</ref><ref name="Jayson">{{Cite news|first=Sharon|last=Jayson|title='Technical virginity' becomes part of teens' equation|publisher=[[USA Today]]|date=October 19, 2005|accessdate=August 7, 2009|url=
}}</ref><ref>{{Cite news|last=Friedman|first=Mindy|title=Sex on Tuesday: Virginity: A Fluid Issue|work=The Daily Californian|date=September 20, 2005|url=|accessdate=2011-08-05|archive-date=2009-05-06|archive-url=|dead-url=nounfit}}</ref><ref>{{Cite journal |author=Uecker, Jeremy E. et al. |title=Going Most of the Way: "Technical Virginity" among Young Americans |url= |accessdate=2007-04-30 |journal= |archive-date=2011-02-27 |archive-url= |dead-url=yes }}</ref> Sejak awal 1990-an, "keperawanan teknis" telah populer di kalangan remaja.<ref name="Jayson"/>
=== Kelaziman ===