=== Publikasi ===
●# Design and Implementation of Coaxial Quadrotor for an Autonomous Outdoor Flight. ''Int’l Conference on Ubiquitous Robots and Ambient Intelligence, Incheon, Korea - 2011''
●# Design of an Autonomous Hover Control System for a Small Quadrotor . ''Int’l J. of Aeronautical & Space Sciences (IJASS) - 2010''▼
''Int’l Conference on Ubiquitous Robots and Ambient Intelligence, Incheon, Korea - 2011''
# Dynamic Modeling and Control System Design for Coaxial Quadrotor. ''International Conference of Intelligent and Unmanned System, Chiba, Japan - 2010'' ▼
▲● Design of an Autonomous Hover Control System for a Small Quadrotor
# Development of Small Quadrotor Autonomous Control System. ''International Conference of Intelligent and Unmanned System, Bali, Indonesia - 2010'' ▼
''Int’l J. of Aeronautical & Space Sciences (IJASS) - 2010''
# Real Time Simulation of Autonomous Quadrotor. ''International Micro Aerial Vehicle Conference, Braunschweig, Germany - 2010'' ▼
● Dynamic Modeling and Control System Design for Coaxial Quadrotor
●# Real-time hardware simulation of a small-scale helicopter dynamics . ''Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology, Emerald - 2010''▼
▲''International Conference of Intelligent and Unmanned System, Chiba, Japan - 2010''
● Development of Small Quadrotor Autonomous Control System
▲''International Conference of Intelligent and Unmanned System, Bali, Indonesia - 2010''
● Real Time Simulation of Autonomous Quadrotor
▲''International Micro Aerial Vehicle Conference, Braunschweig, Germany - 2010''
▲● Real-time hardware simulation of a small-scale helicopter dynamics
''Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology, Emerald - 2010''
=== Referensi ===
1. ^Febriyanto, Herry. 20-08-2020. Pimpin PKS Cianjur, Gilar Budi Raharja: 2021 Langsung Ngebut <ref>[https://cianjur.jabarekspres.com/2020/12/28/pimpin-pks-cianjur-gilar-budi-raharja-2021-langsung-ngebut/]</ref>. cianjur.jabarekspres.com. Diakses pada tanggal 12 Agustus 2022
2. ^Rasyid, Asep R. 31-08-2020. <ref>[Diumumkan Pada Zoom Meeting KPUD: Gilar Budi Raharja Paling Kaya dari 4 Paslon Bupati/Wakil Bupati di Cianjur]</ref>. wartaparahyangan.com. Diakses pada tanggal 12 Agustus 2022.
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4. ^Hasil Pleno KPU untuk Pilkada Cianjur 2020, Ini Paslon yang Unggul <ref>[https://regional.kompas.com/read/2020/12/16/11250591/hasil-pleno-kpu-untuk-pilkada-cianjur-2020-ini-paslon-yang-unggul]</ref>. 16-12-2020. regional.kompas.com. Diakses pada tanggal 12 Agustus 2022.
5. ^Resmi Pimpin DPD PKS Kabupaten Cianjur masa bakti 2020 – 2025, Gilar Targetkan Menangkan Kontestasi Elektoral di 2024 <ref>[https://infobanua.co.id/2020/12/29/resmi-pimpin-dpd-pks-kabupaten-cianjur-masa-bakti-2020-2025-gilar-targetkan-menangkan-kontestasi-elektoral-di-2024/]</ref>.29-12-2020. infobanua.com. Diakses pada 12 Desember 2022.
6. ^Siapkan Program Pemberdayaan, Ini Target PKS Cianjur di 2024 <ref>[Siapkan Program Pemberdayaan, Ini Target PKS Cianjur di 2024]</ref>. 05-06-2021. cianjur.jabarekspres.com. Diakses pada 12 Agustus 20222.