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Baris 87:
== Tradisi Metodis ==
[[File:Camp meeting of the Methodists in N. America J. Milbert del M. Dubourg sculp (cropped).jpg|thumb|300px|Para pengkhotbah Metodis diketahui mendakwahkan doktrin [[lahir baru]] dan [[pengudusan menyeluruh]] kepada khalayak ramai pada kesempatan-kesempatan tertentu seperti acara-acara [[kebangunan rohani tenda]], [[kebangunan rohani pergola belukar]], dan [[rapat perkemahan]], yang mereka yakini sebagai alasan mengapa Allah memanggil mereka.<ref name="Gibson"/>]]
Umat [[Gereja Metodis|Metodis]] membenarkan keimanan akan "Gereja sejati yang satu, rasuli, dan am", dengan memandang gereja-gereja mereka sebagai "cabang istimewa dari dari gereja sejati tersebut".<ref name="Wesley1863">{{cite book|last=Newton|first=William F. |title=The Magazine of the Wesleyan Methodist Church|year=1863|publisher=J. Fry & Company|language=en|page=673}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Vatican stance "nothing new" say church leader|last=Bloom|first=Linda|date=20 Juli 2007|publisher=The United Methodist Church|language=en|access-date=10 Juni 2018}}</ref> Berkenaan dengan kedudukan aliran Metodis di [[Dunia Kristen]], pelopornya, "John Wesley, pernah mengemukakan bahwa hasil capaian Allah di dalam perkembangan aliran Metodis bukanlah sekadar usaha manusia melainkan karya Allah. Demikianlah aliran Metodis dipelihara Allah selama sejarah masih bergulir."<ref>{{cite web|url=|author=William J. Abraham|title=The Birth Pangs of United Methodism as a Unique, Global, Orthodox Denomination|date=25 Agustus 2016|language=en|access-date=30 April 2017|author-link=William J. Abraham}}</ref> Dengan menyebutnya sebagai "gudang besar" iman Metodis, Wesley secara khusus mengajarkan bahwa penyebarluasan doktrin [[pengudusan menyeluruh]] adalah alasan mengapa Allah membangkitkan umat Metodis di muka bumi ini.<ref name="DaviesGeorge2017">{{cite book|last1=Davies|first1=Rupert E.|last2=George|first2=A. Raymond|last3=Rupp|first3=Gordon|title=A History of the Methodist Church in Great Britain, Volume Three|date=14 Juni 2017|publisher=Wipf & Stock Publishers|language=en|isbn=9781532630507|page=225}}</ref><ref name="Gibson">{{cite web|url=|title=Wesleyan Heritage Series: Entire Sanctification|last=Gibson|first=James|publisher=South Georgia Confessing Association|language=en|access-date=30 May 2018|archive-url=|archive-date=29 Mei 2018|url-status=dead}}</ref><!--
== Tradisi Injili ==
==Evangelical tradition==
The localGereja [[EvangelicalEvangelikal|Injili]] Churchlokal isadalah theorganisasi organizationyang thatmerepresentasikan representsGereja thesemesta, universaldan Churchdipandang andoleh isumat seenKristen byInjili evangelicalssebagai as the body oftubuh [[JesusYesus ChristKristus]].<ref>Robert Paul Lightner, ''Handbook of Evangelical Theology'', Kregel Academic, USA, 1995, phlm. 228</ref> ItGereja isInjili responsiblelokal forbertanggung teachingjawab andatas ordinances,pengajaran mainlydan theordinansi-ordinansi, terutama [[believer'sbaptisan baptismorang percaya]] and thedan [[Lord'sperjamuan Supperkudus]].<ref>Robert Paul Lightner, ''Handbook of Evangelical Theology'', Kregel Academic, USA, 1995, phlm. 234</ref> ManyBanyak churchesgereja aremenjadi members of Evangelicalanggota denominasi-[[Christiandenominasi denominationsKristen]] andInjili adhereserta to a commonmenganut [[confessionpengakuan of faithiman]] anddan regulationstata tertib bersama, despitetanpa thepandang autonomyotonomi ofgereja theyang churchbersangkutan.<ref>Brad Christerson, Richard Flory, ''The Rise of Network Christianity'', Oxford University Press, USA, 2017, phlm. 58</ref> SomeBeberapa denominationsdenominasi aremenjadi membersanggota ofpersekutuan agereja nationalnasional allianceyang ofbernaung churchesdi of thebawah [[WorldPersekutuan EvangelicalInjili AllianceSedunia]].<ref>Brian Stiller, ''Evangelicals Around the World: A Global Handbook for the 21st Century'', Thomas Nelson, USA, 2015, phlm. 210</ref> SomeBeberapa evangelicaldenominasi denominationsInjili operate according tomenerapkan [[episcopalepiskopal|tatanan politykeuskupan]] oratau [[presbyterianPresbiterial politySinodal|tatanan kepenatuaan]]. HoweverMeskipun demikian, thebentuk mostpenyelenggaraan commongereja formyang ofpaling churchumum governmentdi withindalam Evangelicalismtradisi isInjili adalah [[congregationalKongregasionalisme|tatanan politykejemaatan]]. ThisTatanan isini especiallysangat commonlumrah amongditerapkan nondi kalangan gereja-denominationalgereja evangelicalInjili churchesnon-denominasi.{{Sfn|Balmer|2002|p=549}} CommonJabatan-jabatan [[Ministerpelayan (Christianity)jemaat|ministriespelayanan]] withinyang evangelicallumrah congregationsdijumpai aredi dalam jemaat-jemaat Injili adalah [[pastor|gembala]], [[Elder (Christianity)|elderpenatua]], [[deacondiaken]], [[evangelismevangelisme|evangelistpenginjil]], anddan [[worshippemimpin leaderpujian]].<ref>Walter A. Elwell, ''Evangelical Dictionary of Theology'', Baker Academic, USA, 2001, pphlmn. 370, 778</ref> TheJabatan ministry ofpelayanan [[bishopuskup]] with aselaku functionpenilik ofjemaat supervisiontingkat overdaerah churchesatau onnasional aterdapat regionaldi ordalam national scale is present in all the Evangelicalsemua [[Christiandenominasi denominationsKristen]] Injili, evensekalipun ifdisebut thedengan titlesistilah-istilah presidentlain, ofmisalnya thesebutan council"ketua orsinode" generalatau overseer are mainly used for"ketua thissinode functionam".<ref>John H. Y. Briggs, ''A Dictionary of European Baptist Life and Thought'', Wipf and Stock Publishers, USA, 2009, phlm. 53</ref><ref>William K. Kay, ''Pentecostalism: A Very Short Introduction'', OUP Oxford, UK, 2011, phlm. 81</ref>
== Perpecahan dan kontroversi ==
==Divisions and controversies==
Dewasa ini ada beraneka ragam kelompok umat Kristen, dengan beraneka ragam doktrin maupun tradisi. Kontroversi-kontroversi di antara berbagai cabang Kekristenan biasanya mencakup perbedaan-perbedaan penting dalam eklesiologi yang dianut masing-masing cabang.
Today there is a wide diversity of Christian groups, with a variety of different doctrines and traditions. These controversies between the various branches of Christianity naturally include significant differences in their respective ecclesiologies.
=== Denominasi Kristen ===
===Christian denominations===
{{Main|ChristianDenominasi denominationsKristen}}<!--
A denomination in [[Christianity]] is a generic term for a distinct [[religion|religious]] body identified by traits such as a common name, structure, leadership, or doctrine. Individual bodies, however, may use alternative terms to describe themselves, such as "church" or "fellowship". Divisions between one group and another are defined by doctrine and church authority; issues such as the [[Christology|nature of Jesus]], the authority of [[apostolic succession]], [[Christian eschatology|eschatology]], and [[papal primacy]] often separate one denomination from another. Groups of denominations often sharing broadly similar beliefs, practices, and historical ties are known as branches of Christianity.