Pengguna:Dedhert.Jr/Uji halaman 06/3: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 235:
** {{!xt|John Smith berpendapat, "Permainan ini merupakan permainan terbaik tahun ini". Juana Pérez dari ''Reliable Blog'' mengklaim bahwa permainan ini "membosankan" dan kurang fokus.}} Kedua kalimat berikut merupakan kalimat yang memiliki ritme "A dari B mengatakan C" dan "A mengatakan bahwa B", usahakan untuk menulis atau merombak kembali kalimat tersebut bila memungkinkan agar isi kalimat yang dibaca tetap menarik. Selain itu, cobalah untuk membuat panjang kalimat yang berbeda, mengklaim secara langung maupun tidak langsung, serta jenis-jenis rangkuman. Lihat [[Wikipedia:Menyunting bagian mengenai tanggapan]].
* {{Anchor|Overquoting}}Kurangi kalimat yang memuat kutipan langsung. Hampir semua pandangan menurut para peninjau dapat ditulis ulang tanpa menggunakan kata atau frasa yang tepat dalam sumber. Oleh karena itu, pastikan untuk menulis parafrasa terlebih dahulu sebisa mungkin, seperti [[Wikipedia:Isi nonbebas|meminimalisirkan konten yang dapat melanggar hak cipta]] dan <u>to massage the essence of the source into what best suits the section</u>. Selain itu, kutipan yang dipakai untuk mengilustrasikan suatu hal tidak dapat dikatakan lebih baik dari sumber, karena menulis kutipan semata-mata dianggap sebagai meelanggar hak cipta pula.
* Reduce minutiae inappropriate for a general audience. ForSebagai examplecontoh, avoid scores and statistics in prose, which are hard for the reader to parse and often impart little qualitative information. [[Templat:Video game reviews|A dedicated template]] exists for such a purpose.
** {{!xt|Review aggregator Metacritic gave the PC version a score of 76 out of 100 based on 45 reviews from critics, while the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 versions received scores of 77 and 79, respectively. ... The first review was published by ''Official Xbox Magazine'', which gave the game a 9.5 out of 10. IGN gave it 8.5.}}
* Although not required, it is helpful to include the number of reviews GameRankings or Metacritic uses to calculate their scores, since it gives context and can help the reader understand how the score is averaged. The number can either be listed after Metacritic's qualitative summary in prose or footnoted in {{tl|Video game reviews}}. Examples: [[Team Sonic Racing#Reception|''Team Sonic Racing''{{'s}} reception section]]
Baris 242:
* {{Anchor|ATM}}[[Metacritic]]'s qualitative summary often provides a satisfactory summary of a game's overall reception. As in the image to the right, {{xt|The game received "mixed or average reviews", according to review aggregator <nowiki>[[Metacritic]]</nowiki>.}} Avoid summative claims that cannot be explicitly verified in reliable, secondary sources.[[Berkas:Sample_metascore.png|jmpl|Metacritic gives quotable language to summarize a game's reception.]]
* {{Shortcut|WP:VG/MIXED}}{{Anchor|MTP|MTN|mixed}}"{{!xt|Mixed-to-positive}}" and "{{!xt|mixed-to-negative}}" imprecisely describe reception that skews slightly more positive or negative. "Mixed" means "scattered across the board", not "medium", so reviews cannot be both "mixed" and "positive". For precision, "{{xt|mixed}}" alone is sufficient. Supplement with specific reviews to describe various positive and negative aspects.
* OnlyHanya consider includingsertakan [[GameRankings]] indi {{tlx|VideoUlasan gamepermainan reviewsvideo}} whenketika abelum Metacritictersedia scoreskor is unavailableMetacritic (e.g.,seperti gim olderjaman gamesdulu). But do not include aggregate scores when there are fewer than four reliable outlets used in the aggregate, which undermines the statistic. Round aggregator scores to the nearest whole number (e.g., {{!xt|83.46%}} → {{xt|83%}}){{Crossreference|(for more, see [[Template:Video game reviews/doc#Guidelines]])|selfref=no}}.
* {{Anchor|User reviews}}[[Wikipedia:WikiProject Video games/Sources#Review sites|User reviews]] and other [[Wikipedia:SPS|self-published sources]] are unreliable unless these are called to attention in secondary sources, such as if a game was [[Review bomb|review bombed]]. In such cases, cite the secondary source(s) describing the event, not the user review itself.