Gereja: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 102:
[[File:Petersorganfromsanctuary.JPG|thumb|right|[[Panti umat]] [[Gereja Santo Petrus Phibsborough, Dublin]], [[Irlandia]]]]
[[File:St. Andrews Church situated in Darjeeling.jpg|thumb|right|Gereja Santo Andreas, [[Darjeeling|Darjiling]], dibangun tahun 1843, dibangun kembali tahun 1873]]<!--
Gereja Katolik dan Gereja Ortodoks Timur percaya bahwa istilah "satu" yang tercantum di dalam [[syahadat Nikea]] menyifatkan anddan prescribesmenjelaskan asuatu lembaga ''visiblekasatmata'' institutional anddan doctrinalkesatuan unitydoktrinal, notbukan onlyhanya geographicallysecara throughoutgeografis thedi worldseluruh dunia, butmelainkan alsojuga historicallysecara throughouthistoris history.di Theysepanjang seesejarah. unityBagi askedua oneGereja ofini, thekesatuan fouradalah markssalah thatsatu thedari Creedkeempat attributesciri toGereja thesejati genuineyang Church,dijabarkan anddi thedalam essencesyahadat, dan ofhakikat adari marksebuah isciri toadalah bedapat visibledilihat. ADengan churchdemikian whoseGereja identityyang andjati beliefdiri varieddan fromakidahnya countryberbeda todari countrynegara andke fromnegara agedan todari agezaman wouldke notzaman betidaklah "onesatu". inInilah theirsebabnya estimation.kedua-duanya Astidak suchmemandang theydiri seesebagai themselvessuatu notdenominasi, astetapi asebagai denomination,Gereja butyang aspradenominasional. pre-denominational;Bukan notsebagai assalah onesatu ofdi manyantara faithkomunitas-komunitas umat communitiesberiman, butmelainkan thesebagai originalGereja andyang soleasali truedan Churchsatu-satunya.<!--
Many [[Baptist]] and [[Congregational church|Congregationalist]] theologians accept the local sense as the only valid application of the term ''church''. They strongly reject the notion of a universal ([[catholic]]) church. These denominations argue that all uses of the Greek word ''ekklesia'' in the New Testament are speaking of either a particular local group or of the notion of "church" in the abstract, and never of a single, worldwide Church.<ref>[ 1689 London Baptist Confession]</ref><ref>[ Savoy Declaration]</ref>