Pengguna:Dedhert.Jr/Uji halaman 06/3: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 89:
* Platform yang dicantumkan harus ''tidak'' menyertakan nama toko penjualnya, seperti "[[Steam]]", "[[PlayStation Network]]", "[[Xbox Live Arcade]]", "[[eShop]]" atau "[[App Store]]". Umumnya, nama toko tidak perlu disebutkan di bagian mana pun dari artikel game kecuali jika relevan dengan sumber diskusi seputar permainan tersebut.
* Platform yang dicantumkan juga ''tidak'' boleh menyertakan nama layanan langganan ataupun ''streaming'' yang menjual permainan, seperti "Apple Arcade", "OnLive", "PlayStation Now" atau "Xbox Game Pass". Mereka tidak akan dianggap sebagai port atau sejenisnya, dan hanya menawarkan kembali permainan dari platform yang ada pada layanan yang berbeda.
** The '''onlyPengecualian''' exceptionsatu0satunya toadalah this is foruntuk [[Google Stadia|Stadia]], whichdimana hastelah beenterbukti determinedsebagai toplatform beunik adimana uniquepengembang platformharus thatmengembangkan developerspermainannya mustsupaya buildbisa fordijalankan anddi offersplatform uniquetersebut, featuresserta notmenawarkan offeredfitur byunik theyang underlyingtidak ditawarkan oleh sistem operasi Linux operatingyang menjadi basis systemplatformnya.
* The listed platforms should not include platforms on which the game is playable via emulation, whether officially released for that (such as Nintendo's [[Virtual Console]] or officially licensed [[Dotemu]] rereleases), through middleware solutions such as Proton on Linux-based [[SteamOS]] on the [[Steam Deck]], or through third-party/user-made emulation systems like through [[ScummVM]]. The platform list should be limited to those platforms which the game was built and compiled for. Often there will be games that are a collection of emulated games, such as ''[[Sega Genesis Classics]]'' or ''[[The Disney Afternoon Collection]]''. The article on the '''collection''' of the games should include the new systems the collection is offered for, but those platforms should not be added to the articles on the individual games.
* Similarly, the listed platforms should not include platforms that support [[backwards compatibility]] for earlier versions. While [[List of Xbox games compatible with Xbox 360|several original Xbox games are playable on the Xbox 360]], the Xbox 360 should not be listed as a platform for these games. Similarly, both [[PlayStation 5]] and [[Xbox Series X and Series S]] feature both backwards compatibility from the previous generation as well as the capability for optimization patches to improve the performance of the game on the newer consoles; this is also not sufficient to include the newer consoles among a game's platform list.