Motor magnet permanen: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Hendy Sannidhya (bicara | kontrib)
←Membuat halaman berisi 'thumb|Schematic of a permanent magnet motor A '''permanent magnet motor''' is a type of electric motor that uses permanent magnets in addition to windings on its field, rather than windings only. ==Use in electric vehicles== This type of motor is used in GM's Chevrolet Bolt<ref>{{citation|url='
Hendy Sannidhya (bicara | kontrib)
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[[File:Electric motor cycle 1.png|thumb|Schematic of a permanent magnet motor]]
'''Motor magnet permanen''' adalah jenis motor listrik yang menggunakan [[Magnet|magnet permanen]] selain belitan pada bidangnya, bukan belitan saja.
A '''permanent magnet motor''' is a type of [[electric motor]] that uses [[Magnet|permanent magnets]] in addition to windings on its [[Magnetic field|field]], rather than windings only.
== Digunakan dalam kendaraan listrik ==
==Use in electric vehicles==
This type ofJenis motor isini useddigunakan indi [[General Motors|GM]]'s [[Chevrolet Bolt]]<ref>{{citation|url=|title=Drive Unit and Battery at the Heart of Chevrolet Bolt EV|date=11 January 2016}}</ref>, and[[Chevrolet Blazer EV|Blazer EV]], [[Chevrolet Silverado EV|Silverado EV]] dan [[Chevrolet Volt|Volt]], anddan thepenggerak rearroda wheelbelakang drive ofyakni [[Tesla, Inc.|Tesla]]'s [[Tesla Model 3|Model 3]].<ref name="Tesla Model 3 magnet motor">{{citation|url=|title=Tesla's top motor engineer talks about designing a permanent magnet machine for Model 3|date=27 February 2018}}</ref> Recent dualModel motor ganda Tesla modelsterbaru usemenggunakan akombinasi combination of a permanentmotor magnet motorpermanen atdi thebagian backbelakang anddan [[induction motor|traditional inductioninduksi motortradisional]] atdi thebagian frontdepan.<ref name="Tesla neodymium">{{Cite news|url=|title=Tesla's electric motor shift to spur demand for rare earth neodymium|date=2018-03-13|work=Reuters|access-date=2019-08-24|language=en}}</ref>
Motor magnet permanen lebih efisien daripada motor induksi atau motor dengan gulungan medan untuk aplikasi efisiensi tinggi tertentu seperti kendaraan listrik. Kepala perancang motor Tesla dikutip membahas keuntungan ini, dengan mengatakan:
Permanent magnet motors are more efficient than induction motor or motors with field windings for certain high-efficiency applications such as electric vehicles. Tesla's chief motor designer was quoted discussing these advantages, saying:{{quote|It's well known that permanent magnet machines have the benefit of pre-excitation from the magnets, and therefore you have some efficiency benefit for that. Induction machines have perfect flux regulation and therefore you can optimize your efficiency. Both make sense for variable-speed drive single-gear transmission as the drive units of the cars. So, as you know, our Model 3 has a permanent magnet machine now. This is because for the specification of the performance and efficiency, the permanent magnet machine better solved our cost minimization function, and it was optimal for the range and performance target. Quantitatively, the difference is what drives the future of the machine, and it's a trade-off between motor cost, range and battery cost that is determining which technology will be used in the future.<ref name="Tesla Model 3 magnet motor" />}}
{{quote|Sudah diketahui bahwa mesin magnet permanen memiliki manfaat pra-eksitasi dari magnet, dan karena itu Anda memiliki beberapa manfaat efisiensi untuk itu. Mesin induksi memiliki regulasi fluks yang sempurna dan oleh karena itu Anda dapat mengoptimalkan efisiensi Anda. Keduanya masuk akal untuk transmisi gigi tunggal dengan penggerak kecepatan variabel sebagai unit penggerak mobil. Jadi, seperti yang Anda tahu, Model 3 kami sekarang memiliki mesin magnet permanen. Ini karena untuk spesifikasi kinerja dan efisiensi, mesin magnet permanen lebih baik menyelesaikan fungsi minimalisasi biaya kami, dan itu optimal untuk jangkauan dan target kinerja. Secara kuantitatif, perbedaannya adalah apa yang mendorong masa depan mesin, dan ini adalah trade-off antara biaya motor, jangkauan dan biaya baterai yang menentukan teknologi mana yang akan digunakan di masa depan.<ref name="Tesla Model 3 magnet motor" />}}
Permanent magnet motors consist of two main types SPM motors (Surface Permanent magnets motors) and IPM motors (Internal Permanent magnets motors). The main difference is that SPM motors place the magnets on the outside of the rotor and IPM motors place their magnets on the inside of the motor. There are a few benefits to placing the magnetics internally such as structural integrity and reducing Back EMF. Since holes must be cut into the rotor for the placement of the magnets this creates areas of high reluctance allowing carmakers to also use some of the benefits of reluctance motors as well as permanent magnet motors.<ref name="understand PM motors">{{Cite news|url=,of%20the%20back%2Demf%20waveform.|title=Understanding permanent magnet motors|date=2017-01-31|access-date=2022-04-16|language=en}}</ref>
PermanentMotor magnet motorspermanen consistterdiri ofdari twodua mainjenis typesutama motor SPM motors (Surface Permanent magnetsmagnet motors) anddan IPMmotor motorsIPM (Internal Permanent magnetsmagnet motors). ThePerbedaan mainutama differenceadalah isbahwa thatmotor SPM motorsmenempatkan placemagnet thedi magnetsbagian onluar therotor outsidedan of the rotor andmotor IPM motorsmenempatkan placemagnetnya theirdi magnetsbagian on the inside of thedalam motor. ThereAda arebeberapa amanfaat fewuntuk benefitsmenempatkan tomagnet placingsecara theinternal magneticsseperti internallyintegritas suchstruktural asdan structuralmengurangi integrityEMF and reducing Back EMFKembali. SinceKarena holeslubang mustharus bedipotong cut into theke rotor foruntuk thepenempatan placementmagnet, ofini themenciptakan magnetsarea thisdengan createskeengganan areastinggi ofyang highmemungkinkan reluctancepembuat allowingmobil carmakersjuga tomenggunakan alsobeberapa usemanfaat somemotor ofreluktansi theserta benefits of reluctance motors as well as permanentmotor magnet motorspermanen.<ref name="understand PM motors">{{Cite news|url=,of%20the%20back%2Demf%20waveform.|title=Understanding permanent magnet motors|date=2017-01-31|access-date=2022-04-16|language=en}}</ref>
===Back EMF===
This effect is not unique to permanent magnet motors. An induction motor will also suffer from this effect however in an induction motor the fields from the rotor will decrease as speed increases. A permanent magnet motor generates in its own constant field. This means that as speed increases a voltage is induced linearly to the speed on the stator. This voltage will be negative to the voltage provided to the motor and thus will be a loss to the overall system. <ref name="understand PM motors" />
===BackKembali EMF===
Efek ini tidak unik untuk motor magnet permanen. Motor induksi juga akan mengalami efek ini namun pada motor induksi medan dari rotor akan berkurang seiring dengan peningkatan kecepatan. Sebuah motor magnet permanen menghasilkan dalam medan konstannya sendiri. Ini berarti bahwa ketika kecepatan meningkat, tegangan diinduksi secara linier ke kecepatan pada stator. Tegangan ini akan menjadi negatif terhadap tegangan yang diberikan ke motor dan dengan demikian akan menjadi kerugian bagi sistem secara keseluruhan. <ref name="understand PM motors" />
==Environmental and supply concerns==
Permanent magnet motors utilize several types of permanent magnet materials, including hard ferrites, alnico, samarium cobalt and [[neodymium]] iron boron. Hard ferrites are the permanent magnet material most commonly found (by weight) in permanent magnet motors. This is due to their low cost. If other factors are important (size, temperature capability, calibration, coercivity, etc.), motor design engineers typically use one of the other permanent magnet materials.
Rare earth production has the consequence of generating waste with elevated radioactivity compared to the natural radioactivity of the ores (waste that is referred to by the US EPA as TENORM, or Technologically Enhanced Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials). China, the top producer of neodymium, restricted shipments to Japan in 2010 during a controversy over disputed ownership of islands. China imposed strict export quotas on several rare earth metals, saying it wanted to control pollution and preserve resources. The quotas were lifted in 2015. Although neodymium is relatively abundant, global demand for neodymium outstripped production by about 10% in 2017.<ref name="Tesla neodymium" />
== Masalah lingkungan dan pasokan ==
Motor magnet permanen menggunakan beberapa jenis bahan magnet permanen, termasuk ferit keras, alnico, kobalt samarium dan boron besi neodymium. Ferit keras adalah bahan magnet permanen yang paling sering ditemukan (berdasarkan berat) di motor magnet permanen. Ini karena biaya mereka yang rendah. Jika faktor lain penting (ukuran, kemampuan suhu, kalibrasi, koersivitas, dll.), insinyur desain motor biasanya menggunakan salah satu bahan magnet permanen lainnya.
Produksi tanah jarang memiliki konsekuensi menghasilkan limbah dengan radioaktivitas tinggi dibandingkan dengan radioaktivitas alami bijih (limbah yang disebut oleh EPA AS sebagai TENORM, atau Bahan Radioaktif yang Terjadi Secara Teknologi yang Ditingkatkan Secara Teknologi). China, produsen utama neodymium, membatasi pengiriman ke Jepang pada 2010 selama kontroversi kepemilikan pulau yang disengketakan. China memberlakukan kuota ekspor yang ketat pada beberapa logam tanah jarang, dengan mengatakan ingin mengendalikan polusi dan melestarikan sumber daya. Kuota dicabut pada tahun 2015. Meskipun neodymium relatif melimpah, permintaan global untuk neodymium melampaui produksi sekitar 10% pada tahun 2017.<ref name="Tesla neodymium" />
==See also==