Ada Dua Cinta: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Atas Nama Cinta (bicara | kontrib)
Tidak ada ringkasan suntingan
Tag: Suntingan perangkat seluler Suntingan peramban seluler
Atas Nama Cinta (bicara | kontrib)
Tidak ada ringkasan suntingan
Tag: Suntingan perangkat seluler Suntingan peramban seluler
Baris 54:
| executive_producer =
| producer = Edward Chandra
| location = <!-- Nation the series was primarily filmed in, if different from the nation of origin. -->
| cinematography = Gunung Nusa Pelita
| animator =
Baris 73 ⟶ 72:
| distributor = [[Media Nusantara Citra|MNC Media]]
| network = [[RCTI]]
| first_run = <!-- The nation in which the series first aired, if different from country parameter -->
| first_aired = {{Start date|2018|03|22}}
| last_aired = {{End date|2018|05|6}}
| preceded_by = <!-- Hanya untuk serial berlanjut, didahului musim sebelumnya -->
| followed_by = <!-- Hanya untuk serial berlanjut, dilanjutkan oleh musim berikutnya. -->
| related = <!-- To be used only for remakes, spin-offs, and adaptations -->
| website = <!-- Remove or comment out this parameter line completely if URL exists on or is moved to Wikidata; use |website_title= to change the display title. -->