Pemilihan Ketua Partai Konservatif Britania Raya 2016: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 7:
| previous_election = Pemilihan Ketua Partai Konservatif Britania Raya 2005
| previous_year = 2005
| next_election = Pemilihan Ketua Partai Konservatif Britania Raya Berikutnya2019
| next_year = Berikutnya2019
| election_date = {{Start and end dates|2016|6|29|2016|07|11|df=yes}}<ref>{{cite web |url= |title=Who is Andrea Leadsom and why has she pulled out of the Conservative Party leadership race? |work=The Daily Telegraph |date=30 June 2016 |accessdate=11 July 2016 |deadurl=no |archiveurl= |archivedate=10 July 2016 |df=dmy-all }}</ref>
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