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=== Buku ===
*{{cite book | isbn = 978-0-9664027-1-1 | title = How to DNA Test Our Family Relationships | last1 = Carmichael | first1 = Terrence | author2 = Alexander Ivanof Kuklin; Ed Grotjan | year = 2000 | publisher = AceN Press | location = Mountain View, CA | url = }} ''Early book on adoptions, paternity and other relationship testing. Carmichael is a founder of GeneTree.''
*{{cite book | isbn = 978-0-691-08750-4 | title = The History and Geography of Human Genes | url = | url-access = registration | last1 = Cavalli-Sforza | first1 = Luigi Luca |author2=Paolo Menozzi; Alberto Piazza | year = 1994 | publisher = Princeton University Press | location = Princeton, N.J. }}
*{{cite book | isbn = 978-0-201-44231-1 | title = The Great Human Diasporas : The History of Diversity and Evolution | last1 = Cavalli-Sforza | first1 = Luigi L. | first2 = Francesco | last2 = Cavalli-Sforza | first3 = Heather | last3 = Mimnaugh | first4 = Lynn | last4 = Parker | year = 1996 | publisher = Addison-Wesley | location = Reading, MA | url-access = registration | url = }}
*{{cite book | isbn = 978-0-9767160-1-3 | title = DNA and Genealogy | last1 = Fitzpatrick | first1 = Colleen | author2 = Andrew Yeiser | year = 2005 | publisher = Rice Book Press | location = Fountain Valley, CA | url = }}
*{{cite book | isbn = 978-0-674-89203-3 | title = Timewalkers : The Prehistory of Global Colonization | last1 = Gamble | first1 = Clive | year = 1996 | publisher = Harvard University Press | location = Cambridge, MA | url-access = registration | url = }}
*{{cite book | isbn = 978-0-8153-4185-7 | title = Human Evolutionary Genetics : Origins, Peoples and Disease | last1 = Jobling | first1 = Mark |last2=Hurles |first2=Matthew |last3=Tyler-Smith |first3=Chris | year = 2003 | publisher = Garland Science | location = New York, NY }}
*{{cite book | isbn = 978-0-618-35210-4 | title = Mapping Human History : Genes, Race, and Our Common Origins | last1 = Olson | first1 = Steve | year = 2003 | publisher = Houghton Mifflin | location = Boston, MA | url = }} ''Survey of major populations.''
*{{cite book | isbn = 978-0-7867-1192-5 | title = The Real Eve : Modern Man's Journey Out of Africa | last1 = Oppenheimer | first1 = Stephen | year = 2003 | publisher = Carroll & Graf | location = New York, NY }}
*{{cite book | isbn = 978-1-59486-006-5 | title = Trace Your Roots with DNA : Using Genetic Tests to Explore Your Family Tree | last1 = Smolenyak | first1 = Megan | author2 = Ann Turner | year = 2004 | publisher = Distributed to the trade by Holtzbrinck Publishers | location = Emmaus, PA; Rodale, NY | url = }} ''Out of date but still worth reading.''
*{{cite book | isbn = 978-1-5500-2536-1 | title = DNA and Family History : How Genetic Testing Can Advance Your Genealogical Research | last1 = Pomery | first1 = Chris | author2 = Steve Jones | year = 2004 | publisher = Dundurn Group | location = Toronto, Ontario, Canada | url-access = registration | url = }} ''Early guide for do-it-yourself genealogists.''
*{{cite book | isbn = 978-1-905615-12-4 | title = Family History in the Genes : Trace Your DNA and Grow Your Family Tree | last1 = Pomery | first1 = Chris | year = 2007 | publisher = National Archives | location = Kew, UK }}
*{{cite book | isbn = 978-1-4016-0144-7 | title = Unlocking Your Genetic History : A Step-by-Step Guide to Discovering Your Family's Medical and Genetic Heritage | last1 = Shawker | first1 = Thomas H. | year = 2004 | publisher = Rutledge Hill Press | location = Nashville, TN }} ''Guide to the subject of family medical history and genetic diseases.''
*{{cite book | isbn = 978-0-393-32314-6 | title = The Seven Daughters of Eve : The Science That Reveals Our Genetic Ancestry | last1 = Sykes | first1 = Bryan | year = 2002 | publisher = Norton | location = New York, NY | url-access = registration | url = }} ''Names the founders of Europe’s major female haplogroups [[Haplogroup H (mtDNA)|Helena]], [[Haplogroup J (mtDNA)|Jasmine]], [[Haplogroup K (mtDNA)|Katrine]], [[Haplogroup T (mtDNA)|Tara]], [[Velda]], [[Haplogroup X (mtDNA)|Xenia]], and [[Haplogroup U (mtDNA)|Ursula]].''
*{{cite book | isbn = 978-0-393-05896-3 | title = Adam's Curse : A Future Without Men | last1 = Sykes | first1 = Bryan | year = 2004 | publisher = W.W. Norton | location = New York, NY | url-access = registration | url = }}
*{{cite book | isbn = 978-0-02-863586-6 | title = Complete Idiot's Guide to Decoding Your Genes | url = | url-access = registration | last1 = Tagliaferro | first1 = Linda |author2=Mark Vincent Bloom | year = 1999 | publisher = Alpha Books | location = New York, NY }}
*{{cite book | isbn = 978-0-8129-7146-0 | title = The Journey of Man : A Genetic Odyssey | last1 = Wells | first1 = Spencer | year = 2004 | publisher = Random House Trade Paperbacks | location = New York, NY }}
*{{cite book | isbn = 978-1-4403-0057-8 | title = The Family Tree Guide to DNA Testing and Genetic Genealogy (2nd edition 31 Aug. 2019) | last1 = Bettinger | first1 = Blaine | year = 2019 | publisher = Family Tree Books | location = Cincinnati, Ohio, USA }} "Highly recommended book for beginners by various professional genetic genealogists and advanced amateur genealogists, and on genetic genealogy Facebook groups".
{{cite AV media |people=Jennifer Beamish (producer); Clive Maltby (director); [[Spencer Wells]] (host) |date=2003 |title=The Journey of Man |medium=DVD |location=Alexandria, VA |publisher=[[PBS|PBS Home Video]] |asin=B0000AYL48 |isbn=978-0-7936-9625-3 |oclc=924430061 }}
*{{cite journal|last1=Decker |doi=10.1016/j.fsigen.2007.01.012|pmid=19083761|title=The impact of additional Y-STR loci on resolving common haplotypes and closely related individuals|year=2007 |first1=A.E.|last2=Kline|first2=M.C.|last3=Vallone|first3=P.M.|last4=Butler|first4=J.M.|journal=Forensic Science International: Genetics|volume=1|issue=2|pages=215–217|url=}}
*{{cite journal|last1=Dula |doi=10.1046/j.1471-8731.2003.00069.x|title=The Ethical and Social Implications of Exploring African American Genealogies|year=2003 |first1=Annette|last2=Royal|first2=Charmaine|last3=Secundy|first3=Marian Gray|last4=Miles|first4=Steven|journal=Developing World Bioethics|volume=3|issue=2|pages=133–41|pmid=14768645}}
*{{cite journal|last1=Elhaik |doi=10.1093/gbe/evt066|title=The GenoChip: A New Tool for Genetic Anthropology|year=2013 |first1=E.|last2=Greenspan|first2=E.|last3=Staats|first3=S.|last4=Krahn|first4=T.|last5=Tyler-Smith|first5=C.|last6=Xue|first6=Y.|last7=Tofanelli|first7=S.|last8=Francalacci|first8=P.|last9=Cucca|first9=F.|journal=Genome Biology and Evolution|volume=5|issue=5|pages=1021–31|pmid=23666864|pmc=3673633 }}
*{{cite journal|last1=El-Haj |doi=10.1525/ae.2007.34.2.223|title=Rethinking genetic genealogy: A response to Stephan Palmi|year=2007 |first1=Nadia ABU|journal=American Ethnologist|volume=34|issue=2|pages=223–226}}
*{{cite journal|last1=Fujimura |doi=10.1177/0306312710379170|title=Different differences: The use of 'genetic ancestry' versus race in biomedical human genetic research|year=2010 |first1=J. H.|last2=Rajagopalan|first2=R.|journal=Social Studies of Science|volume=41|pages=5–30|pmid=21553638|issue=1|pmc=3124377}}
*{{cite journal|last1=Golubovsky |doi=10.1093/humrep/den052|title=Unexplained infertility in Charles Darwin's family: Genetic aspect|year=2008 |first1=M.|journal=Human Reproduction|volume=23|issue=5|pages=1237–8|pmid=18353904|doi-access=free}}
*{{cite journal|last1=Gymrek |doi=10.1126/science.1229566|title=Identifying Personal Genomes by Surname Inference|year=2013 |first1=M.|last2=McGuire|first2=A. L.|last3=Golan|first3=D.|last4=Halperin|first4=E.|last5=Erlich|first5=Y.|s2cid=3473659|journal=Science|volume=339|issue=6117|pages=321–4|pmid=23329047|bibcode=2013Sci...339..321G}}
*{{cite journal|last1=Larmuseau |doi=10.1002/ajpa.22233|title=Genetic genealogy comes of age: Perspectives on the use of deep-rooted pedigrees in human population genetics|year=2013 |first1=M.H.D.|last2=Van Geystelen|first2=A.|last3=Van Oven|first3=M.|last4=Decorte|first4=R.|journal=American Journal of Physical Anthropology|volume=150|issue=4|pages=505–11|pmid=23440589}}
*{{cite journal|last1=Larmuseau |doi=10.1038/hdy.2012.17|title=In the name of the migrant father—Analysis of surname origins identifies genetic admixture events undetectable from genealogical records|year=2012 |first1=M H D|last2=Vanoverbeke|first2=J|last3=Gielis|first3=G|last4=Vanderheyden|first4=N|last5=Larmuseau|first5=H F M|last6=Decorte|first6=R|journal=Heredity|volume=109|issue=2|pages=90–5|pmid=22511074|pmc=3400745}}
*{{cite journal|last1=McEwen |doi=10.1016/j.tig.2013.02.001|title=Evolving approaches to the ethical management of genomic data|year=2013 |first1=Jean E.|last2=Boyer|first2=Joy T.|last3=Sun|first3=Kathie Y.|journal=Trends in Genetics|volume=29|issue=6|pages=375–82|pmid=23453621|pmc=3665610}}
* {{cite journal | last1 = Moore | first1 = CeCe | year = 2016 | title = The History of Genetic Genealogy and Unknown Parentage Research: An Insider's View | journal = Journal of Genetic Genealogy | volume = 8 | issue = 1| pages = 35–37 }}
*{{cite journal|last1=Nash |doi=10.1080/0950238042000181593|title=Genetic kinship|year=2004 |first1=Catherine|journal=Cultural Studies|volume=18|pages=1–33|s2cid=218547032}}
*{{cite journal|last1=Nelson |doi=10.1177/0306312708091929|title=Bio Science: Genetic Genealogy Testing and the Pursuit of African Ancestry|year=2008 |first1=A.|s2cid=7654852|journal=Social Studies of Science|volume=38|issue=5|pages=759–83|pmid=19227820}}
*{{cite journal|last1=Royal |doi=10.1016/j.ajhg.2010.03.011|title=Inferring Genetic Ancestry: Opportunities, Challenges, and Implications|year=2010 |first1=Charmaine D.|last2=Novembre|first2=John|last3=Fullerton|first3=Stephanie M.|last4=Goldstein|first4=David B.|last5=Long|first5=Jeffrey C.|last6=Bamshad|first6=Michael J.|last7=Clark|first7=Andrew G.|journal=The American Journal of Human Genetics|volume=86|issue=5|pages=661–673|pmid=20466090|pmc=2869013}}
*{{cite journal|last1=Sims |doi=10.1371/journal.pone.0005792|title=Improved Resolution Haplogroup G Phylogeny in the Y Chromosome, Revealed by a Set of Newly Characterized SNPs|year=2009|editor1-last=Batzer|editor1-first=Mark A |first1=Lynn M.|last2=Garvey|first2=Dennis|last3=Ballantyne|first3=Jack|journal=PLOS ONE|volume=4|issue=6|pages=e5792|pmid=19495413|pmc=2686153|bibcode=2009PLoSO...4.5792S|doi-access=free}}
*{{cite journal|last1=Su |doi=10.1007/s12687-011-0048-y|title=Users' motivations to purchase direct-to-consumer genome-wide testing: An exploratory study of personal stories|year=2011 |first1=Yeyang|last2=Howard|first2=Heidi C.|last3=Borry|first3=Pascal|journal=Journal of Community Genetics|volume=2|issue=3|pages=135–46|pmid=22109820|pmc=3186033}}
*{{cite journal|last1=Tutton |doi=10.1080/1463677042000189606|title="They want to know where they came from": Population genetics, identity, and family genealogy|year=2004 |first1=Richard|s2cid=22737465|journal=New Genetics and Society|volume=23|pages=105–20|pmid=15470787|issue=1}}
*{{cite journal|last1=Van Oven |doi=10.1002/humu.20921|title=Updated comprehensive phylogenetic tree of global human mitochondrial DNA variation|year=2009 |first1=Mannis|last2=Kayser|first2=Manfred|s2cid=27566749|journal=Human Mutation|volume=30|issue=2|pages=E386–94|pmid=18853457|doi-access=free}}
*{{cite journal|last1=Williams |doi=10.1007/s11013-005-7426-3|pmid=16249951|title=Genetic Genealogy: The Woodson Family's Experience|year=2005 |first1=Sloan R.|journal=Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry|volume=29|issue=2|pages=225–252|s2cid=24648033}}
*{{cite journal|last1=Wolinsky |doi=10.1038/sj.embor.7400843|title=Genetic genealogy goes global. Although useful in investigating ancestry, the application of genetics to traditional genealogy could be abused|year=2006 |first1=Howard|journal=EMBO Reports|volume=7|issue=11|pages=1072–4|pmid=17077861|pmc=1679782}}
*{{cite journal |last1=Zabel |first1=Joseph |doi=10.15779/Z385D8NF71|title=The Killer Inside Us: Law, Ethics, and the Forensic Use of Family Genetics |journal=Berkeley Journal of Criminal Law |date=2019 |volume=24 |issue=2 |doi-broken-date=31 July 2022 |url=}}
*{{cite journal|last1=Greytak |doi=10.1016/j.forsciint.2019.03.039
|title=Genetic genealogy for cold case and active investigations
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