TheNama genus name of ''[[Clitoria]]'' ismerupakan aterjemahan directlangsung translationdari fromnama thelokal localtumbuhan nametersebut of these plant in thedalam [[bahasa Ternate language]]; which called asyakni '{{lang|tft|Telangtelang}}', literallyyang secara harfiah meansberarti "[[clitorisklitoris]]", duedisebut todemikian itsoleh shape[[suku thatTernate|etnis resemblesTernate]] thekarena shapebentuk oftumbuhan humanini [[Vulva|femaleyang genitals]].menyerupai Thebentuk firstalat referencekelamin toperempuan themanusia. genus,Referensi whichpertama includesuntuk angenus, illustrationyang ofmencakup theilustrasi planttumbuhan, wasdibuat madepada intahun 1678 byoleh [[Jacob Breyne|Jakób Breyne]], aseorang [[Poland|Polish]]naturalis naturalistPolandia, whoyang describedmenggambarkannya it assebagai ''Flos clitoridis ternatensibus'', meaningyang berarti '[[Ternate|Ternatean]]Bunga flowerklitoris of the clitorisTernate'.<ref>{{Cite journal |jstor = 4034108|title = Nomenclatural Notes on the Genus Clitoria for the Flora North American Project|journal = Castanea|volume = 65|issue = 2|pages = 89–92|last1 = Fantz|first1 = Paul R.|year = 2000}}</ref><ref>{{cite book |last=Breyne |first=Jakób |date=1678 |title=Exoticarum aliarumque minus cognitarum plantarum centuria prima |trans-title=Exotic and other less-known plants of the first century |url= |language=Latin |location=Biblioteca Digital del Real Jardin Botanico de Madrid |publisher=David-Fridericus Rhetius}}</ref> Meanwhile on the other handSedangkan, thenama speciesspesiesnua namediambil isdari derivednama frompulau theasal namespesimen ofLinnaeus thetersebut; islandyang where thesemerupakan [[Carlpulau Linnaeus|Linnaeus'sTernate]] specimensyang originated;terletak whichdi isbagian theutara [[Ternate Island]] located in [[NorthKepulauan Maluku|northern part of the Maluku Islands]].<ref name="oguis-review-2019">{{cite journal |last1=Oguis |first1=Georgianna K. |last2=Gilding |first2=Edward K. |last3=Jackson |first3=Mark A. |last4=Craik |first4=David J. |title=Butterfly Pea (Clitoria ternatea), a Cyclotide-Bearing Plant with Applications in Agriculture and Medicine |journal=Frontiers in Plant Science |date=28 May 2019 |volume=10 |pages=645 |doi=10.3389/fpls.2019.00645 |pmid=31191573 |pmc=6546959 |doi-access=free }}</ref><ref name="Gen History"></ref>