[[Image:Berkeley in Alameda County.png|thumb|right|280px|Kota Berkeley disoroti di dalam [[Kabupaten Alameda]].]]
<!--== Sejarah ==
Lokasi Kota Berkeley sekarang dulunya adalah wilayah kelompok
The site of today's City of Berkeley was the territory of the Chochen/Huichin band of the [[Ohlone]] people when the first Europeans arrived. Remnants of their existence in the area include pits in various rock formations which were used to grind acorns from native [[oak]] trees, and a [[shellmound]] now mostly leveled and covered up along the shoreline of [[San Francisco Bay]] at the mouth of [[Strawberry Creek]]. Other artifacts were discovered in the 1950's in the downtown area during the remodeling of a commercial building, near the course of the same Strawberry Creek.
Chochen/Huichin dari suku bangsa Indian [[Ohlone]] ketika bangsa-bangsa Eropa pertama tiba. Sisa-sisa keberadaan mereka di wilayah ini, termasuk lubang-lubang di berbagai formasi batu karang yang dahulu digunakan untuk menggiling biji [[oak]] dari pohon-pohon asli daerah ini, dan [[gundukan kerang]] yang kini hampir diratakan dan tertutupi di sepanjang pantai [[Teluk San Francisco]] di muara [[Strawberry Creek]]. Artefak-artefak lainnya ditemukan pada tahun 1950-an di daerah pusat kota ketika sebuah bangunan komersial sedang diperbaiki, dekat aliran Strawberry Creek yang sama.
TheNenek firstmoyang peoplebangsa ofEropa European ancestrypertama (mostkebanyakan ofsesungguhnya whomberdarah werecampuran actuallydan ofdilahirkan mixeddi ancestry and born in AmericaAmerika) arrivedtiba withbersamaan thedengan [[Ekspedisi De Anza Expedition]] ofpada 1776, whichyang iskini todayditandai notedoleh bypetunjuk signage onpada U.S. [[Interstate 80]] whichyang runsmerentang alongsepanjang thegaris pantai Teluk San Francisco Bay shoreline ofdi Berkeley. TheHasil Ekspedisi De Anza Expeditionadalah resulted in the establishment of thedidirikannya Spanish [[Presidio of San Francisco|Presidio]] atSpanyol di thepintu entrancemasuk toTeluk San Francisco Bay (the "[[Golden Gate]]") whichyang isterletak duedi westsebelah ofbarat Berkeley. AmongDi theantara soldierstentara-tentara servingyang atbertugas thedi Presidio was oneadalah [[Luís María Peralta|Luís Peralta]]. ForKarena hispelayananannya services to thekepada [[King ofRaja SpainSpanyol]], heia wasdianugrahi grantedsebidang atanah vastyang extentluas ofdi landpantai ontimur the east shore ofTeluk San Francisco Bay (the "contra costa") foruntuk adijadikan ''[[ranch]]'', including that portion whichtermasuk nowbagian comprisesyang thekini Citymenjadi ofKota Berkeley.
Luis Peralta namedmenamai his holdingtanahnya "[[Rancho San Antonio (Wakaf Peralta Grant)|Rancho San Antonio]]". TheKegiatan primary activity of theutama ranch wasini theadalah raisingmemelihara ofternak cattleuntuk fordiambil meatdaging anddan hides,kulitnya. butSelain huntingitu andjuga farmingberburu weredan also pursuedbertani. Pada Eventuallyakhirnya, hePeralta gavemenyerahkan portionsbagian-bagian ofdari hisranchnya ranchkepada tokeempat eachanak of his four sonslaki-lakinya. Sebagian Mostbesar ofdari thebagian portionyang thatkini is nowmenjadi Berkeley wasadalah the domain of his sonmilik Domingo, theanaknya. restSisanya beingadalah heldkepunyaan byanaknya hisyang sonlain, Vicente. NoTidak artifactada survivesartefak ofyang thetersisa ranchesdari ofranch kepunyaan Domingo orataupun Vicente, althoughmeskipun theirnama namesmereka havedilestarikan beendalam preservedbentuk innama thesejumlah namingjalan ofdi Berkeley streets (Vicente, Domingo, anddan Peralta). HoweverNamun demikian, thesurat legalkepemilikan titlesah toatas alltanah landdi in the City ofKota Berkeley remainstetap baseddidasarkan onpada thewakaf originaltanah Peralta landyang grantasli.
Rancho keluarga Peralta, San Antonio, berlanjut setelah [[Alta California]] beralih dari kekuasaan Spanyol kepada Meksiko sebagai akibat dari [[Perang Kemerdekaan Meksiko]]. Namun, kedatangan kekuasaan Amerika Serikat sebagai akibat [[Perang Meksiko]], dan khususnya, [[Demam Emas]], menyebabkan tanah milik keluarga Peralta dengan cepat digerogoti oleh para pendatang dan berkurang karena berbagai tuntutan hukum yang tidak jelas. Tanah Domingo dan Vicente dengan segera dikurangi dengan kehadiran sejumlah reservasi dekat rumah ranch mereka masing-masing. Sisa tanahnya disurvai dan dibagi-bagi kepada berbagai orang Amerika yang menuntutnya.
The Peraltas' Rancho San Antonio continued after [[Alta California]] passed from Spanish to Mexican sovereignty as a result of the [[Mexican War of Independence]]. However, the advent of U.S. sovereignty as a result of the [[Mexican War]], and especially, the [[Gold Rush]], saw the Peralta's lands quickly encroached on by squatters and diminished by dubious legal proceedings. The lands of the brothers Domingo and Vicente were quickly reduced to reservations close to their respective ranch homes. The rest of the land was surveyed and parceled out to various American claimants.
PoliticallySecara politik, thedaerah areayang that becamemenjadi Berkeley waspada initiallymulanya partmerupakan ofbagian a vastdari [[Kabupaten Contra Costa County]], butyang shortlysangat luas, Alamedanamun Countytak waslama createdkemudian byKabupaten divisionAlameda ofdibentuk dengan membagi Kabupaten Contra Costa County.
Wilayah di mana kelak berdiri Berkeley pada masa ini kebanyakan adalah campuran dari tanah terbuka, tanah pertanian dan ranch, dengan sebuah pelabuhan nelayan yang kecil namun sibuk di Teluk. Namanya belum menjadi "Berkeley", melainkan cuma bagian utara dari "Kota Oakland" yang merupakan sub-bagian dari Kabupaten Alameda.
The area of Berkeley was at this period mostly a mix of open land, farms and ranches, with a small though busy wharf by the Bay. It was not yet "Berkeley", but merely the northern part of the "Oakland Township" subdivision of Alameda County.
<!--In [[1866]], the private [[College of California]] located in the city of Oakland sought out a new site. They picked a location north of Oakland along the foot of the Contra Costa Hills (later called the Berkeley Hills) astride Strawberry Creek, and at about an elevation of 500 feet above the Bay, commanding a fantastic view of the Bay Area and the Pacific Ocean through the Golden Gate.
According to the ''Centennial Record of the University of California'', "In 1866...at [[Founders' Rock]], a group of College of California men were watching two ships standing out to sea through the [[Golden Gate]]. One of them, Frederick Billings, was reminded of the lines of [[George Berkeley|Bishop Berkeley]], 'westward the course of empire takes its way,' and suggested that the town and college site be named for the eighteenth-century British philosopher and poet."